28 research outputs found

    Suppression of uPAR Retards Radiation-Induced Invasion and Migration Mediated by Integrin β1/FAK Signaling in Medulloblastoma

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    Despite effective radiotherapy for the initial stages of cancer, several studies have reported the recurrence of various cancers, including medulloblastoma. Here, we attempt to capitalize on the radiation-induced aggressive behavior of medulloblastoma cells by comparing the extracellular protease activity and the expression pattern of molecules, known to be involved in cell adhesion, migration and invasion, between non-irradiated and irradiated cells.We identified an increase in invasion and migration of irradiated compared to non-irradiated medulloblastoma cells. RT-PCR analysis confirmed increased expression of uPA, uPAR, focal adhesion kinase (FAK), N-Cadherin and integrin subunits (e.g., α3, α5 and β1) in irradiated cells. Furthermore, we noticed a ∼2-fold increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of FAK in irradiated cells. Immunoprecipitation studies confirmed increased interaction of integrin β1 and FAK in irradiated cells. In addition, our results show that overexpression of uPAR in cancer cells can mimic radiation-induced activation of FAK signaling. Moreover, by inhibiting FAK phosphorylation, we were able to reduce the radiation-induced invasiveness of the cancer cells. In this vein, we studied the effect of siRNA-mediated knockdown of uPAR on cell migration and adhesion in irradiated and non-irradiated medulloblastoma cells. Downregulation of uPAR reduced the radiation-induced adhesion, migration and invasion of the irradiated cells, primarily by inhibiting phosphorylation of FAK, Paxillin and Rac-1/Cdc42. As observed from the immunoprecipitation studies, uPAR knockdown reduced interaction among the focal adhesion molecules, such as FAK, Paxillin and p130Cas, which are known to play key roles in cancer metastasis. Pretreatment with uPAR shRNA expressing construct reduced uPAR and phospho FAK expression levels in pre-established medulloblastoma in nude mice.

    Functional And Structural Analysis Of Mice Trpc6 With Human Analogue Through Homology Modelling

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    Homology models are increasingly used to determine structural and functional relationships of genes and proteins in biomedical research. In the current study, for the first time, we compared the TRPC6 gene in mouse and human. The protein encoded by this gene forms a receptor activated calcium channel in cell membrane. Defects in this gene have been implicated in a wide range of diseases including glioblastomas. To determine the structural similarities in mouse and human TRPC6, we used standard bioinformatics tools such as fold prediction to identify the protein 3D structure, sequence-structure comparison, and prediction of template and protein structure. We also used glioblastoma cell line U373MG and human glioblastoma tumour tissues to study the expression of TRPC6 in disease conditions to implicate this gene in pathological ailment. Based on the results we conclude that human TRPC6 contains 90% identity and 93% similarity with mouse TRPC6, suggesting that this protein is well conserved in these two species. These isoforms likely demonstrate similar mechanisms in regulating gene expression; thus TRPC6 studies in mice may be extrapolated to humans. Copyright © 2014 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd

    Drugs in preclinical and early stage clinical development for pancreatic cancer

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    Introduction: Pancreatic cancer (PC) is the fourth leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S. and Europe and the lethality of this cancer is demonstrated by the fact that the annual incidences are approximately equal to the annual deaths. Current therapy for PC is multimodal, involving surgery and chemotherapy. Clinical symptoms are unspecific, and consequently about 85% of patients with PC are diagnosed at advanced tumor stages without any surgical therapy options. Since the therapeutic rates for PC are so dismal, it is essential to review the clinical targets for diagnosis and treatment of this lethal cancer. Areas covered: In this review, we discuss potential treatment options for PC by identifying molecular targets including those involved in cell proliferation, survival, migration, invasion and angiogenesis. Targeting these molecules in combination with surgery could improve the clinical outcome for PC patients. Experts opininon: For a decade, gemcitabine has remained the single first-line chemotherapeutic agent for advanced adenocarcinoma of the pancreas, however, less than 25% of patients benefit from gemcitabine. The reason for frequent reoccurrence of PC after conventional methods such as surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy is due to the lack of understanding of the basic underlying metabolic cause of the cancer and thus consequently remains uncorrected. Our understanding of drug resistance in PC is still not clear and may be answered by focusing on new useful biomarkers and their role in chemo- and radioresistanc

    Expression and Characterization of an Iron-Regulated Hemin-Binding Protein, HbpA, from Leptospira interrogans Serovar Lai▿

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    In an earlier study, based on the ferric enterobactin receptor FepA of Escherichia coli, we identified and modeled a TonB-dependent outer membrane receptor protein (LB191) from the genome of Leptospira interrogans serovar Lai. Based on in silico analysis, we hypothesized that this protein was an iron-dependent hemin-binding protein. In this study, we provide experimental evidence to prove that this protein, termed HbpA (hemin-binding protein A), is indeed an iron-regulated hemin-binding protein. We cloned and expressed the full-length 81-kDa recombinant rHbpA protein and a truncated 55-kDa protein from L. interrogans serovar Lai, both of which bind hemin-agarose. Assay of hemin-associated peroxidase activity and spectrofluorimetric analysis provided confirmatory evidence of hemin binding by HbpA. Immunofluorescence studies by confocal microscopy and the microscopic agglutination test demonstrated the surface localization and the iron-regulated expression of HbpA in L. interrogans. Southern blot analysis confirmed our earlier observation that the hbpA gene was present only in some of the pathogenic serovars and was absent in Leptospira biflexa. Hemin-agarose affinity studies showed another hemin-binding protein with a molecular mass of approximately 44 kDa, whose expression was independent of iron levels. This protein was seen in several serovars, including nonpathogenic L. biflexa. Sequence analysis and immunoreactivity with specific antibodies showed this protein to be LipL41

    Cancer stem cell molecular reprogramming of the Warburg effect in glioblastomas: a new target gleaned from an old concept

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    Prior targeted treatment for glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) with anti-angiogenic agents, such as bevacizumab, has been met with limited success potentially owing to GBM tumor's ability to develop a hypoxia-induced escape mechanism--a glycolytic switch from oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis, an old concept known as the Warburg effect. New studies points to a subpopulation of cells as a source for treatment-resistance, cancer stem cells (CSCs). Taken together, the induction of the Warburg effect leads to the promotion of CSC self-renewal and undifferentiation. In response to hypoxia, hypoxia-inducible transcription factor is upregulated and is the central driver in setting off the cascade of events in CSC metabolic reprogramming. Hypoxia-inducible transcription factor upregulates GLUT1 to increase glucose uptake into the cell, upregulates HK2 and PK during glycolysis, upregulates LDHA in the termination of glycolysis, and downregulates PDH to redirect energy production toward glycolysis. This review aims to unite these old and new concepts simultaneously and examine potential enzyme targets driven by hypoxia in the glycolytic phenotype of CSCs to reverse the metabolic shift induced by the Warburg effect

    Targeting RGS4 Ablates Glioblastoma Proliferation

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common type of adult primary brain tumor with a median survival rate of less than 15 months, regardless of the current standard of care. Cellular heterogeneity, self-renewal ability and tumorigenic glioma cancer stem cell (GSC) populations contribute to the difficulty in treating GBM. G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest group of membrane proteins and mediate many cellular responses. Regulators of G-protein signaling 4 (RGS4) are negative regulators of G-protein signaling, and elevated levels of RGS4 are reportedly linked with several human diseases, including cancer. This study investigates the effect of silencing RGS4, resulting in inhibition of GSC growth, invasion and migration. Data obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) demonstrated poor patient survival with high expression of RGS4. Immunohistochemistry and immunoblot analysis conducted on GBM patient biopsy specimens demonstrated increased RGS4 expression correlative with the TCGA data. RNA sequencing confirmed a significant decrease in the expression of markers involved in GSC invasion and migration, particularly matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP2) in knockout of RGS4 using CRISPR plasmid (ko-RGS4)-treated samples compared to parental controls. Gelatin zymography confirmed the reduced activity of MMP2 in ko-RGS4-treated samples. Silencing RGS4 further reduced the invasive and migratory abilities and induction of apoptosis of GSCs as evidenced by Matrigel plug assay, wound healing assay and human apoptosis array. Collectively, our results showed that the silencing of RGS4 plays an important role in regulating multiple cellular functions, and is an important therapeutic target in GBM

    B7-H3 in Medulloblastoma-Derived Exosomes; A Novel Tumorigenic Role

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    (1) Aim: Medulloblastoma is the most common aggressive pediatric cancer of the central nervous system. Improved therapies are necessary to improve life outcomes for medulloblastoma patients. Exosomes are a subset of extracellular vesicles that are excreted outside of the cell, and can transport nucleic acids and proteins from donor cells to nearby recipient cells of the same or dissimilar tissues. Few publications exist exploring the role that exosomes play in medulloblastoma pathogenesis. In this study, we found B7-H3, an immunosuppressive immune checkpoint, present in D283 cell-derived exosomes. (2) Methods: Utilizing mass spectrometry and immunoblotting, the presence of B7-H3 in D283 control and B7-H3 overexpressing exosomes was confirmed. Exosomes were isolated by Systems Biosciences from cultured cells as well as with an isolation kit that included ultracentrifugation steps. Overlay experiments were performed to determine mechanistic impact of exosomes on recipient cells by incubating isolated exosomes in serum-free media with target cells. Impact of D283 exosome incubation on endothelial and UW228 medulloblastoma cells was assessed by immunoblotting. Immunocytochemistry was employed to visualize exosome fusion with recipient cells. (3) Results: Overexpressing B7-H3 in D283 cells increases exosomal production and size distribution. Mass spectrometry revealed a host of novel, pathogenic molecules associated with B7-H3 in these exosomes including STAT3, CCL5, MMP9, and PI3K pathway molecules. Additionally, endothelial and UW228 cells incubated with D283-derived B7-H3-overexpressing exosomes induced B7-H3 expression while pSTAT1 levels decreased in UW228 cells. (4) Conclusions: In total, our results reveal a novel role in exosome production and packaging for B7-H3 that may contribute to medulloblastoma progression