8 research outputs found

    Psycho-Pedagogical Experience of Intellectual Education in the Views of Ukrainian and Foreign Pedagogues as the Basis of Modern Neuropedagogy

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    It is extremely important to reconsider psycho-pedagogical experience in the problem of intellectual education that is mainly highlighted on the pages of the leading periodical “Sovetskaya Pedagogika”. The research hypothesis is the possibility of using the pedagogical experience of the journal’s co-authors to justify the basic principles of neuropedagogy, which became widespread after its publication had ended. The research aims to identify and generalize the main areas of intellectual education on the pages of the journal based on a holistic retrospective analysis of professional publications and, thus, identify the factual material and theoretical approaches which have formed the basis of modern neuropedagogy. Research methods involve a set of general scientific and psycho-pedagogical methods: systematic search methods (identification, theoretical analysis and systematization of historical-and-pedagogical works and materials of pedagogical periodicals); historical-and-retrospective methods (analysis of the content and characteristics of reflection and solving of problems related to intellectual education on the pages of the journal); comparative methods (comparison of events, phenomena and facts mentioned in the journal, in particular, the views of national and international theorists and practitioners on the problems of intellectual education, which have formed the basis of modern neuropedagogy). In the paper, theoretical generalization and a new approach to solving a topical problem of generalizing the main areas of intellectual education on the pages of the periodical, namely, the problem of intellectual education in the context of developing an idea on the individual’s harmonious development; a comprehensive approach to the problem of intellectual education on the pages of the periodical; the problem of intellectual development as the basis of intellectual education on the pages of the periodical “; promotion of cognitive activity and independence as an effective means of intellectual education; pedagogical views on the problem of intellectual education on the pages of the periodical; foreign experience in promoting intellectual education on the pages of the periodical have been presented. The stages in the history of forming and developing the periodical “Sovetskaya Pedagogika” (1937–1991) have been concretized following the status and subordination. Particular facts, concepts and problems of the prominent educational journal in the context of establishing the ideas of neuropedagogy and neuropsychology have been specified. The significance of pedagogical periodicals as an important source of psycho-pedagogical research has been justified.</p

    Psycho-Pedagogical Conditions for Preparing Future Teachers for Their Interaction with Students’ Parents in Inclusive Practice in Primary Schools

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    The concept of the New Ukrainian School is aimed at organizing effective inclusive education for students, in particular younger students with special educational needs, and their cooperation with healthy peers. The paper aims to theoretically justify and experimentally verify psycho-pedagogical conditions for teaching future primary school teachers how to interact with students’ parents in inclusive practice. The experimental group (EG) involved 203 respondents and the control group (CG) 215 respondents, as well as 12 university teachers, 36 primary school teachers and 115 students’ parents of students with/without special educational needs. The psycho-pedagogical conditions are determined as follows: developing future primary school teachers’ motivational, values-based and responsible attitude to acquiring knowledge, abilities and skills needed for the interaction with students’ parents in inclusive practice; using the opportunities of an educational environment in higher education institutions to develop future primary school teachers’ certain competencies by improving and integrating the content of professional and specialized academic courses, applying innovative and traditional technologies of teaching and learning; focusing academic training and teaching placement towards improving the experience of future primary school teachers in interacting with students’ parents in inclusive practice). The paper employs some author’s methodologies (adapted to Raven’s (1991) socio-pedagogical methodologies): surveys, interviews, student questionnaires, tests, assignments. The ratio between the levels of future primary school teachers’ readiness to interact with students’ parents in inclusive learning is the following: the experimental group – a high level 45.32%, an average level 41.87%, a low level 12.81%; the control group a high level 16.74%, an average level 36.75%, a low level 41.51%. The obtained results indicate some dynamic positive changes in the levels of EG respondents’ readiness under the influence of the proposed psycho-pedagogical conditions

    The Features of Professional Training of Future Speech Therapists in Higher Education Institutions in the Aspect of Professional Activity

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    У статті розкрито особливості професійної підготовки майбутніх логопедів у закладах вищої освіти в аспекті професійної діяльності. Для їх розкриття визначено сферу діяльності, функції, вимоги до підготовки майбутніх логопедів у закладах вищої освіти. Установлено, що головним обов’язком логопеда є виявлення та надання допомоги дітям із різними аномаліями у психофізичному розвитку. Розкрито специфіку корекційно-розвивальної діяльності майбутнього логопеда, яка полягає в тому, що його мовлення, сформована комунікативна компетентність ю інструментами корекційного впливу, від ефективності застосування залежать можливості подальшого розвитку та соціалізації дітей і підлітків з вадами мовлення, а також успішність професійно-педагогічного спілкування з ними, їхніми батьками, колегами, адміністрацією.The article describes the features of professional training of future speech therapists in higher education institutions in the aspect of professional activity. In the article we defined the sphere of activity, functions, and requirements for preparation of future speech therapists in higher education institutions. The main responsibility of speech therapists is to identify and assist children with various abnormalities in psychophysical development. We found out that the future speech therapist can carry out his activity in preschool institutions (speech therapists, compensatory and inclusive groups), institutions of general secondary education, special, educational and social rehabilitation centers, speech centers at polyclinics, PMPC (now – IRC). Specific requirements for the speech therapist’s personality are identified: he performs both psychological and pedagogical correction. The specifics of the corrective-developmental activity of the future speech therapist are revealed. The speech, the formed communicative competence are the tools of corrective influence on them, their parents, colleagues, administration. We indicated the areas of knowledge, and skills in which students should be competent: they perform educational, corrective, compensatory, and rehabilitation work with children with speech disorders; provide conditions for learning disability compensation and corrective programs taking into account disabilities, age and individual peculiarities; promote social rehabilitation, vocational guidance; study and record the dynamics of the child’s development; create favorable organizational and pedagogical conditions for children with severe speech disorders (with rhinolalia, stuttering, alalia, aphasia, dysarthria); produce the optimal pedagogical and corrective strategy, etc. Features of professional activity of the future speech therapist are distinguished: polyfunctionality, multidimensionality (internal and semantic integration), diversity (external and institutional integration), versatility (has multiple manifestations in the system) of the speech therapist’s functions

    Methodological Approaches to the Future Speech Therapists Professional Training

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    У статті розкрито методологічні підходи до професійної підготовки майбутніх логопедів: парадигмальний (розкриває спосіб аналізу педагогічного процесу на основі формування інформаційно-освітнього середовища та професійної підготовки майбутніх логопедів в умовах цього середовища), системний (дозволяє врахувати суперечності й недоліки наявної системи професійної підготовки майбутніх логопедів), особистісно-орієнтований (припускає, що професійна підготовка майбутнього логопеда максимально враховує індивідуальні особливості студентів), аксіологічний (дозволяє розглядати логопедичну освіту як соціально-педагогічний феномен), антропосоціогуманістичний (зумовлює формування особистості логопеда як головної ланки освітнього процесу), компетентнісний (висуває на перше місце вміння вирішувати проблеми розвитку, навчання й виховання дітей із порушеннями мовлення), контекстний (уможливлює зв’язок і наступність професійної підготовки з професійною діяльністю), практико-орієнтований (проявляється в організації процесу активного навчання), феноменологічний (орієнтується на безпосередньому спостереженні особливостей і властивостей досліджуваного процесу), сутнісний (забезпечує орієнтування на внутрішні особливості та зв’язки досліджуваних об’єктів), комплексний (дозволяє вирішувати головні завдання в подальшій освіті дітей).The article describes methodological approaches to the future speech therapists professional training, which are paradigm, systematic, personality-oriented, axiological, antropological and social and humanistic, competence, contextual, practice-oriented, phenomenological, essential, complex. Paradigmal approach reveals a method of analyzing a pedagogical process based on binary oppositions – formation of information and educational environment and future speech therapists professional training in the conditions of this environment, each of which has its own specific set of concepts describing goals, content and educational process. Systematic approach allows to take into account the contradictions and disadvantages of the existing system of future speech therapists professional training and to identify mechanisms and to determine conditions for the formation of professionally significant qualities. Personality-oriented approach assumes that future speech therapist professional training takes into account the individual characteristics of students: knowledge level, skills and practical experience. Axiological approach allows to consider speech therapy as a social and pedagogical phenomenon, which is reflected in such basic ideas as universality and fundamentality of humanistic values, unity of goals and means. Antropological and social and humanistic approach determines formation of the speech therapist’s personality as the main element of the educational process in terms of integration, his professional competence, finding ways to solve problems, substantiation of strategic and tactical tasks of improving the social environment for the child with speech impairment. Competence approach puts it in the first place not the knowledge of the future specialist, but his skills to deal with development, education and upbringing of children with speech impairments. Contextual approach makes possible connection and continuity of professional training with professional activity, life and practice. Practiceoriented approach anifested in the organization of the process of active learning, interaction with children with speech impairment, professional and pedagogical orientation of the whole system of training, in particular production practice, in the use of methods, techniques and tools that contribute to mobilization and development of communicative abilities of future speech therapists. Phenomenological approach focuses on the direct observation of the features and properties of the studied process. Essential approach provides orientation to the internal features and connections of the investigated objects, the phenomena of correctional work, as well as various links to the laws, concepts, categories that describe them. Complex approach allows to solve the main tasks in the further education of children: characterization of the studied functions, disclosure of the structure of the defect, prediction of the child’s development, obtaining a conclusion that develops a program for dealing with a child with speech impairment

    Model of Professional Training of Future Speech Therapists in the Informational and Educational Environment of Higher Educational Establishments

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    У статті обґрунтовано модель професійної підготовки майбутніх логопедів в інформаційно-освітньому середовищі закладів вищої освіти. Визначено її компонентний склад. Установлено, що він включає методологічно-цільовий, змістово-процесуальний, результативно-оцінний блоки. Розкрито, що до методологічно-цільового блоку входять мета, підходи, принципи; змістово-процесуального – суб'єкти, етапи, зміст, форми, методи засоби, технології; результативно-оцінного - критерії, показники, ознаки, рівні, діагностичний інструментарій, результат. Доведено, що практична реалізація моделі здійснюється за допомогою впровадження в освітню практику спеціально розробленої полікомпонентної експериментальної програми формування готовності майбутніх логопедів для виконання модально-специфічних функцій. Розкрито перспективи подальших досліджень.The article substantiates the model of professional training of future speech therapists in the informational and educational environment of higher education institutions. A conceptual idea is defined as the theoretical basis for the development of the model. Its component structure is determined. It is established that it includes methodological-target, content-procedural, performance-estimating units. It has been established that methodological-target unit includes the goal (professional training of future speech therapists in the informational and educational environment of higher education institutions), approaches (paradigm, systemic, personality oriented, axiological, anthropo-socio-humanistic, competence, contextual, practical-oriented, integrated), principles (general and specific) taking into account the theoretical ideas of humanization of preschool and special education. The content-procedural unit includes: subjects (teachers, students, children of preschool age), stages (orientation-motivational, technological, practical-oriented), content (system of interrelated logopedic disciplines), forms (lectures, practical classes (seminar, special workshop, laboratory work, workshop), independent, scientific research and methodological work of students, educational and industrial practice, course and qualifying works, student scientific conferences, educational work), methods (innovative-activity, training-games and reflexive), means (primary sources, textbooks, teaching aids, methodological recommendations, scientific, popular science literature, documents, regulatory collections, electronic books, databases and other computer tools), technologies (teaching on the basis of the factors of the linearity and concentricity of the organization of the process of preparing future speech therapists for professional work; modular training; organization of independent work of students on the basis of a practice-oriented approach; organization of training of students with the help of technological cards and assessment of their readiness for practical activity on the basis of monitoring of individual professional growth; working out of practical skills of speech therapy through conducting workshops; technology of reflexive management of student learning; information and communication technologies in the informational and educational environment of higher education institutions). The results-evaluation unit includes criteria, indicators, attributes (motivational-personal, informational-cognitive, activity-technological), levels (high (strategic), average (pragmatic), low (operational), diagnostic tool, result (willingness of future speech therapists to professional activity, in particular, to the development of speech activity of preschool children). It is proved that practical realization of the model is carried out by introducing in a training practice of a specially developed multicomponent experimental program for training future speech therapists to perform modal-specific functions reveals the prospects for further research

    Cognitive Activity as a Didactic Means of Mental Education

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    У статті проаналізовано комплексний підхід до проблеми розумового виховання на сторінках «Советской педагогики»; висвітлено проблему розумового розвитку як основи розумового виховання; розкрито стимулювання пізнавальної активності та самостійності як дидактичного засобу розумового виховання; встановлено, що в радянській педагогічній теорії та практиці проблема розумового виховання розглядалася, насамперед, у контексті розвитку ідеї про всебічний гармонійний розвиток особистості.In the article, we accentuate the topicality of the idea of stimulating cognitive activity as a didactic means of mental education. We analyze a comprehensive approach to the problem of mental training in the pages of “Soviet pedagogy” and establish that educational impact on pupil carried the team considering his individual characteristics. Additionally, we consider the problems of mental development and suggest that effective cognitive activity and therefore mental, depends on the active search and practice, as they facilitate the development of mental activity. Stimulation of pupil’s cognitive activity and independence as a didactic means of mental education assign individualized incentives. We note the predominant role of moral incentives and minor role of other incentives do not provide a complete understanding of the versatility of the cognitive activity stimulating process as an important aspect of mental development and education of the individual. It is stressed that positive point in the works devoted to stimulation of the cognitive activity and intellectual development of students, is the allocation of the individualization of stimuli, but at the same time the mechanism of stimulation has not been revealed to full extent. It is also noted the predominance of the role of moral stimuli and the undervaluing of other types of stimuli that does not give a complete understanding about the versatility of the process of stimulating cognitive activity as an important aspect of mental development and education of the individual. We conclude that mental education problem was studied primarily in the context of a comprehensive harmonious development of person in the Soviet pedagogical theory and practice. In the pages of the “Soviet pedagogy” the important area of mental education is the stimulation of cognitive activity and independence. The mental education includes the mechanism of mental training, comprehensive study of teaching methods use and educational influence tools

    Formation of student professional skills under pandemic conditions

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    The study aims to analyze the process of developing students’ professional skills and characterizing the degree of formation of this type of skill in the educational process during a pandemic. Methodology. In the course of the research, data from international studies and scientific publications have been used, as well as the results of students’ and teachers’ surveys on their position and development of professional skills of students during pandemic constraints of the educational process. Results. Through the methods of questioning, the pros and cons of distance learning from the point of view of degree-seeking students have been revealed, which is important for the formation of a student-oriented model of higher education. Advantages of distance learning include as follows: a flexible learning schedule, compatibility of work and study, mastering additional skills, courses, hobbies, and increasing motivation for independent learning. Disadvantages of distance learning during a pandemic are as follows: technical problems, lack of Internet access, the difficulty of self-study, low level of information technology level proficiency among teachers and students. It has been determined that students and educators require additional support during the pandemic

    Results of Verification of the Methods of Speech Activity Formation in Children with Autistic Disorders

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    Формування мовленнєвої діяльності є досить складним багатогранним тривалим процесом, зокрема формування мовленнєвої діяльності дітей з аутистичними розладами. Відповідно до завдань дослідження нами розроблені корекційно-розвивальні методики формування мовленнєвої діяльності дітей дошкільного віку з аутистичними розладами. Працюючи над корекційно-розвивальними методами, ми розглянули результати дослідження, програмні вимоги до мовленнєвого розвитку старших дошкільників, рівень мовленнєвих можливостей кожної дитини, закономірності розвитку мовленнєвої функції в онтогенезі та науково-методичні засади та аспекти корекції мовленнєвого розвитку дітей з порушеннями мовлення. Відповідно до обґрунтованих нами принципів, дослідницько-діагностичний, корекційно-діяльнісний та функціонально-мовленнєвий етапи нашої методики мають свої зовнішні та внутрішні межі. Крім того, виділені етапи корекційно-розвивальних методів тісно взаємопов'язані і характеризуються їх поєднанням як безперервний педагогічний процес; а знання, навички та звички, отримані старшими дошкільниками з аутичними розладами, розглядаються як цілісна система. Ми включили ініціативу як вміння говорити в монолозі, мотивацію як вміння говорити в діалозі, змістовність як насиченість активного усного мовлення зрозумілими дитині з аутизмом мовними одиницями (слова, словосполучення, фрази, речення), а також звуконаслідування, звукові комплекси та вокалізації до основних компонентів мовленнєвої діяльності. Таким чином, після закріплення методики ми обробили та узагальнили результати виявлення рівнів сформованої мовленнєвої активності як вміння говорити в монолозі та діалозі та використання окремих мовних одиниць за кількісними показниками.The speech activity formation is a pretty complex multifaceted long-term process, particularly, formation of speech activity in children with autistic disorders. According to the research objectives, we have designed corrective-developmental methods of formation of speech activity in pre-school children with autistic disorders. Working on the corrective-developmental methods, we have considered the research results, program requirements to the speech development of elder pre-schoolers, level of speech capabilities of every child, law regularities of the speech function development in ontogenesis and scientific-methodical principles and aspects of the speech development correction for children with speech disorders. As per the principles that we have substantiated, the research-diagnostic, correction-activity and function-speech stages of our methods show their outer and inner bounds. Moreover, the identified stages of the corrective-developmental methods are closely interrelated and characterised with their combination as a continuous pedagogical process; and the knowledge, skills and habits obtained by elder pre-schoolers with autistic disorders are considered as an integral system. We have included initiative as capability to speak in a monologue, motivation as capability to speak in a dialogue, content-richness as saturation of the active oral speech with language units clear to a child with autistic disorders (words, word combinations, phrases, sentences) as well as sound imitations, sound complexes and vocalisation to the main components of speech activity. Thus, after entrenching our methods we have processed and generalised the results of identifying levels of formed speech activity as capability to speak in a monologue and dialogue and use of particular language units according to the quantitative indices