6 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Lipase from an Indigenous Isolated Bacillus Strain for Biodiesel Production

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    Lipases are utilized in biodiesel production utilizing various types of substrates. The use of lipase in bioenergy production aims to reduce energy crises and environmental pollution. Lipase-producing indigenous bacteria Bacillus licheniformis (Accession no. OP56979) and Bacillus rugosus (Accession no. OP56980) were isolated from various oil-contaminated sites. The isolated potential lipolytic bacteria were screened for maximum lipase production. Then, the bacteria showing the highest lipolytic activity were subjected to identification using the 16s rRNA technique while other isolated were identified biochemically. Lipase [LipBL-WII(c)] from Bacillus licheniformis having the highest lipolytic activity expressed various characteristics. Characterization of crude LipBL-WII(c) expressed that it showed stability in a wide range of pH (4 to 10) with optimum lipolytic activity observed at pH 8. It was then found to be active at a temperature range from 20°C to 80°C with optimal at 50°C. Lipase activity was also stimulated in metal ions such as Ca+1, Mg2+, and Zn2+ the most. Furthermore, LipBL-WII(c) retained lipolytic activity in the presence of various organic solvents and surfactants. The kinetic parameters (Km and Vmax) for LipBL-WII(c) were ascertained using Lineweaver- Burk plot. LipBL-WII(c) showed a potential for biodiesel production using olive oil as a source. Lipase gave 84% yield of biodiesel production from olive oil. Thus, it could be employed as a potential candidate for green biodiesel production using oil sources

    Noise Analysis in Nanostructured Tunnel Field Devices

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    Tunnel Field Effect Transistors (TFETs) have appeared as an alternative candidate of “beyond CMOS” due to their advantages like very low leakage current and steep sub-threshold slope i.e. <60 mV/dec., etc. From past decades, researchers explored TFETs in terms of high ON current and steep subthreshold slope at low supply voltage i.e. < VDD = 0.5 V. The reliability issues of the device have profound impact on the circuit level design for practical perspectives. Noise is one of the important parameters in terms of reliability and very few research papers addressed this problem in comparison to other parameter study. Therefore, in this chapter, we discussed the impact of noise on Tunnel FET devices and circuits. The detail discussion has been done for the random telegraph noise, thermal noise, flicker noise, and shot noise for Si/Ge TFET and III-V TFETs. Recent research work for both low frequencies as well high frequency noise for different TFET device design has been discussed in details