4 research outputs found

    Mediation In Settlement of Joint Marital Property Disputes: Study At Tanjung Karang Religious Court, Lampung

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    In general, after a divorce, there are frequent disputes relating to joint marital property.   The settlement of joint marital property disputes can be carried out through a mediation process applied through litigation (court) and non-litigation (outside court). The settlement of joint marital property disputes is one of the absolute jurisdictions of Religious Courts. The number of joint marital property cases successfully mediated in Religious Courts throughout Indonesia in 2018 was 6.2%, in 2019 was 5,5%. This paper describes the factors that cause unsuccessful mediation in settling disputes over joint marital properties at Tanjung Karang Religious Court, Lampung. This empirical study with qualitative analysis and a normative juridical approach interviews mediator judges, disputants, and advocates. The research results show that the implementation of the mediation process in settlements of joint marital property disputes at Tanjung Karang Religious Court in the last four years is 15.1%, which is in the low category. Factors that influence the unsuccessfulness of mediation in joint marital property disputes at Tanjung Karang Religious Court are the absence of the parties, the disputed object, and the intervention of third parties (family, friends, and lawyers)


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    The phenomenon of husband or wife working as Indonesian Labor (TKI) is not a new among people of Tresnorejo village, Kebumen, Jawa Tengah.  The reason they work as TKI is to improve the welfare of households, because Tresnorejo’s villager income still low. Their  job they rely on is making a caping - Asian conical hat made of plaited bamboo. In Islamic law, the husband requires to give his wife and family needs, like clothing, food and house. Wife is not forbidden to work in order to help her husband earning a living for the family. On the basis of voluntary work of his wife, the work considered charity for the husband . The implementation of the rights and obligations between husband and wife in the family did not violate Islamic law, because of the balance between madārat and maslahah, but it could also result in a negative on the family. Islamic law does not forbid, his wife helped work to earn a living for the family. On the basis of voluntary work with his wife, then considered the husband wife charity. Implementation of the fulfillment of the rights and obligations of husband and wife in the family did not violate Islamic law, TKI, as between mad}ārat and mas}lah}ah it is balanced, but it could also result in a negative impact on the family.[Fenomena suami atau istri bekerja sebagai TKI bukanlah fenomena baru bagi masyarakat Desa Tresnorejo. Faktor yang mendorong suami atau istri bekerja sebagai TKI adalah ingin meningkatkan kesejahteraan rumah tangga. Hal ini disebabkan oleh penghasilan warga Desa Tresnorejo yang masih kurang (hanya mengandalkan hasil dari pertanian dan usaha membuat tudung—caping yang terbuat dari anyaman bambu). Hukum Islam mewajibkan suami untuk menafkahi istri dan keluarganya; mulai dari sandang, pangan sampai papan. Hukum Islam tidak melarang, istrinya membantu bekerja mencari nafkah untuk keluarga. Atas dasar istrinya bekerja dengan sukarela, maka dianggap sedekah istri kepada suami. Pelaksanaan pemenuhan hak dan kewajiban suami istri pada keluarga TKI tidak melanggar hukum Islam, karena antara mad}ārat dan māslah}ah  itu seimbang, namun hal tersebut juga bisa mengakibatkan dampak negatif pada keluarga.


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    Family Planning Program is handled by the National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN),  is a form of human endeavor in order to address the population problem by controlling the population with the goal of achieving a prosperous and happy families. In Indonesia, a vasectomy is a contraceptive in the national family planning program, and  considered  the only way of the family planning for men who are the most secure, reliable and does not cost a lot to swallow.  Vasectomy is a method of family planning for men through a small operation with a knife or surgery without a knife to cut and tie the two lines so that the sperm at the time of intercourse, sperm can not fertilize an egg out the wife so that is not the case of pregnancy. It is clear that a vasectomy is different from other birth control methods, which are usually temporary, can be terminated at any time, here vasectomy is more permanent. This article examines participation of husbands in family planning in the perspective of Islamic.[Program Keluarga Berencana yang ditangani oleh Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN) merupakan bentuk usaha manusia dalam rangka mengatasi masalah kependudukan melalui pengendalian penduduk dengan tujuan mewujudkan keluarga yang sejahtera dan bahagia. Di Indonesia, vasektomi merupakan salah satu kontrasepsi dalam program KB Nasional, dianggap satu-satunya cara ber-KB bagi pria yang paling aman, dapat dipercaya dan tidak menelan banyak biaya. Vasektomi merupakan cara ber-KB bagi pria melalui operasi kecil dengan menggunakan pisau operasi atau tanpa pisau untuk memotong dan mengikat kedua saluran sel mani sehingga pada waktu senggama, sperma tidak dapat keluar membuahi sel telur istri sehingga tidak terjadi kehamilan. Jelaslah bahwa vasektomi berbeda dengan metode-metode kontrasepsi lainnya, yang pada umumnya bersifat sementara, sewaktu-waktu dapat dihentikan, di sini vasektomi lebih bersifat permanen. Tulisan ini mengkaji peran serta suami melakukan vasektomi ditinjau dari hukum Islam.


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    This article discusses the level of literacy traditions in Indonesia, especially with regard to the publication of comparatively low scientific journal articles. Psychologically, one that affects the level of scientific journal publications relates to the motivation of the authors. This article describes the views and motivations of authors of the Al-Ahwal Journal: Journal of Islamic Family Law, one of the nationally accredited journals (Rank two), published by Islamic Family Law Study Program, Syari'ah Faculty and Law, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Sources of research data were 30 respondents as article writers and 2 speakers. The data is analyzed through a psychological perspective, using motivational theories developed by Abraham Maslow and Alderfer. The study revealed that the motivation to write articles in journals is not based on the fulfillment of physiological needs and the need for security as in Maslow's hierarchy of needs, nor is it driven by the existence needs in Alderfer's theory. The writing tradition in Al-Ahwal's journal was motivated more by social needs and self-actualization in Maslow's theory, or based on factors to meet the needs of social relations and self-development as found in Alderfer's theory. [Artikel ini membahas tingkat tradisi literasi di Indonesia, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan publikasi artikel jurnal ilmiah yang relatif rendah. Secara psikologis, yang mempengaruhi tingkat publikasi jurnal ilmiah berkaitan dengan motivasi penulis. Artikel ini menjelaskan pandangan dan motivasi penulis Jurnal Al-Ahwal: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam, salah satu jurnal terakreditasi nasional (Peringkat dua), yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Hukum Keluarga Islam, Fakultas Syari'ah dan Hukum, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Sumber data penelitian adalah 30 responden sebagai penulis artikel dan 2 pembicara. Data dianalisis melalui perspektif psikologis, menggunakan teori motivasi yang dikembangkan oleh Abraham Maslow dan Alderfer. Studi ini mengungkapkan bahwa motivasi untuk menulis artikel di jurnal tidak didasarkan pada pemenuhan kebutuhan fisiologis dan kebutuhan akan keamanan seperti dalam hierarki kebutuhan Maslow, juga tidak didorong oleh kebutuhan yang ada dalam teori Alderfer. Tradisi penulisan dalam jurnal Al-Ahwal lebih termotivasi oleh kebutuhan sosial dan aktualisasi diri dalam teori Maslow, atau berdasarkan faktor untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hubungan sosial dan pengembangan diri seperti yang ditemukan dalam teori Alderfer.