84 research outputs found

    Metaphor as a device for understanding cognitive concepts

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    The paper addresses metaphor as a cognitive-semantic device which is able to reveal intuitive mechanisms of the thinking process, thus filling the gaps in the sphere of logically objective human knowledge and opening the possibility to describe abstract concepts of the human mind in terms. This paper substantiates the principal possibility of conceptual modeling of the metaphorization process and describes its baseline algorithm, identifies complex metaphors and establishes the cognitive-semantic features of their functioning. The main conclusion of the reasoning confirms the hypothesis that different image schemes have different strength of heuristic potential, which determines the fullness of metaphorical descriptions of concepts

    Deformation of face-centered cubic polycrystal and stress tensor components in grains

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    The transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been used to indicate the contribution of stress tensorcomponents to internal stresses in deformed polycrystalline austenitic steel. TEM images of steel deformation demonstrate bend extinction contours the parameters of which allow detecting the stress tensor components (bending and torsional stresses of a crystal lattice). The diagrams are constructed for the contribution of stress tensor components to internal stresses in grains having different types of bending. The regularities are obtained for the stress distribution due to bending-torsion of a crystal latticein the deformed face centered cubic crystal system. The experiment shows that the contribution of bending and torsion stress components to the internal stresses is different during the increase of deformation. The torsion stress component always grows with the increase of deformation, while the bending stress component either grows or lowers. The growth in the torsion stress component is typical for grains with compound bending

    Idiomatic equivalents in terms of metaphoric transfer

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    The article presents a hermeneutic approach to idiomatic equivalents in terms of metaphoric transfer. Metaphor is viewed by the authors in its broad sense that can be applied to any use of words in an indirect meaning. Hence, an idiom is understood as a verbalized metaphor that reflects both the universal and specific features of a given language. Idiomatic equivalence that traditionally refers to the linguistic properties of the idiom is presented in the article as hermeneutic equivalence based on the thinking activity approach. Within the framework of such approach the idiomatic equivalence highlights the transfer from one culture to another way of thinking and thinking activity organization

    The Leading Universities’ Social Responsibility and Regional Development

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    The paper deals with processes of development of a university's social responsibility in the regional community. The content of ten web-sites of Russia's federal universities and of official sites of regional authorities of their respective locations was taken as the initial empiric material. Theoretical analysis of basic viewpoints on the nature of buildup of universities' social responsibility was conducted. Basing on the socio-cultural approach to analysis of the mission and lines of the universities' activities, the authors generalized modern practices of social responsibility realization and gave insight into prospective lines of the universities' activity in the context of socio-economic development of Russian regions. As a working hypothesis, it has been assumed that it is human and professional experience of regional leaders that has considerable influence on formation of universities' and regions' mutual social responsibility for realization of socio-economic objectives of the regional development. Finally, conclusions about horizons and ways of enhancement of the role of social responsibility within the system of interrelations between universities and regions were formulated

    The Leading Universities’ Social Responsibility and Regional Development

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    The paper deals with processes of development of a university's social responsibility in the regional community. The content of ten web-sites of Russia's federal universities and of official sites of regional authorities of their respective locations was taken as the initial empiric material. Theoretical analysis of basic viewpoints on the nature of buildup of universities' social responsibility was conducted. Basing on the socio-cultural approach to analysis of the mission and lines of the universities' activities, the authors generalized modern practices of social responsibility realization and gave insight into prospective lines of the universities' activity in the context of socio-economic development of Russian regions. As a working hypothesis, it has been assumed that it is human and professional experience of regional leaders that has considerable influence on formation of universities' and regions' mutual social responsibility for realization of socio-economic objectives of the regional development. Finally, conclusions about horizons and ways of enhancement of the role of social responsibility within the system of interrelations between universities and regions were formulated

    Translation of Polysemous and Synonymous Terms of the English Language: The Possibilities of a Cognitive Approach

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    The article describes the problem of translating polysemantic and synonymous investment terms and is studied from the perspective of cognitive linguistics, namely in the light of the prototypes theory, which presupposes the identification of the content core as the best representative of the word's semantics. The subject of the research are the semantic processes taking place in the English term system reflecting investment activity. By the example of the research of term dealer and its synonyms broker and agent, the authors have defined that the meanings of polysemantic and synonymous terms are not isolated, but are united by a meaningful core and develop according to the laws of semantic derivation based on the common language nominative-non-derivative meaning. The authors found that the reduction of translation failures in the transfer of terms is possible due to the competent use of the cognitive context and the correct definition of the content core of the terminological unit. The research is carried out by means of such methods as the prototypical semantics method, a definitional and component analysis. When identifying the content core of a polysemantic term it is first of all necessary to define the average primary meaning of this term on the basis of dictionary definitions. As a result, the most frequent meaning is determined. Then etymological analysis of the meaning is carried out. At the next stage, in order to model the cognitive image of a word, contextual analysis is performed, and metaphorical comparisons are investigated. Based on the obtained data, a content core of the term is formulated generalizing all the derived meanings and demonstrating their connections. The results obtained allow the authors to prove that the meanings of polysemantic and synonymous terms are connected by a single content core and are developed on the basis of a common linguistic meaning. The practical value of the scientific research is in the possibility to use the results of the work in lexicographic practice when compiling terminological dictionaries, and when writing university courses in terminology and translation studies. The identification of a content core is necessary while translating polysemantic and synonymous terms, because it reveals the meaning of the term in the context and defines the choice of a right translation variant

    Thermodynamic Analysis of Catalytic Cracking Reactions as the First Stage in the Development of Mathematical Description

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    In this work thermodynamic analysis of catalytic cracking reaction involving the high molecular weight hydrocarbons was carried out using quantum chemical method of calculation realized in Gaussian software. The method of calculation is DFT (Density Functional Theory), theoretical approximation is B3LYP model, 3-21G basis. The list of catalytic cracking reactions for calculation was prepared on the basis of the theoretical data about catalytic cracking, laboratory and experimental data from the industrial unit. The enthalpy and Gibbs energy values of the main catalytic cracking reactions are presented under the process conditions. The results of this work will be used to develop a kinetic model of catalytic cracking of petroleum feedstock

    The Importance of Customers’ Character Accentuations

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    The article is based on the strategy and prospect development concept of marketing relations. It is noted that the role of personal marketing communication, particularly personal sales, is increased in the field of marketing relations. The necessity of searching for the new effective tools of personal sales has been shown, one of which is the competency model of personal agents. It is considered that in order to demonstrate many competencies that make up the contemporary model, a personal agent has to create a psychological profile of the client. The theories are based upon the methods of creating a psychological portrait of the client that have been listed. It is noted that the fourth facet of psychological portrait of the client should be based on the theory of personal character accentuations. The algorithm of work with clients having different character accentuations has been developed. The traits of clients with different character accentuations are detailed. The following traits of the clients are referred to: communication and behavior features, positive character traits, negative character traits, clothing, facial expressions and gestures, speech. Recommendations for work with clients of hyperthermia, anxious, dysthymic, pedantic, excitable, emotive, sticking, demonstrative, cyclothymiacs and ecstatic types have been suggested. It is noted that the consideration of character accentuations of the clients allows increasing the level of subjective well-being of clients and promotes the growth of the main indicators characterizing the effectiveness of personal sales in the context of relationship marketing