22 research outputs found

    Influência da borbulha de clones velhos e nucelares na muda de Citrus

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    A study was done with 4 sweet-orange cultivars, by the utilization of the same somatic tissue taken from two sources, namely an original old clone and its nucellar clone, in the obtention of Citrus plants. It was observed that nucellar buds had one influence on the vigour of the new plants and on the juvenility expression through presence of thorns. It was confirmed that the thorn presence is connected with the juvenil phase and not with the vegetative vigour.Foram estudados para 4 cultivares de laranjas-doces, a utilização do mesmo tecido somático, porém de duas origens - do clone velho original e do nucelar na obtenção de mudas de Citrus. Observou-se influência das borbulhas de origem nucelar no vigor das mudas e sua expressão de juvenilidade através da presença de espinhos. Confirmou-se que a presença de espinhos está ligada à fase juvenil e não ao vigor vegetativo