7 research outputs found

    The Concept of the Implementation of Present Evidence-based Knowledge and Technology into the Preparation of Sport Professionals

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    AbstractThe study assesses the feasibility of the concept of professional preparation of sport teachers and instructors that attempts to connect education and research activities with the emphasis on presenting evidence-based knowledge and new technologies. The seven-year-long international study involved 670-850 university students annually. Students participated directly in the research activities that were in compliance with the curricula of sport education study programs. The presented educational model describes possibilities and major limits how to provide dozens evidence-based knowledge of prospective sport professionals in the areas of physical activity monitoring, self-assessment of physical fitness and evaluation of sport preferences

    The Effect of Respiratory Muscle Training on Fin-Swimmers’ Performance

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    Although respiratory muscle functions can influence swimming performance, respiratory muscle training (RMT) is not routinely used for improving fin-swimmers´ performance. The aim of our study was to verify the benefit of a one month of RMT in young fin-swimmers. We assessed the effect of this training on respiratory muscles and on maximal underwater swimming distance. 28 fin-swimmers were randomly divided into an experimental group (EG) and a control group (CG). The study finished with 20 fin-swimmers (EG: n = 12; average age 12.0; weight 47.4 kg; height 1.58 m; CG: n = 8; age 11.5; weight 49.6 kg; height 1.53 m). Both group performed regular swimming training, during which the EG used Threshold PEP (positive expiratory pressure) and IMT (inspiratory muscle trainer) for RMT for one month. After one-month washout period, the CG also performed RMT. RMT showed significant improvement of inspiratory muscles in both groups (Z = ; p < 0.05). Significant improvement was observed also in apnoea (AP) max (ZCG = 2.03; p < 0.05; ZEG=2.93; p < 0.01). A long-term effect was observed in the respiratory muscle strength and AP max in the EG (ZEG = 2.52; p < 0.05). RMT in fin-swimmers improves both respiratory muscle strength and the performance in AP max

    A Higher Step Count Is Associated with the Better Evaluation of Physical Education Lessons in Adolescents

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    The current study aimed to determine: (a) the step counts of boys and girls in habitual physical education (PE) lessons during school teaching practice, (b) the association between the physical load and the evaluation of PE lessons in boys and girls, and (c) the differences in the meeting of the recommendations for PA in PE lessons between Czech and Polish boys and girls. A total of 4092 adolescents from 74 Czech and 58 Polish secondary schools participated in the study. The step counts were monitored using pedometers, while the attitudes towards PE were assessed using a PE lesson evaluation questionnaire. On average, the Czech boys reached 2476 steps (Polish boys reached 2148 steps) and the Czech girls reached 1766 steps (Polish girls reached 1946 steps) in their PE lessons. A higher step count in PE lessons was associated with higher odds of a positive evaluation of PE lessons in boys (OR = 1.35, 95% CI = 1.123–1.626, p = 0.001) and girls (OR = 1.72, 95%CI = 1.449–2.032, p &lt; 0.001). This study provides evidence that a higher step count in PE is associated with a positive evaluation of PE lessons in boys and girls. The findings are important to support the restoration habits on a regular PA in the post-pandemic time

    Is academic achievement reflected in the level of physical activity among adolescents?

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the differences in the volume and intensity of physical activity (PA) between girls and boys with different levels of academic achievement (AA) throughout individual segments of a school day. In all, 136 girls and 76 boys aged 16–19 participated in the study. Girls and boys in individual classes were divided into groups based on AA as determined by their most recently issued school grades. We used ActiTrainer accelerometers to measure the volume and intensity of PA and heart rates. Girls with worse AA engaged in more PA than girls with better AA during the time periods before school, after school, and throughout the day. No significant difference was observed among boys, regardless of their AA. Significant differences in PA, volume, and intensity were not confirmed by heart rate monitoring. The highest step count per hour of accelerometer monitoring was seen among boys with better AA (1467 steps·h-1) and girls with worse AA (1364 steps·h-1) during the time period before school. To promote a lifestyle that includes PA for adolescents, girls with better AA and boys with worse AA should be closely monitored during school and extracurricular programs

    Knowledge in adolescent girls and boys related to physically active and healthy lifestyle [Vědomosti adolescentních děvčat a chlapců vztahující se k pohybově aktivnímu a zdravému životnímu stylu]

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    <strong>BACKGROUND</strong>: Knowledge about physically active and healthy lifestyle is one of key factors influencing relationship to physical activity (PA) and to lifetime prevalence of healthy lifestyle in adolescents. <strong>OBJECTIVE</strong>: The aim of the study was to identify differences in girls' and boys' knowledge about healthy lifestyle and the strength of the association between the stated weekly physical activity and basic knowledge on healthy lifestyle. <strong>METHODS</strong>: The research involved 14 selected schools in the Katowice region, and 275 girls (15.8 ± 0.9 years) and 220 boys (15.8 ± 0.8 years) participated in the study. The level of knowledge about healthy lifestyle was assessed using the "Comprehensive test on health and physical activity" and the level of weekly physical activity was assessed using the IPAQ – long version, with repeated measurement after six weeks. The associations between knowledge, sex and meeting PA recommendations (at least 3x20 minutes of vigorous and 5x30 min of moderate weekly PA) were analyzed. <strong>RESULTS</strong>: Girls show better knowledge related to physically active and healthy lifestyle than boys (U = 5.04; p = 0.000; d = 0.493), which was confirmed in a repeated measurement (U = 5.54; p = 0.000; d = 0.505). Statistically and practically significant differences between boys and girls were found in favour of girls in the areas of nutrition, education and also overall. Between knowledge and meeting PA recommendations, no significant associations were found either in boys or girls. The boys declared more weekly PA (in the first measurement 11,386 METs and in the second measurement 11,393 METs on average) than girls (in the first measurement 8,891 METs and in the second measurement 9,992 METs on average). <strong>CONCLUSIONS</strong>: Basic knowledge on healthy lifestyle is not satisfactory with the regard to the curricular requirements (especially in Physical Education and Biology). Deeper knowledge acquisition about healthy lifestyle requires adapting integral interdisciplinary approach and effective connection between knowledge acquisition about physical activity, diet, and other health and preventive measures and girls' and boys' lifestyle.<br>[<strong>V&Yacute;CHODISKA</strong>: Vědomosti o pohybově aktivn&iacute;m a zdrav&eacute;m životn&iacute;m stylu jsou jedn&iacute;m z důležit&yacute;ch faktorů vztahu k pohybov&eacute; aktivitě (PA) a celoživotn&iacute; prevalence k zdrav&eacute;mu životn&iacute;mu stylu u adolescentů. <strong>C&Iacute;LE</strong>: C&iacute;lem v&yacute;zkumu bylo zjistit rozd&iacute;ly ve vědomostech děvčat a chlapců o zdrav&eacute;m životn&iacute;m stylu a s&iacute;lu vztahu mezi deklarovanou t&yacute;denn&iacute; pohybovou aktivitou a z&aacute;kladn&iacute;mi vědomostmi vztahuj&iacute;c&iacute;ch se ke zdrav&eacute;mu životn&iacute;mu stylu. <strong>METODIKA</strong>: V&yacute;zkumu na 14 vybran&yacute;ch &scaron;kol&aacute;ch Katowick&eacute;ho regionu se celkem z&uacute;častnilo 275 děvčat (15,8 &plusmn; 0,9 years) a 220 chlapců (15,8 &plusmn; 0,8 years). &Uacute;roveň vědomost&iacute; o zdrav&eacute;m životn&iacute;m stylu byla zji&scaron;ťov&aacute;na polskou verz&iacute; testu "Vědomostn&iacute; test o zdrav&iacute; a pohybov&eacute; aktivitě" a &uacute;roveň t&yacute;denn&iacute; PA dotazn&iacute;kem IPAQ-del&scaron;&iacute; verze, a to s opakov&aacute;n&iacute;m po &scaron;esti t&yacute;dnech. Analyzov&aacute;ny byly asociace mezi vědomostmi, pohlav&iacute;m a plněn&iacute;m doporučen&iacute; pro PA (nejm&eacute;ně 3x20 min intenzivn&iacute; a 5x30 min středně zatěžuj&iacute;c&iacute; t&yacute;denn&iacute; PA). <strong>V&Yacute;SLEDKY</strong>: Děvčata maj&iacute; v&iacute;ce vědomost&iacute; vztahuj&iacute;c&iacute;ch se k pohybově aktivn&iacute;mu a zdrav&eacute;mu životn&iacute;mu stylu než chlapci (U = 5,04; p = 0,000; d = 0,493), což se potvrdilo i v opakovan&eacute;m &scaron;etřen&iacute; (U = 5,54; p = 0,000; d = 0,505). Statisticky i prakticky signifikantn&iacute; rozd&iacute;ly mezi děvčaty a chlapci byly zji&scaron;těny ve prospěch děvčat v dimenzi nutričn&iacute;, edukačn&iacute; a i celkově. Mezi vědomostmi a plněn&iacute;m doporučen&iacute; pro PA nebyly zji&scaron;těny v&yacute;znamn&eacute; asociace ani u děvčat ani u chlapců. Chlapci deklarovali v&iacute;ce t&yacute;denn&iacute; PA (v prvn&iacute;m měřen&iacute; 11 386 METů a druh&eacute;m měřen&iacute; 11 393 METů) než děvčata (v prvn&iacute;m měřen&iacute; 8 891 METů a druh&eacute;m měřen&iacute; 9 992 METů). <strong>Z&Aacute;VĚRY</strong>: Z&aacute;kladn&iacute; vědomosti o zdrav&eacute;m životn&iacute;m styly jsou nevyhovuj&iacute;c&iacute; z hlediska kurikul&aacute;rn&iacute;ch požadavků (zejm&eacute;na tělesn&eacute; v&yacute;chovy a biologie). Hlub&scaron;&iacute; osvojov&aacute;n&iacute; vědomost&iacute; o zdrav&eacute;m životn&iacute;m stylu vyžaduje integrovan&yacute; mezipředmětov&yacute; př&iacute;stup a efektivněj&scaron;&iacute; propojen&iacute; osvojov&aacute;n&iacute; vědomost&iacute; o pohybov&eacute; aktivitě, stravov&aacute;n&iacute; a dal&scaron;&iacute;ch zdravotně preventivn&iacute;ch opatřen&iacute;ch s životn&iacute;m stylem děvčat a chlapců.