275 research outputs found


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    Machine learning assisted optimization (MLAO) has become very important for improving the antenna design process because it consumes much less time than the traditional methods. These models' accountability can be checked by the accuracy metrics, which tell about the correctness of the predicted result. Machine learning (ML) methods, such as Gaussian Process Regression, Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), and Support Vector Machine (SVM), are used to simulate the antenna model to predict the reflection coefficient faster. This paper presents the optimization of Hybrid Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA) using machine learning models. Several regression models are applied to the dataset for optimization, and the best results are obtained using a random forest regression model with the accuracy of 97%. Additionally, the effectiveness of machine learning based antenna design is demonstrated through comparison with conventional design methods

    Assessment of the survival of dental implants in irradiated jaws following treatment of oral cancer: A retrospective study

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    Background: In patients undergoing head and neck surgery for various pathologic conditions, implants are one of the best restorative options and are increasing widely used. Therefore, we evaluated the success of dental implants in the irradiated jaws of patients following treatment of oral cancer oral cancer treated patients. Materials and Methods: Data of oral cancer treated patients was collected retrospectively from 2002 to 2008. We took 46 oral cancer treated patients in which implants were placed in irradiated jaws for rehabilitation.Results: It was found that out of 162 dental implants placed, 52 failed. Furthermore, there was no variation in the implant survival rate in between both the jaws.  Radiation dose of <50 Gy units also showed significantly increased amount of implant survival rate.Conclusions: Implant survival is multifactorial and depends upon a number of factors like level of radiation exposure in that area, time gap between last radiation doses etc., Further research is required in this field to improve the esthetics and quality of life of cancer treated patients.Keywords: Cancer, dental implants, radiation therap

    Angular Lens

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    We propose a single phase-only optical element that transforms different orbital angular momentum (OAM) modes into localized spots at separated angular positions on a transverse plane. We refer to this element as an angular lens since it separates out OAM modes in a manner analogous to how a converging lens separates out transverse wave-vector modes at the focal plane. We also simulate the proposed angular lens using a spatial light modulator and experimentally demonstrate its working. Our work can have important implications for OAM-based classical and quantum communication applications

    “Time is brain”- management of the patient with iatrogenic intracerebral hemorrhage

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    The brain is a critical organ of our body, which depends on a continuous supply of oxygen and glucose for normal functioning. An inadequate supply of oxygen and glucose can trigger a characteristic pathophysiological cascade leading to neuronal death. Multiple neuroprotective strategies have been developed blocking one or more steps along this cascade. Here, we report the case of an intracerebral hemorrhage during neurointerventional procedure in a catheterization laboratory. Accurate decision and timely intervention of neuroprotective strategies resulted in the complete neurological recovery of the patient

    An unusual case of anti-neutrophilic cytoplasmic autoantibodies associated vasculitis with pauci-immune crescentic glomerulonephritis in young? Wegener’s? Churg Strauss

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    Anti-neutrophilic cytoplasmic autoantibodies-associated vasculitis (AAV) is very rare in India. It normally affects older population around 6th and 7th decade of life. The management of cases is also complicated. We present a case of 18 year old male patient who came with complaints of epistaxis and had hematuria and pain in the joints. He had sub conjunctival haemorrhage on presentation. On and off he had respiratory symptoms and epistaxis in the past for which he was treated as allergy and bronchial asthma. At admission he had high absolute eosinophil count and had blood 3+ positive in urine. Initially he was treated as post viral vasculitis. But patient had involvement of kidney, lung, skin, joints, eyes and on further evaluation he was found to have AAV. The case was unique due to the age of presentation and patient also had overlapping symptoms of both Wegner’s granulomatosis and Churg-Strauss syndrome