2,788 research outputs found

    When is it time to get married? Or when should the assay user and the assay developer collaborate?

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    Hormone assays are being developed in the laboratory to detect specific molecular markers in nonclinical populations. Epidemiology is increasingly using these assays to improve the precision with which disease processes and exposures can be defined. This growing body of molecular epidemiology requires a high degree of cooperation between the assay developer and the assay user. We draw on our experience in using a sensitive hormone assay for the detection of early pregnancy via urinary human chorionic gonadotropin to illustrate these points. We conclude that this collaborative effort, in addition to making this study possible, has provided unexpected rewards

    Comparison of Advanced Battery Technologies for Electric Vehicles

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    Battery technologies of different chemistries, manufacture and geometry were evaluated as candidates for use in Electric Vehicles (EV). The candidate batteries that were evaluated include four single cell and seven multi-cell modules representing four technologies: Lead-Acid, Nickel-Cadmium, Nickel-Metal Hydride and Zinc-Bromide. A standard set of testing procedures for electric vehicle batteries, based on industry accepted testing procedures, and any tests which were specific to individual battery types were used in the evaluations. The batteries were evaluated by conducting performance tests, and by subjecting them to cyclical loading, using a computer controlled charge--discharge cycler, to simulate typical EV driving cycles. Criteria for comparison of batteries were: performance, projected vehicle range, cost, and applicability to various types of EVs. The four battery technologies have individual strengths and weaknesses and each is suited to fill a particular application. None of the batteries tested can fill every EV application


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    Long-term comparisons of alternative tillage systems are needed to evaluate their effect on corn (Zea mays L.) yield under the variable temperature and rainfall conditions of the Corn Belt. Our objective was to evaluate long-term effects of alternative tillage systems on corn growth and yield on low organic matter silt loam soils. The effect of no-tillage (NT), chisel plow (CP), and moldboard plow (MP) treatments on plant density and grain yield was measured from 1981 through 1990 on Palsgrove and Rozetta silt loam (fine-silty, mixed mesic Typic Hapludalfs) soils. Tillage treatments were randomly allocated to plots in 1981 and treatments were applied in subsequent years without rerandomization. Therefore, measurements over years on the same plot were treated as repeated measures. Grain yields for all tillage treatments were primarily affected by water stress, which varied with yearly weather conditions. Grain yield decreased approximately 0.3 Mg ha-1 per cm weighted water stress (WWS) for WWS \u3e8 cm. No statistically significant yield differences among tillage treatments, when averaged over the 10-year period covered by the experiment, were detected. A combined analysis indicated that yield differences among tillage treatments did not depend on whether water stress or non-stress conditions occurred. Over half the variation in yearly differences in grain yield between tilled and NT treatments was explained by differences in plant density. Years were classified as stress or non-stress years on the basis of observed water stress and yearly weather factors. Variability among years was partitioned into variability among years within stress years and non-stress years. The difference in mean yields between ending (1989-90) and beginning (1981-82) years were used to investigate cumUlative effects of tillage treatments

    Periods for flat algebraic connections

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    In previous work, we established a duality between the algebraic de Rham cohomology of a flat algebraic connection on a smooth quasi-projective surface over the complex numbers and the rapid decay homology of the dual connection relying on a conjecture by C. Sabbah, which has been proved recently by T. Mochizuki for algebraic connections in any dimension. In the present article, we verify that Mochizuki's results allow to generalize these duality results to arbitrary dimensions also

    Detecting brute-force attacks on cryptocurrency wallets

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    Blockchain is a distributed ledger, which is protected against malicious modifications by means of cryptographic tools, e.g. digital signatures and hash functions. One of the most prominent applications of blockchains is cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin. In this work, we consider a particular attack on wallets for collecting assets in a cryptocurrency network based on brute-force search attacks. Using Bitcoin as an example, we demonstrate that if the attack is implemented successfully, a legitimate user is able to prove that fact of this attack with a high probability. We also consider two options for modification of existing cryptocurrency protocols for dealing with this type of attacks. First, we discuss a modification that requires introducing changes in the Bitcoin protocol and allows diminishing the motivation to attack wallets. Second, an alternative option is the construction of special smart-contracts, which reward the users for providing evidence of the brute-force attack. The execution of this smart-contract can work as an automatic alarm that the employed cryptographic mechanisms, and (particularly) hash functions, have an evident vulnerability.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures; published versio

    Realization of an Inductance Scale Traceable to the Quantum Hall Effect Using an Automated Synchronous Sampling System

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    In this paper, the realization of an inductance scale from 1~Ό\muH to 10~H for frequencies ranging between 50~Hz to 20~kHz is presented. The scale is realized directly from a series of resistance standards using a fully automated synchronous sampling system. A careful systematic characterization of the system shows that the lowest uncertainties, around 12~Ό\muH/H, are obtained for inductances in the range from 10~mH to 100~mH at frequencies in the kHz range. This new measurement system which was successfully evaluated during an international comparison, provides a primary realization of the henry, directly traceable to the quantum Hall effect. An additional key feature of this system is its versatility. In addition to resistance-inductance (R-L) comparison, any kind of impedances can be compared: R-R, R-C, L-L or C-C, giving this sampling system a great potential of use in many laboratories around the world

    Morita Equivalence, Picard Groupoids and Noncommutative Field Theories

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    In this article we review recent developments on Morita equivalence of star products and their Picard groups. We point out the relations between noncommutative field theories and deformed vector bundles which give the Morita equivalence bimodules.Comment: Latex2e, 10 pages. Conference Proceeding for the Sendai Meeting 2002. Some typos fixe

    Open access increases citations of papers in ecology

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    Open access (OA) can effectively increase the accessibility and visibility of scientific articles and thus potentially confer them with citation advantages. Such an impact may be more pronounced in developing countries where the cost for journal subscription is comparably expensive and usually unaffordable. By comparing one OA article with one non‐OA article published in the same issue, we tested the impact of OA on citation advantages of articles published in 46 ecology journals indexed in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). We compared OA to non‐OA articles published in the same issue of these journals, thereby controlling for potentially confounding effects of publication requirement and period. OA articles received significantly more citations than non‐OA articles, and this citation advantage of approximately one citation per year was sustained across publication years from 2009 to 2013. The OA citation advantage did not depend upon income of the country of origin of the citing scientists, and the OA citation advantage was found for citing scientists from North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceania, but not for Latin America. A total of 10 countries contributed more than 1000 citations each, and the OA citation advantage was found in all the 10 countries except Canada. Therefore, in ecology journals OA confers articles with citation advantages and such an impact accumulates with years and independent of the economic status of the countries. This information may guide decisions of scientific societies, journals, and individual authors as they weigh the relative costs and benefits of open electronic accessibility of scientific research

    Self-Regulation in a Web-Based Course: A Case Study

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    Little is known about how successful students in Web-based courses self-regulate their learning. This descriptive case study used a social cognitive model of self-regulated learning (SRL) to investigate how six graduate students used and adapted traditional SRL strategies to complete tasks and cope with challenges in a Web-based technology course; it also explored motivational and environmental influences on strategy use. Primary data sources were three transcribed interviews with each of the students over the course of the semester, a transcribed interview with the course instructor, and the students’ reflective journals. Archived course documents, including transcripts of threaded discussions and student Web pages, were secondary data sources. Content analysis of the data indicated that these students used many traditional SRL strategies, but they also adapted planning, organization, environmental structuring, help seeking, monitoring, record keeping, and self-reflection strategies in ways that were unique to the Web-based learning environment. The data also suggested that important motivational influences on SRL strategy use—self-efficacy, goal orientation, interest, and attributions—were shaped largely by student successes in managing the technical and social environment of the course. Important environmental influences on SRL strategy use included instructor support, peer support, and course design. Implications for online course instructors and designers, and suggestions for future research are offered
