43 research outputs found

    Damage Identification of Functionally Graded Beams using Modal Flexibility Sensitivity-based Damage Index

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    Over the past decades, numerous damage diagnosis techniques based on modal flexibility have been studied and developed for various types of structures, but rarely for structures made of functionally graded (FG) materials. This paper aims to present the extensive applicability of a modal flexibility sensitivity-based damage index termed as MFBDI for damage identification of FG beams. The formulation of this damage index is based on the closed-form of modal flexibility sensitivity derived from the direct algebraic method. The applicability of the offered damage identification method is numerically demonstrated on a clamped-clamped FG beam and a two-span FG beam under (i) single and multiple damage cases, (ii) noise-polluted measurement data, and (iii) only the information of the first few incomplete modes. The identification results indicate that when the noise level added to the mode shape data is below 10%, the offered method can correctly localize the locations of damaged elements and approximately quantify their damage magnitudes in the FG beams. In addition, the influences of the number of used modes, damage magnitudes, and gradient index values are also investigated in the numerical simulations

    The Effect of Awareness on the Behavior of Advertisement on Social Network Basis for Cosmetic Products Line

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    The study examines the factors affecting the perception and interaction behavior with advertising cosmetic products. The authors used SPSS and Smart PLS software to conduct statistics and analyze survey results. The results of data analysis show that there are 5 factors that directly affect the perception of avoidance: Health concerns; Doubts about advertising intermediaries; Privacy concerns; Information value; Obstructing cognitive goals. The factor that directly affects Avoidant Behavior is Perception of avoidance, there are 5 factors that indirectly affect Avoidant Behavior: Health concerns; Doubts about advertising intermediaries; Privacy concerns; Information value; Obstructing cognitive goals. At the same time, the research also shows that negative experiences do not affect the impact process from Avoidant Perception to Avoidant Behavior. This study has important practical elements for businesses, managers and even social network users in reducing users' awareness and avoidance of advertising

    Study, Design and Construction of an Early Warning Environmental Radiation Monitoring Station

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    We report on the design and construction of an Early Warning Environmental Radiation Monitoring Station (EWERMS), used ONLINE in the environmental radiation monitoring and early warning network. It has a  high sensitivity and can send a prompt alarm signal via Internet to the emergency management office. It includes four gamma probes: one NaI(Tl) and three Geiger Mueller (GM) detectors. The NaI(TL) detector is used to monitor spectrum environmental radiation and measure the isotopic composition, the GM detectors are used to detect and measure high gamma ray rates. The instrument has been designed to be used outdoor and tolerate large and rapid temperature variations. The photomultiplier tubes (PMT), amplifiers and Analog To Digital (ADC) gains are stabilized using pulsed LEDs as precision reference light sources

    HIV-Associated TB in An Giang Province, Vietnam, 2001–2004: Epidemiology and TB Treatment Outcomes

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    BACKGROUND: Mortality is high in HIV-infected TB patients, but few studies from Southeast Asia have documented the benefits of interventions, such as co-trimoxazole (CTX), in reducing mortality during TB treatment. To help guide policy in Vietnam, we studied the epidemiology of HIV-associated TB in one province and examined factors associated with outcomes, including the impact of CTX use. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We retrospectively abstracted data for all HIV-infected persons diagnosed with TB from 2001-2004 in An Giang, a province in southern Vietnam in which TB patients receive HIV counseling and testing. We used standard WHO definitions to classify TB treatment outcomes. We conducted multivariate analysis to identify risk factors for the composite outcome of death, default, or treatment failure during TB treatment. From 2001-2004, 637 HIV-infected TB patients were diagnosed in An Giang. Of these, 501 (79%) were male, 321 (50%) were aged 25-34 years, and the most common self-reported HIV risk factor was sex with a commercial sex worker in 221 (35%). TB was classified as smear-positive in 531 (83%). During TB treatment, 167 (26%) patients died, 9 (1%) defaulted, and 6 (1%) failed treatment. Of 454 patients who took CTX, 116 (26%) had an unsuccessful outcome compared with 33 (70%) of 47 patients who did not take CTX (relative risk, 0.4; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.3-0.5). Adjusting for male sex, rural residence, TB smear status and disease location, and the occurrence of adverse events during TB treatment in multivariate analysis, the benefit of CTX persisted (adjusted odds ratio for unsuccessful outcome 0.1; CI, 0.1-0.3). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In An Giang, Vietnam, HIV-associated TB was associated with poor TB treatment outcomes. Outcomes were significantly better in those taking CTX. This finding suggests that Vietnam should consider applying WHO recommendations to prescribe CTX to all HIV-infected TB patients

    Farmer participatory research in cassava soil management and varietal dissemination in Vietnam: Results of phase 1 and plans for phase 2 of the Nippon Foundation project

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    Farmer participatory research (FPR) in Vietnam has been carried out since 1994 as part of the Nippon Foundation project. This is a collaborative project between Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry (TNUAF), the National Institute for Soils and Fertilizers (NISF) and the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT). The objective of the project is to enhance the adoption of soil conservation practices and improved cultural techniques in cassava fields. Two villages in Pho Yen district, Thai Nguyen province, one in Thanh Ba district, Phu Tho province, and one in Luong Son district, Hoa Binh province, were selected as pilot sites for implementing the FPR methodology in phase 1 (1994-1998). By using RRA and PRA methods in conducting the participatory diagnosis some limiting factors in cassava production were identified. Demonstration plots with 16 treatments on different ways to improve soil fertility and methods to control soil erosion were also established at Thai Nguyen University.\ Based on the results of the RRA and discussion, farmers selected four technical options, i.e. the use of contour hedgerows to control soil erosion, intercropping, application of fertilizers and new varieties, to test in FPR trials on their own fields. Result of the FPR trials on farmers fields indicate that the combination of intercropping with peanut, planting of contour hedgerows of vetiver grass or Tephrosia candida, and the use of a well-balanced NPK application were considered as the most promising practices at both pilot sites; these practices not only increased farmers’ income but also reduced soil erosion by 20-40% in comparison with the check plot of monocropping and without hedgerows. The results of the FPR trials were evaluated each year by the farmers during the field days at time of harvest and were used to plan the trials for the next year. After four years of research, farmers have adopted the application of balanced NPK fertilizers and some are establishing contour hedgerows of Tephrosia candida or vetiver grass. However, the widespread adoption of new cassava varieties by the farmers was the best result of the first phase of the project. New cassava varieties, such as KM60, KM94, KM95-3, and KM98-7, are now planted extensively, not only by farmers that participated in the research program but also by other farmers. FPR is the best method to develop and transfer technologies with farmers. The number of farmers that wanted to participate increased from 1994 to 1998, indicating the effectiveness of the participatory research approach. The main objectives in the second phase are: - To develop new and innovative FPR methodologies by using various methods of participatory research at about 20 pilot sites in Vietnam, in order to overcome constraints identified at the farm level. -To disseminate new technologies that increase income and help to conserve soil productivity, identified by farmers, to at least 3000 other cassava farmers. -To build and strengthen the capacity of researchers, extensionists and cassava farmers in using participatory approaches for self-development

    Farmer participatory research in cassava soil management and varietal dissemination in Vietnam

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    Farmer Participatory Research (FPR) in Vietnam has been carried out since 1994 in collaboration with CIAT, with the objective of improving the adoption of soil conservation practices in cassava fields. Two villages in Pho Yen district, Bac Thai province; one in Thanh Hoa district, Vinh Phu province; and one in Luong Son district of Hoa Binh province were selected as pilot sites for implementing the FPR methodology. In 1994: By using RRA and PRA methods in conducting diagnostic surveys, some main limiting factors in cassava production were identified, such as lack of suitable planting methods for soil erosion control and lack of knowledge about balanced fertilizer application and about high yielding varieties. Therefore, demonstration plot with 17 treatments on different ways to improve soil fertility and methods to control soil erosion, were established at the Agro-forestry College in Thai Ngyen, Bac Thai. Farmers' field days were held to show the demonstration plots to farmers and extensionists from two of the selected districts in mid Nov, 1994. Based on the results and discussion, seven treatments were identified by farmers as promising treatments for 1995. Farmers also discussed how to arrange these in simple FPR trials in their own fields. In 1995: Twenty five farmers of two villages in Pho Yen and ten farmers in Thanh Hoa districts participated in the project by conducting research on their own fields. At time of harvest, a farmers field day was held in both districts in mid Nov, 1995. Fanners and researchers joined in the harvest and in the discussion of the results. Some best treatments were identified. The treatments of cassava intercropped with peanut and contour hedgerows of vetiver grass, combined with balanced NPK application, was considered as the most promising practice at both pilot sites, as soil erosion losses were reduced by 20-40% compared to the check plot of cassava grown in monoculture and without hedgerows. In Pho Yen district, cassava yields in this treatment were about the same as the check plot, but net income increased 9-36%. In Thanh Hoa, cassava yields increased about 9% compared to the check plot, while net income increased by 23%. In this location cassava intercropped with peanut increased net income from 131 to 273% over cassava monoculture. Farmers who tested new promising clones considered KM60 and CM4995-7 as the most suitable for their conditions; these clones increased yields from 1 .7 to 4. 1 t/ha over the check variety Vinh Phu. These initial results are encouraging more and more farmers to participate in the FPR trials. The number of farmers participating in 1996 increased and some of them can conduct the trials now by themselves

    Improvement of Rice Cropping Technique in the Mekong Delta Farming Systems

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    Rice production in the Mekong Delta has increased rapidly in recent years under Doi Moi policy. Farming Systems which combine agriculture, animal husbandry and fisheries have also been promoted. Through the cooperative research project with Cuu Long Delta Rice Research Institute (CLRRI), Cantho University (CTU) and Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS), research work is being carried out. Some approaches such as development of a method of diagnosis by leaf color measurement for the control of rice growth and yield components of rice, fertilizer application methods including nitrogen top dressing at the booting stage aiming at improving the nitrogen recovery rate and stabilizing yield, phosphate fertilizer application in the wet season, or water management in fields for the prevention of lodging in direct-seeded rice, should contribute to the development of low input sustainable rice production within the Mekong Delta Farming Systems.ベトナムに所属するメコンデルタ(面積は39,000km2)の中心地,カントー市の気候条件は年間の平均気温26.6℃,降水最1,632mm,日照時間2,592時間と恵まれており,稲の栽培も盛んである。かって,第2次世界大戦後の相次ぐ戦争の影響で生産活動は停滞していたが,1986年以降のドイモイ政策とファーミングシステム・アプローチ(農業研究者,行政担当者等による農業振興運動)による,運河(canal)掘削等の基盤整備,耐病性・耐虫性に優れたIRRIの高収品種の導入,ベトナムの研究機関における新品種の育成,直播栽培技術の改善と普及等が推進された。これと市場経済の促進によって向上した農民の生産意欲とがあいまって,開墾のみならず水稲の2期・3期作の導入等による作付け面積の拡大と単収の増加が実現し,米の生産量は急速に増加している。 こうした情勢の中で,クーロンデルタ稲研究所とカントー大学との共同で,国際農林水産業研究センターの総合プロジェクト研究「メコンデルタにおける農畜水複合技術体系の評価と改善」が1994年度から1998年度にわたって実施されている。研究はなお継続中であるが,本報では筆頭著者が1995年から1997年にかけて,ファーミングシステムの中心となっている稲作の現状と改善方向について検討してきた結果をまとめて報告する。 葉色を中心とした生育診断試験では,葉色と葉身の窒素含有量との間には生育各期に高い正の相関関係があり,メコンデルタにおいても,重要な生育診断指標であることが分かり,また,収量との関係では幼穂形成期の葉色が濃い区での倒伏の発生と収量の低下が認められた。こうした結果の検討を受けて実施した施肥法試験では,初期の窒素追肥を抑え,穂孕期に追肥することによって増収し,生育制御技術の適用の重要性が示唆された。隣接するソンハウステートファームにおける農家圃場の調査では,農場が指導している中庸な施肥水準が遵守され,農薬の使用回数も少なく,水準の高い稲作が実施されていること,ある農家では,圃場の水管理で安定した稲作を行っていること等が分かった。 こうした成果は,メコンデルタにおける低投入,持続型稲作技術の確立の基礎的な知見として役立つものと期待される