44 research outputs found

    Weed plants of oilseed rape agrocoenoses in Tomsk Oblast

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    The species composition of weed plants in the oilseed rape agrocoenoses in the south part of Western Siberia (Tomsk region) have been studied. There are more than 80 species of weed plants occupied oilseed rape fields on this territory. Euphorbia virgata, Convolvulus arvensis, Stachys palustris, Cirsium setosum and Sonchus arvensis belongs to the most common and widely distributed species of perennial weeds. In the seed lots of Brassica napus L. Metzg. Cultivated in Tomsk Oblast the fruit and seeds of more than 40 weed seeds have been founded


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    Abstract. The article raises the problem of the diagnostic activity of a future class teacher. The problem fieldof the research object is shown. Based on the experience of psychological and pedagogical literature, they studied the algorithmic approach to the diagnostic activity of a teacher, and the concept of "diagnostic activity algorithm" was considered. It is proved that, despite the existing theoretical reserve, it is necessary to study the diagnostic activity of a future class teacher in connection with the specificity of his future educational activity. Based on the analysis of the ascertaining experiment results, a conclusion is drawn about the need to develop diagnostic tasks that are necessary in the educational activity of future class leaders. Also, the authors see the need for the algorithmization of diagnostic tasks, the purpose of which is to train future educators to reflect on their diagnostic activity, its timely correction, andfurther planning.Keywords: algorithm, algorithmic approach, diagnostics, diagnostic activity, future class teacher, the training of future teacher-educators


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    The article offers the methodical approach to differentiation measurement of the subjects of the Russian Federation on the level of receipt of insurance premiums on mandatory pension insurance. Discrepancy of regions distribution on a studied indicator to the normal law is revealed. The procedure of normalization of an indicator is carried out, the statistical group of subjects of the Russian Federation on level of the obligatory level income of the pension system is constructed, the social and economic characteristic of the allocated groups of regions is given.В статье предложен методический подход к измерению дифференциации субъектов Российской Федерации по уровню поступления страховых взносов по обязательному пенсионному страхованию. Выявлено несоответствие распределения регионов по исследуемому показателю нормальному закону. Проведена процедура нормализации показателя, построена статистическая группировка субъектов Российской Федерации по уровню доходов обязательного уровня пенсионной системы, дана социально-экономическая характеристика выделенных групп регионов

    Amaranth nutritional properties assessment based on potassium and nitrate concentration in tissues

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    The chemical composition of plants of amaranth belonging to various species is determined genetically to a great extent. The concentration of mineral nutrients in amaranth tissues may influence the quality of food and fodder raw stuff. We studied the potassium and nitrate concentration in the tissues of the plants of four amaranth species grown in Western Siberia in similar rainfed conditions. We suggest using the ratio "potassium concentration/nitrate concentration" in the biomass of the plants under study as an additional indicator of their nutritional properties. The content of potassium in A. Hypochondriacus and A. tricolor dry weight was about 900 mEq/kg, in the tissues of A. Retroflexus-600 mEq/kg, in the tissues of A. Cruentus-455 mEq/kg. The maximal value of the mean nitrate content in dry matter for A. Cruentus was 105.9 mEq/kg. The content of nitrates in A. tricolor tissues was 80 mEq/kg, and in A. Retroflexus tissues-40 mEq/kg. The minimal content of nitrates was registered in the sample of the dry matter of the plants of A. Hypochondriacus-about 24 mEq/kg. The ratio "potassium concentration/nitrate concentration" in the plants of A. Hypochondriacus ran up to a multiple of 45, in A. Retroflexsus-16.4, in A. tricolor-10.8, and in A. Cruentus-4.5. A. Hypochondriacus has the highest feeding value compared to other amaranth species, with soil conditions being similar, without watering and fertilizers. The indicator "potassium/nitrate" can be used for express assessment of amaranth nutritional properties

    The Evolution of Sustainability and Socio-Economic Functions of National Pension Systems

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    The development of the national pension system is connected with the coherence of the economic interests of the main participants concerning the storage, redistribution and use of premiums. The relationship and account of economic interests form the motivational core of a sustainable national pension system. The evolution of the stability concept in the course of time is determined by the evolution of the system of values underlying the socio-economic functions of national pension systems. The study aims to develop a model of sustainable national pension system that meets the social and economic criteria. Because of the complexity and dynamism of the object, a comparative analysis of pension systems in developed countries is carried out in order to identify key indicators and significant features of national pension systems and the definition of Russia's place. The model of a sustainable national pension system is the result of the analysis and synthesis of the best world experience in solving the problem of stability. The article is of interest from the standpoint of analyzing the issues of national security. Keywords: national pension system, mandatory and voluntary pension insurance, pensions, redistribution mechanism, model of the pension system. JEL Classifications: H55; G23; J3

    Typology of Rural Territories of the Russian Federation Subjects

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    The article is devoted to the methodological approaches of the complex typology of the Russian Federation rural areas for the purposes of regional governance. The proposed method takes into account the differences in rural areas of the region in terms of socio-economic development, the economic potential and limitations of its use, based on the application of multivariate statistical analysis of integrated indicators. It summarizes the main problems of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation rural areas, one of the reasons, which, according to the authors, is an insufficient account of the special areas in the implementation of rural development policies at both the Federal and regional levels of government. Here it is suggested a hierarchical system of indicators which is used to develop a typology of regional rural areas, including aggregated typology criteria: the level of economic potential, the level of restrictions of the use of the economic potential, the level of social and economic development, as well as integrated and private figures. It is performed the approbation of the methodology with the use of data from rural municipal districts of the agricultural subject of the Russian Federation - the Republic of Buryatia. The obtained typology of rural areas allowed us to justify a differentiated approach to the management of socio-economic development of the regional rural areas. The results of the study can be recommended to the federal and regional authorities in improving the management of rural development based on a differentiated approach. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s7p20

    Effect of platinum nanoparticles on morphological parameters of spring wheat seedlings in a substrate-plant system

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    When wheat is cultivated in the media contaminated with platinum nanoparticles, the change in the morphological and physiological indexes of wheat seedlings depends on the physico-chemical parameters of the germination substrate. The changes become less pronounced with the decreasing bioaccessability of the nanomaterial in the following order: water suspension – luvisols – phaeozems. Contamination with nanoparticles affects the height parameters and activates the mechanisms protecting the plant from stress. When using wheat seedlings as test organisms for biotesting the environmental safety of NPs, it is advisable to use the following parameters: weight of roots, weight of aerial part, leaf area, and flavonoid content

    GAPDH binders as potential drugs for the therapy of polyglutamine diseases: Design of a new screening assay

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    AbstractProteins with long polyglutamine repeats form a complex with glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), which enhances aggregation and cytotoxicity in models of Huntington disease. The aim of this study was to develop a novel assay for the screening of anti-aggregation compounds with a focus on the aggregation-promoting capacity of GAPDH. The assay includes a pure Q58 polyglutamine fragment, GAPDH, and a transglutaminase that links the two proteins. The feasibility of the new assay was verified using two GAPDH binders, hydroxynonenal and −(−)deprenyl, and the benzothiazole derivative PGL-135 which exhibits anti-aggregation effect. All three substances were shown to reduce aggregation and cytotoxicity in the cell and in the fly model of Spinocerebellar ataxia