885 research outputs found

    Junior Recital: Kamila Swerdloff, piano

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    Elective Recital: Kamila Swerdloff, piano

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    Senior Recital: Kamila Swerdloff, piano

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the specific effects of targeted English Language Arts (ELA) instruction using multimedia applications. Student reading comprehension, student attitude toward computers, and student attitude toward school were measured in this study. The study also examined the perceptions, of selected students, of the use of these applications. In this study, targeted ELA instruction was compared to similar instruction of ELA skills with the addition of multimedia software applications. In this study a sampling of grade 3 students in a medium-sized suburban school district received 10 weeks of targeted ELA instruction using traditional teaching methods. From this sample, approximately half of the students received instruction with ELA multimedia applications in lieu of a portion of the allotted ELA instruction time Two instruments were administered to all students as a pretest and as a posttest; the New York State English Language Arts Exam Part 1 (NYS ELA) and the Young Children’s Computer Inventory (YCCI). In addition, five students were selected for a semi-structured interview. The interviews explored the perceptions of the students who used the ELA multimedia applications in school and showed the greatest gain in reading comprehension scores at the conclusion of the treatment period. A pretest ANOVA was used to verify equivalency of groups for reach variable. Following this, a MANOVA revealed that students who participated in the treatment group and received ELA instruction using online multimedia applications scored significantly higher than students in the control group. Univariate ANOVA revealed that students in the treatment group scored higher on the attitude toward computers measure and the reading comprehension measure, and that there was no significant difference in scores on the attitude toward school measure between treatment and control groups. Analysis of the qualitative data revealed three themes that recurred throughout the five interviews. The themes were: having fun, learning content, and expressing emotions. Qualitative and quantitative data were triangulated, and implications for practitioners and researchers were discussed

    A Case of Steroid-Responsive Encephalopathy

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    Hashimoto\u27s encephalopathy (HE), also known as steroid-responsive encephalopathy, is associated with autoimmune-mediated thyroiditis. Onset is typically gradual often with evolution over the course of months. Characteristic symptoms include impaired concentration and memory, delusions, hallucinations, personality changes, incoordination, tremor, hemiparesis, seizures, and speech difficulties. Diagnosis is predicated upon discovery of elevated anti-thyroid antibodies, specifically anti-thyroid peroxidase (TPO) or anti-M antibodies. Some patients may also present with subclinical hypothyroidism but many are euthyroid. Of note, neither thyroid function tests or antibody titers correlate with disease severity. Other common laboratory findings include elevations in sedimentation rate, liver enzymes, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) protein. Radiological work-up, including cerebral angiography, is often normal. Successful treatment includes administration of steroids and/or intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) or plasmapheresis. We describe a case of a 74-year-old male who presented for evaluation of abrupt onset confusion ultimately determined to be a consequence of autoimmune-mediated thyroiditis

    Ziprasidone-Induced Oculogyric Crisis in a 74-Year-Old Female

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    Oculogyric crisis is a rare ocular dystonia first appearing at the turn of the last century in postencephalitic patients. In the modern era, they were most frequently associated with first-generation D1 dopaminergic receptor blocking antipsychotic medication. We present an unusual case of acute oculogyric crisis in a 74-year-old woman with long-standing Parkinson disease following exposure to the second-generation neuroleptic ziprasidone, which has dopaminergic (D2) and serotoninergic (5-HT2A) receptor blocking effects and is used for severe delusions and psychosis. To the best of our knowledge, there are no other published reports. Keywords: ziprasidone, oculogyric crisis, acute dystoni

    Hypogonadism in the Aging Male Diagnosis, Potential Benefits, and Risks of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

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    Hypogonadism in older men is a syndrome characterized by low serum testosterone levels and clinical symptoms often seen in hypogonadal men of younger age. These symptoms include decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, decreased vitality, decreased muscle mass, increased adiposity, depressed mood, osteopenia, and osteoporosis. Hypogonadism is a common disorder in aging men with a significant percentage of men over 60 years of age having serum testosterone levels below the lower limits of young male adults. There are a variety of testosterone formulations available for treatment of hypogonadism. Data from many small studies indicate that testosterone therapy offers several potential benefits to older hypogonadal men. A large multicenter NIH supported double blind, placebo controlled study is ongoing, and this study should greatly enhance the information available on efficacy and side effects of treatment. While safety data is available across many age groups, there are still unresolved concerns associated with testosterone therapy. We have reviewed the diagnostic methods as well as benefits and risks of testosterone replacement therapy for hypogonadism in aging men


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     El objeto del presente artículo es hacer una comparación entre el Satiricón y À rebours (1884) de Joris-Karl Husymans. El Sat. define explícitamente las características generales de una sociedad y un lenguaje en declinación o inmorales, y traduce tales características a diversos niveles retóricos y constructivos de la obra. La novela À rebours de Huysmans, por su parte, describe una sociedad y un lenguaje decadentes y a partir de tal descripción postula una práctica y una teoría de la literatura. Estas escrituras paródicas e hiperalusivas son un comentario irónico y falto de integridad sobre la ironía y la falta de integridad del lenguaje.  The object of this paper is to compare the Satyricon and À Rebours (1884) by Joris Karl Husymans. The Sat. explicitly defines the general characteristic of a inmoral society and language, and translate such characteristics to the various rethorical levels of the text. Joris-­Karl Huysmans uses the language of décadence to formulate a literature theory and an ars poetica of his own écriture artiste. These hiperalusive and parodic works are comentaries -­‐‑both ironic and lacking of integrity-on the irony and lacking of integrity of the language.El objeto del presente artículo es hacer una comparación entre el Satiricón y À rebours (1884) de Joris-Karl Husymans. El Sat. define explícitamente las características generales de una sociedad y un lenguaje en declinación o inmorales, y traduce tales características a diversos niveles retóricos y constructivos de la obra. La novela À rebours de Huysmans, por su parte, describe una sociedad y un lenguaje decadentes y a partir de tal descripción postula una práctica y una teoría de la literatura. Estas escrituras paródicas e hiperalusivas son un comentario irónico y falto de integridad sobre la ironía y la falta de integridad del lenguaje