3 research outputs found

    The use of matrix methods in the strategic analysis of diversified companies

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    Розглянуто суть, завдання та роль матричних методів «портфельного аналізу». Дано характеристику методичному забезпеченню досліджуваного виду аналізу. Обґрунтовано необхідність застосування досліджуваних методів у здійсненні стратегічного аналізу та у процесі прийняття управлінських рішень щодо набору стратегій у диверсифікованих організаціях. Розглянуто такі методи, як портфельна матриця БКГ (матриця „зростання – частка ринку”), матриця „McKincey” – „General Electric” („привабливість – конкурентоспроможність”), матриця фірми Arthur D.little (ADL/LC). Поряд з перевагами вказано й недоліки, які є у досліджуваних методах. Зроблено висновок про необхідність їх адаптації до вітчизняних умов господарювання й використання в аналітичній діяльності та управлінській практиці.The article deals with the essence, objectives and role of matrix methods of the "portfolio analysis". The importance of the studied type of the analysis due to the fact that it reveals the interdependence of individual business activities and indicates that the portfolio as a whole is significantly different from the simple sum of its parts is proved. The methodological support of the researched type of analysis is characterized. The necessity of the researched methods use in the implementation of strategic analysis and in decision-making concerning the selection of strategies in diversified organizations is justified. The most widely used methods of analyzing the position of company’s strategic business units (SBUs) in Western countries are models represented as matrices where each SBU is graphically positioned in the cells of two- or three-dimensional analytical matrix. The most famous of them (the Boston Consulting Group Matrix (BCG portfolio matrix – the Growth-Share Matrix); the "McKincey – General Electric" Matrix ("attractiveness-competitiveness" matrix); the ADL/LC matrix by Arthur D. Little which helps managers discern their SBUs strategic position depending upon two dimensions – SBU’s life cycle and competitive position) are discussed in the article. The use of the portfolio analysis is a necessary and important factor in the implementation of strategic analysis which allows to: get a generalized picture of the economic portfolio, define the functions, markets, position and contribution of each SBU in the company’s portfolio, consider and develop optimal strategies for each activity. Along with the advantages of the researched methods their disadvantages are listed. The conclusion about the necessity of their adaption to local conditions and use in the analytical and management practices is made


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    Financial and economic activity is exposed to numerous systemic risks, which are a threat to the financial security of enterprises. The criterion for ensuring financial security is the appropriate level of the company's financial condition. The financial condition of the enterprise is a complex concept and is characterized by the system of indicators – financial coefficients: indicators of liquidity, financial stability, business activity, and management efficiency. The interrelationship and mutual determination between the indicators that cause the occurrence of risk when one of them changes is established. A range of factors that comprehensively characterize the financial and economic activity of the enterprise has been determined and developed risk analysis and assessment methodology, which includes the following stages: preparatory stage; construction of an algorithm for quantitative assessment of risk in the financial security system; interpretation of the results of an integrated risk assessment in the financial security system; determining the priorities of risk management in the system. The methods of financial analysis (horizontal, vertical, coefficient, analysis of business activity and financial stability) were applied and a quantitative assessment of risks was carried out. The indicators-coefficients of the enterprise's functioning are calculated and given an interpretation. The conclusion was formed that the construction of an effective risk management system and its universal functional component of risk analysis are current issues, as they allow to develop a set of measures to minimize threats and risks of conducting financial and economic activities of economic entities. Therefore, the correct assessment of risk with the help of the proposed methods and models of financial analysis for individual economic situations and business entities is effective and has value, as it gives the opportunity to make the optimal decision in specific situations and characterizes the criterion feature of financial security of industrial enterprises – liquidity, financial stability, business activity, profitability

    Теорія та практика менеджменту безпеки

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    У збірнику подано тези доповідей та виступів учасників Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, присвяченої питанням теорії менеджменту безпеки, безпеки особистості, прикладним аспектам забезпечення соціальної, екологічної, економічної безпеки підприємств, питанням механізму забезпечення соціоекологоекономічної безпеки регіону, проблемам забезпечення національної безпеки