292 research outputs found

    Preventing UTI\u27s in the Home

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    Semantic ambiguity in the lexical access of verbs: how data from monolinguals and bilinguals inform a general model of the mental lexicon

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    This thesis describes an extensive norming study of Spanish verbs and an online language processing study investigating whether bilingual lexical processing is nonselective (both languages are activated) when only one language is required for use. To study bilingual lexical processing, researchers have relied upon words of shared orthography and semantics between languages in order to determine how word form and meaning impact bilingual word recognition. However, because these words have been of exact form overlap through cognates (words sharing form and meaning between languages: banana in Spanish and English) and homographs (words sharing form yet differing in meaning: the English adjective red meaning net in Spanish), it has been difficult to distinguish which language(s) participants engage during processing tasks. The present research addresses this issue by investigating cognate and homographic verbs between languages. Because differences in verb morphology between Spanish and English never result in exact form overlap between languages (e.g., assist and asistir), interlingual cognate and homographic verbs between Spanish and English should ensure that participants operate in one specific language. Hence, utilizing verbs provides an original testing ground to determine if the bilingual language processor is nonselective when operating in one language and to what degree the access depends on form and meaning overlap between languages. An extensive norming study of Spanish verbs produced a reliable list of cognates and homographs with English. The online research indicated that bilingual lexical access is guided not only by form and meaning, but also by how the frequency of a word???s meanings from both languages attach to a single form. These results mirror recent discoveries in ambiguity research in monolinguals (e.g., Rodd, Gaskell and Marslen-Wilson, 2002), the implications of which suggest an overriding mechanism of language processing???not just a theory of bilingual lexical processing

    COVID-19 Claims Recovery Analysis

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    COVID-19 Pharmacy Claims Recovery Analysis

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    Cognitive State Measurement from Eye Gaze Analysis in an Intelligent Virtual Reality Driving System for Autism Intervention

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    Abstract-Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a group of neurodevelopmental disabilities with a high prevalence rate. While much research has focused on improving social communication deficits in ASD populations, less emphasis has been devoted to improving skills relevant for adult independent living, such as driving. In this paper, a novel virtual reality (VR)-based driving system with different difficulty levels of tasks is presented to train and improve driving skills of teenagers with ASD. The goal of this paper is to measure the cognitive load experienced by an individual with ASD while he is driving in the VR-based driving system. Several eye gaze features are identified that varied with cognitive load in an experiment participated by 12 teenagers with ASD. Several machine learning methods were compared and the ability of these methods to accurately measure cognitive load was validated with respect to the subjective rating of a therapist. Results will be used to build models in an intelligent VR-based driving system that can sense a participant's real-time cognitive load and offer driving tasks at an appropriate difficulty level in order to maximize the participant's long-term performance

    Alcohol Misuse and Gun Violence: An Evidence-Based Approach for State Policy

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    This report summarizes the connection between alcohol and firearm use, reviews existing state laws, and makes a core set of recommendations for addressing the problem at the state level:Limiting access to firearms by persons with a record of alcohol misuseLimiting access to guns when and where alcohol is consumedIf these policy recommendations are to be effective, it is also important to address the environment where alcohol is sold and consumed. We therefore consider additional policies known to be effective in reducing excessive alcohol consumption and its related harms. In the last section, the report reviews key legal considerations that can help policymakers successfully implement the policies recommended in the report