12 research outputs found

    Effect of thermal stress of short duration on the red blood cell parameters of Barbus balcanicus Kotlik, Tsigenopulos, Rab, Berrebi, 2002

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    In this study, red blood cell parameters of Barbus balcanicus Kotlik, Tsigenopulos, Rab, Berrebi, 2002 subjected to acute thermal stress were investigated. Fish were caught by electro fishing in the Suturlija river, a small tributary of the river Vrbas (N latitude 44˚44' 38˝, E longitude 17˚ 09' 10˝) in summer (July) and transported to the laboratory. Fish were randomly distributed in four aquaria of 30 L each. In all the four aquaria, the water temperature was continuously kept at 19°C by appropriate devices. After period of adaptation (three weeks), half of the fish (24) were used as a control group while the other 24 were subjected to thermal stress by raising the water temperature to 29°C (10°C increase) in 60 min. In both control and thermally treated, fish blood was collected by heart puncture according to “Animal welfare act“. Analyses were performed with native blood, without addition of any anticoagulant and the values of red blood cell count (RBC), haemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume (PCV), Corpuscular Volume (MCV), Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin (MCH) and Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) were determined. In the thermally treated fish, the values of PCV and MCV increased (p = 0.0003 and p = 0.0147 respectively), and those of MCHC decreased substantially (p = 0.0001).Keywords: Haematology, temperature, Barbus balcanicusAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(18), pp. 2484-249

    The effect of earthworms Lumbricus rubellus on the total count of microorganisms in soil treated with pendimethalin

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    U radu je ispitivano na koji način kišna glista Lumbricus rubellus svojom aktivnošću utječe na brojnost različitih fizioloških grupa mikroorganizama u zemljištu tretiranim pesticidom Stomp 330 E čija je aktivna supstanca pendimetalin. Eksperiment je postavljen u 10 staklenih kontejnera sa zemljišnim supstratom, pri čemu je jedan kontejner bio kontrolni, a po tri kontejnera su tretirana s tri različite koncentracije pendimentalina. Korištena je deklaracijom preporučena koncentracija pesticida od 5 μl/kg, jedna niža koncentracija od 3 μl/kg i jedna viša koncentracija od 7 μl/kg. Brojnost fizioloških grupa mikroorganizama je određena iz tri komore tretirane različitim koncentracijama pendimetalina 48 sati nakon tretmana, a iz druge tri komore 21 dan nakon tretmana. Kako bi se utvrdilo postoji li interakcija između aktivnosti kišnih glista i brojnosti mikroorganizama u zemljištu kontaminiranom pesticidom u tri komore je pored navedenih koncentracija pesticida ubačeno po 10 odraslih jedinki vrste Lumbricus rubellus. Mikrobiološka analiza supstrata je izvršena 21 dan nakon tretmana. Utvrđeno je da je dva dana nakon primjene različitih koncentracija pesticida došlo do statistički značajnog opadanja brojnosti gljivica i celulolitičkih mikroorganizama u zemljištu, dok se brojnost ukupnih heterotrofnih bakterija, kao i mikroorganizama koji sudjeluju u različitim etapama metabolizma dušika višestruko povećala. Međutim, 21 dan nakon provođenja tretmana zabilježen je značajan pad brojnosti ukupnih heterotrofnih bakterija u svim tretiranim kontejnerima u odnosu na kontrolni, pri čemu su kišne gliste svojom aktivnošću djelomično ublažile negativan efekt pendimentalina na ukupnu zemljišnu bakteriofloru te su pozitivno djelovale na brojnost gljivica, aktinomiceta i celulolitičkih mikroorganizama, dok na brojnost aminoautotrofa, oligonitrofila i slobodnih dušičnih fiksatora prisustvo kišnih glista u zemljištu nije imalo značajan utjecaj. Pokazalo se da kišne gliste svojom aktivnošću ublažavaju negativno djelovanje pesticida Stomp 330 E na bakteriofloru i gljivice, čime se ističe njihova moguća upotreba u procesima bioremedijacije.This paper examines the modus in which earthworm Lumbricus rubellus with its activity affects the total count of different physiological groups of microorganisms in soil treated with herbicide pendimethalin. The experiment was carried out in ten glass containers with a soil substrate, whereby one of them was the control one, and each group of three containers was treated with different concentration of pendimethalin. A concentration of pesticide of 5 μl/kg, which is recommended by the declaration, one lower concentration of 3 μl/kg and one higher of 7 μl/kg were used. The number of physiological groups of microorganisms is determined from the three containers treated with different concentrations of pendimethalin 48 hours after the treatment, and from the other three containers 21 days after the treatment. Two days after the application of different concentration of pesticide, a significant statistical decrease was found in the number of fungi and cellulotical microorganisms in soil, while the total number of heterotrophic bacteria as well as microorganisms which participate in different stages of nitrogen metabolism increased. However, 21 days after the treatment a significant decrease in the total number of heterotrophic bacteria in all treated containers comparing to the control one was noticed, where earthworms with their activities partially attenuated the negative effect of pendimethalin on soil bacterial flora. They also had a positive effect on the number of fungi, actinomycetes and cellulolytic microorganisms while the presence of earthworms had no significant influence on the number of aminoautotrophs, oligonitrophils and free-living diazotrophs. It was shown that earthworms with their activities attenuate the negative effect of pendimethalin on bacterial flora, actinomycetes and fungi, which points out to their possible use in processes of bioremediation


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    Istraživanje promjene temperature vode na eritrocitni profil provedeno je na jedinkama babuške (Carassius gibelio) s područja Bardače (BiH). Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno trideset osam jedinki koje su bile podijeljene u dva akvarija, prilagođene na eksperimentalne uvjete, a potom podvrgnute različitom temperaturnom režimu. Kontrolna grupa jedinki imala je konstantnu temperaturu vode 10ºC, dok je kod tretirane grupe jedinki temperatura vode postupno povećana na 20ºC u periodu od tri dana. Provedena analiza eritrocitnog profila koji obuhvaća: broj eritrocita, koncentraciju hemoglobina, hematokrit, MCV, MCH i MCHC, pokazuje da jedinke koje su izlagane povećanju temperature su imale značajno veće vrijednosti broja eritrocita i hematokrita, dok su jedinke kontrolne grupe imale veće vrijednosti MCH i MCHC.A research on the effect of water temperature change on erythrocyte profile was conducted on Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio) from the Bardača area (BiH). The study included 38 individuals which were divided into two aquaria, adapted to experimental conditions and then subjected to different temperature regime. The control group had constant water temperature of 10ºC, while for treated fish water temperature was gradually increased to 20ºC for three days. Conducted analysis of erythrocyte profile, which includes erythrocyte count, hemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume, MCV, MCH and MCHC showed that individuals exposed to temperature increase had significantly higher values of erythrocyte count and packed cell volume, while control individuals had higher values of MCH and MCHC

    Drinking water quality in rural regions of different hydrographic areas

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    Drinking water researches were conducted in rural regions of different hydrographic areas. In regions of Lijevče polje population mainly use for drinking water from the wells and water pumps, while in Eastern Herzegovina use water from springs and by capping groundwater. Water analysis form chosen locality was conducted four times during a year by season aspects on chosen springs. Results show that the water Vrijeka spring (Eastern Herzegovina) satisfies basic physicochemical and microbiological criteria for water that is used for drinking. Water from the well in village Berek (Lijevče) is not safe for the health because it is slightly acidic, muddy and has increased concentration of orthophosphates and suspended substances, while the water on the Trošelji locality correspond to the drinking water, by monitored criteria

    Schizophyllum commune: The main cause of dying trees of the Banja Luka arbored walks and parks

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    In the frame of investigation of the main cause of dying trees of the main arbored walks (Mladena Stojanovića Aley and Park), the investigation of the presence and diversity of macrofungi in Banja Luka City were undertaken in the period 2006-2011. Relatively poor generic diversity of lignicolous (pathogenic or potentially pathogenic and saprotrophic) macrofungi with only 16 species representing this group (13 basidiomycets: Schizophyllum commune, Fomes fomentarius, Stereum hirsutum, Coriolus versicolor, Flammulina velutipes, Pseudotrametes gibbosa, Ganoderma applanatum, G. lucidum, G. adspersum, Polyporus squamosus, Meripilus giganteus, Laetiporus sulphureus, Auricu­laria auricula-judae, and 3 ascomycets: Nectria cinnabarina, Xylaria hypoxylon, X. poly­morpha) were recorded. Such a poor qualitative composition of this very important fungal group could be explained by the reduction in the number of plant species in arbored walks and alleys, as well as the reduction in the number of fungi resistant to heavy air pollution caused by nearby (1-5m) fuel combustion in engines. Although only preliminary, our results pointed to the necessity of conservation and protection of the most beautiful features of Banja Luka and its alleys and arbored walks, by undertaking the measures of curing damaged trees and treating them with fungicides in order to wipe out the epiphytia caused in more than 95% of cases (dated May 2011) by Split-gill (Schizophyllum commune), present on dead wood but also on damaged trees of Aesculus hyppocastaneum (127 trees), Tilia cordata (124 trees), Tilia platyphyllos (36 trees), Tilia argentea (40 trees), Acer negundo (20 trees), Platanus acerifolia (2 trees), Robinia pseudoacacia (3 trees), Fraxinus ornus (1 tree), Betula pendula (1 tree), Catalpa sp. (2 trees), etc. Altogether, during the last decade, around 200 trees collapsed or were sanitary cut in Banja Luka arbored walk from the Malta site to the Green bridge, a total length around 5 km. The reason for this was primarily due to Split-gill fungus and the restoration of arbored walks in the streets extremely polluted by engine fuel consumption in the zone of Mladena Stojanovića street. By analyzing the trees along the City of Banja Luka main street it could be concluded that, besides the appearance of suffocation of plants, due to wide asphalt surfaces that are located immediately next to the tree-trunks and heavy air pollution, fungi caused illnesses are the most important cause of the decline of trees. With its great adaptation to arid climate and ability to resist to the air pollution, Schizophyllum commune turned out to be the most aggressive and successful universal fungal invader of trees from old alleys, even threatening immuno­compromised human individuals. However, man and his direct or indirect impacts contrib­ute to the dying of trees much faster than the fungal pathogens in the busiest and most polluted Mladena Stojanovića street

    Morphometric and Physiological Characteristics of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) from the Ponor River

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    This paper presents the data related to morphometric and physiological (hematological) characteristics of brown trout (Salmo trutta) from the Ponor River. This river rises near the village Podrašnica (municipality of Mrkonjić Grad), sinks above the ground and after a while, near the settlement of Krupa na Vrbasu, appears as a source of the Krupa River (tributary of the Vrbas River). Fish sampling was performed during the summer of 2015 and during this period 22 Salmo trutta units were caught (11 females and 11 males). On that occasion, several morphometric (total and standard body length) and hematological traits (Hct-hematocrit, Hb-hemoglobin and MCHC - mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration), body mass and Fulton’s condition factor were analyzed. The average value for total body length was 18.85 cm and for standard body length it was 16.85 cm; the mean value for body mass was 80.38 g, and for Fulton’s condition factor 1.41. In case of hematological parameters, the average value for Hct was 0.39 l/l, Hb 70.62 g/l and MCHC 180.64 g/l erythrocytes. The estimated parameters can serve as indicators for the condition of these aquatic organisms, and indirectly, the state of their environment

    Morfometrijske karakteristike Telestes metohiensis iz različitih vodotoka Dabarskog polja

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    Endemična vrsta Telestes metohiensis (gatačka gaovica) naseljava veći broj vodotoka Istočne Hercegovine i sve tekućice u Dabarskom polju. U poslednjim decenijama u značajnoj mjeri su promjenjeni uslovi u većini staništa ove vrste. Vodotoci Dabarskog polja se međusobno razlikuju po kvalitetu životnih uslova, kako sa fizičko-hemijskog tako i sa mikrobiološkog aspekta. Neki vodotoci su aktivni čitave godine, sa manjim ili većim proticajima, dok su neki privremenog karaktera. U radu su predstavljene vrijednosti osnovnih morfometrijskih karakteristika: totalne i standardne dužine, kao i masa i Fultonov koeficijent uhranjenosti kod gaovica iz tri vodotoka Dabarskog polja (Vrijeka, Opačica, Pribitul). Relevantnim statističkim metodama izvršena je obrada dobijenih podataka i komparacija praćenih karakteristika kod jedinki iz različitih vodotoka. Rezultati statističke obrade podataka pokazuju postojanje značajnih razlika u vrijednostima pojedinih parametra. Najveće vrijednosti su konstatovane kod jedinki iz rijeke Opačice, dok su najmanje, izuzev Fultonog koeficijenta uhranjenosti, utvrđene kod gaovica iz vodotoka Pribitul

    Seasonal Changes in the Content of Photosynthetic Pigments of Dominant Macrophytes in the Bardača Fishpond Area

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    In this paper, changes in the content of photosynthetic pigments during the vegetation season in the leaves of Phragmites communis Trin., Salvinia natans (L.) All., Trapa natans L. and Utricularia vulgaris L. in the area of Bardača fishpond (Sinjak pond) were monitored. Physical and chemical characteristics of water are defined in order to determine their association with the content of photosynthetic pigments. The obtained results indicate the specificity in the content of photosynthetic pigments between aquatic macrophytes and significant variations during the vegetation season. The maximum content of pigments was determined in the leaves of the emerged species, while the minimum content was measured in the submerged and floating leaves. The investigated macrophytic species showed a similar trend in the total chlorophyll content during the vegetation period; with two maximums recorded – May and September, while the minimum values were recorded with the senescence process (October). Total chlorophyll and carotenoids were in a negative correlation with temperature, pH, saturation, water transparency and orthophosphate content in water. On the other hand, they were in a positive correlation with the content of nitrates in water. The correlation analysis of the physical and chemical parameters of water quality and the concentration of macrophytes photosynthetic pigments showed a significant influence of certain abiotic factors on the photosynthetic pigments’ content in the leaves of Phragmites communis Trin., Salvinia natans (L.) All., Trapa natans L. and Utricularia vulgaris L

    Content of photosynthetic pigments in Phragmites communis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud., Salvinia natans L. (All.), Utricularia vulgaris L. and Ceratophyllum demersum L. during the season in the area of the Bardača pond (Republika Srpska)

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    It is known that aquatic macrophytes are an important part of freshwater ecosystems, and that they play a different role in their structure and functioning. Their presence and distribution depends on water temperature and transparency, nutrient content, conductivity, pH, chemical composition and water circulation. Therefore, the goal of our research was to determine the influence and interrelationship of physicochemical parameters of water on the content of photosynthetic pigments in aquatic macrophytes of Lake Necik, in the Ramsar area of Bardača (Republic of Srpska). Content of total chlorophyll (a + b) during the growing season (June–October) ranged from 0.231 to 1.145 mg g−1 FW in Phragmites communis Trin. ex Steud., from 0.061 to 0.541 mg g−1 FW in Salvinia natans L. (All.), from 0.063 to 0.626 mg g−1 FW in Utricularia vulgaris L. and from 0.063 to 0.443 mg g−1 FW in Ceratophyllum demersum L. Research has shown that floating and submerged macrophytes have a lower ratio of chlorophyll a/b compared to emergent hydrophytes, which is most likely the result of stress caused by increased light intensity and temperature. Seasonal variations in the content of photosynthetic pigments indicated that the species Phragmites communis proved to be more tolerant to the stress caused by the influence of various abiotic factors, while Salvinia natans proved to be more sensitive. Spearmon’s correlation coefficient of the physicochemical parameters of water and the concentration of photosynthetic pigments of macrophytes showed a significant influence of certain abiotic factors (temperature, transparency and nutrients) on the content of pigments in the leaves of Phragmites communis, Salvinia natans, Utricularia vulgaris and Ceratophyllum demersum L


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    Istraživanje promjene temperature vode na eritrocitni profil provedeno je na jedinkama babuške (Carassius gibelio) s područja Bardače (BiH). Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno trideset osam jedinki koje su bile podijeljene u dva akvarija, prilagođene na eksperimentalne uvjete, a potom podvrgnute različitom temperaturnom režimu. Kontrolna grupa jedinki imala je konstantnu temperaturu vode 10ºC, dok je kod tretirane grupe jedinki temperatura vode postupno povećana na 20ºC u periodu od tri dana. Provedena analiza eritrocitnog profila koji obuhvaća: broj eritrocita, koncentraciju hemoglobina, hematokrit, MCV, MCH i MCHC, pokazuje da jedinke koje su izlagane povećanju temperature su imale značajno veće vrijednosti broja eritrocita i hematokrita, dok su jedinke kontrolne grupe imale veće vrijednosti MCH i MCHC.A research on the effect of water temperature change on erythrocyte profile was conducted on Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio) from the Bardača area (BiH). The study included 38 individuals which were divided into two aquaria, adapted to experimental conditions and then subjected to different temperature regime. The control group had constant water temperature of 10ºC, while for treated fish water temperature was gradually increased to 20ºC for three days. Conducted analysis of erythrocyte profile, which includes erythrocyte count, hemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume, MCV, MCH and MCHC showed that individuals exposed to temperature increase had significantly higher values of erythrocyte count and packed cell volume, while control individuals had higher values of MCH and MCHC