238 research outputs found

    Governing Low Profile Issues: A Frame Analysis of Drug Addiction in a Local Setting

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    Frame analysis was developed by Erving Goffman as a sociological concept, used for understanding how individual actors relate themselves to the world, creating coherent frames out of individual social experiences. We apply frame analysis in the emergent field of sociology of governance, using the example of low profile public issue of drug addiction in a specific local social and political context of a municipality in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in order to understand the roles of governance actors and their social interactions in the attribution of meaning. We focus on mental organization of governance experiences related to drug addiction and the strategic involvement of different governance actors which use given frames. We discuss the importance of frame coherence and ways in which it can be achieved for the low profile issues.Frame Analysis, Sociology of Governance, Low Profile Issues, Frame Coherence


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    A Systematic Approach to Elucidate Causes of Gastroenteritis Outbreaks of Suspected Viral Etiology

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    The main objective of this thesis was to investigate the etiology of outbreaks of viral gastroenteritis that remained without diagnosis after testing for common viral pathogens causing gastroenteritis, e.g. noroviruses, rotaviruses, sapoviruses, adenoviruses, and astroviruses. No causative pathogen could be detected in over 10% of these outbreaks. Viral gastroenteritis is about the most frequent disease in humans and this unexplained fraction concerns about 150000 cases in the Netherlands each year. Here, an overview of the state of the art of the literature on viral gastroenteritis is provided

    The epidemiology of mathematical performance, anxiety, and psychosomatic symptoms

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    This work was supported by the Research Programme for Public Education Development of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

    Internal hernia following laparoscopic colorectal surgery:single center experience

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    Although internal hernias are rare complications of laparoscopic colorectal surgery, they can lead to serious outcomes and are associated with a high mortality of up 20 %. Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to describe our experience regarding internal herniation following laparoscopic colorectal surgery. Materials and methods: From 2009 to 2015, more than 1,093 laparoscopic colorectal procedures were performed, and 6 patients developed internal herniation. Data were obtained from patients’ charts and reviewed retrospectively. Perioperative course and outcomes were analyzed. Results: All patients were previously operated due to colorectal cancer. Two patients presented with ischemia at laparotomy, and 2 had endoscopic examinations before surgery. One patient was diagnosed with cancer on screening colonoscopy. One patient died after laparotomy. Conclusion: Internal herniation that develops following laparoscopic colorectal surgery may be associated with a high mortality. More efforts should be made to identify risk factors of internal herniation, as this could indicate which patients would benefit from closure of mesenteric defects during laparoscopic colorectal surgery

    The Effect of Labour Cost Reduction on Employment of Vulnerable Groups — Evaluation of the Hungarian Job Protection Act

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    In 2013 Hungary introduced large scale targeted employers' social security contribution cuts for the young, old, low-skilled, and other marginally attached workforce, called the Job Protection Act (JPA). In this paper I estimate the employment effects of the programme for the main target groups using the discontinuities in the JPA's design in a differences in differences framework on administrative datasources. My estimates show robust and economically significant employment effects for the JPA, a total 1.2% point increase in employment rate three years after the introduction. The JPA was highly effective in the young and low-skilled target groups, with high self-financing ratios, while it was only marginally effective in the old target group. The results suggests that targeted tax incentives can be a cost-efficient way of increasing employment in vulnerable groups

    A munkaerőköltség csökkentésének hatása a sérülékeny csoportba tartozók foglalkoztatására – A magyar Munkahelyvédelmi Akció értékelése

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    Magyarország 2013-ban a Munkahelyvédelmi Akció keretében célzott kedvezményeket vezetett be a szociális hozzájárulási adóban fiatal, idős, alacsonyan képzett és egyéb, a munkapiachoz lazábban kötődő csoportok számára. Ebben a tanulmányban adminisztratív adatforrásokat felhasználva, a különbségek különbsége módszer segítségével becsültem meg az adókedvezmények foglalkoztatási hatását. A becsléseim eredményei szerint a Munkahelyvédelmi Akciónak köszönhetően a kedvezmények bevezetését követő harmadik évre a foglalkoztatási ráta 1,2 százalékponttal emelkedett. A Munkahelyvédelmi Akció a fiatal és alacsonyan képzett csoportoknál jelentősen emelte a foglalkoztatás szintjét és ezáltal a költségvetés bevételeit is. Ugyanakkor az idős munkavállalóknál a kedvezménynek csak mérsékelt hatása volt. Az eredmények arra utalnak, hogy célzott adókedvezményekkel költséghatékonyan lehet elősegíteni a munkapiacon hátrányos helyzetben lévő csoportok foglalkoztatását

    Számos okból vagyunk mi itt együtt

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    The Effect of Labour Cost Reduction on Employment of Vulnerable Groups — Evaluation of the Hungarian Job Protection Act

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    In 2013 Hungary introduced large scale targeted employers' social security contribution cuts for the young, old, low-skilled, and other marginally attached workforce, called the Job Protection Act (JPA). In this paper I estimate the employment effects of the programme for the main target groups using the discontinuities in the JPA's design in a differences in differences framework on administrative datasources. My estimates show robust and economically significant employment effects for the JPA, a total 1.2% point increase in employment rate three years after the introduction. The JPA was highly effective in the young and low-skilled target groups, with high self-financing ratios, while it was only marginally effective in the old target group. The results suggests that targeted tax incentives can be a cost-efficient way of increasing employment in vulnerable groups