17 research outputs found

    Проектирование функциональной модели муниципальной библиотеки

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    The conclusions on using functional modeling results for library processes modernization are presented. The authors prove that such functional models make the basis for efficient information services. The study was accomplished at Valuy district Intersettlement Library, Belgorod Oblast, Russia.Представлены результаты использования функционального моделирования для модернизации библиотечных процессов модельной библиотеки. Доказано, что функциональная модель библиотеки обеспечивает эффективную организацию информационного обслуживания. Исследование проведено на базе Межпоселенческой библиотеки Валуйского района Белгородской област

    Cloning and Characterization of Polyhydroxybutyrate Synthase from Methylobacterium extorquens AM1

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    В результате поиска генов, кодирующих вероятные ПГБ-синтазы в геномах бактерий рода Methylobacterium, выявлены множественные (до пяти у одного штамма) гены ПГБ-синтаз. Филогенетическим анализом показано, что белки PhaC1, PhaC2, PhaC3 относятся к I классу ПГБ-синтаз, белки PhaC4 – к ПГБ-синтазам III класса, тогда как PhaC5, по-видимому, представляет неохарактеризованный класс ПГБ-синтаз. Впервые выделена и охарактеризована рекомбинантная ПГБ-синтаза I класса (КФ 2.3.1.B2) из Methylobacterium extorquens AM1, кодируемая геном phaC1. Молекулярная масса мономера фермента составила 78 кДа. Константа Михаэлиса (Km) для PhaC1 из штамма AM1 составила 1,3 мМ, а максимальная скорость реакции (Vmax) – 0,1 мкмоль∙мин-1∙мг-1. Получен делеционный мутант Methylobacterium extorquens по гену phaC, перспективный для дальнейшего исследования особенностей биосинтеза ПГБ метилобактериямиMultiple genes encoding putative PHB synthases (up to 5 in single strain) were found in Methylobacterium genomes. As a result of phylogenetic analysis proteins PhaC1, PhaC2, PhaC3 were identified as class I PHB synthases, PhaC4 proteins were identified as class III PHB synthases, while PhaC5 apparently belongs to uncharacterized class of PHB synthases. Firstly, the recombinant class I PBH synthase (EC 2.3.1.B2) encoded by phaC1 gene from Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 was purified and characterized. Molecular mass of enzyme monomer was 78 kDa. Michaelis constant (Km) for PhaC1 was 1,3 mM and maximal reaction rate (Vmax) was 0,1 μmol∙min–1∙mg–1. The deletion mutant of Methylobacterium extorquens in the phaC gene was obtained which is promising for further study of peculiarities of methylobacteria’s PHB biosynthesi

    Econometric Methods for Evaluating of Open National Innovative Systems

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    The urgency of the problem stated in the paper is reasoned by the fact that the rapid acceleration of the changes of the existing economic and institutional conditions raises the need to develop new theoretical-methodological and practical approaches to the problems' solving in order to achieve sustainable growth of innovation growth. The purpose of the paper is developing of a methodology to assess the open national innovation systems through the use of econometric models. The leading approach to the study of this problem is the method of economic-mathematical modeling, allowing evaluating of the level of national innovation systems' openness using quantitative indicators and building of innovative development's forecasts. The article reveals the essence of open innovations, open national innovation systems, on the basis of production functions the forecast of the share of service sector's value added in GDP is built using additive and multiplicative models. Paper Submissions are of theoretical and practical significance for open innovation management models' development, as well as for the development of the state innovation policy's strategy. Keywords: National Innovation System, Evaluation Methods, Econometric Modeling, Production Function, Additive Model, Multiplicative Model. JEL Classifications: B23, F41, O3

    Regulation of endonuclease activity by proteolysis prevents breakage of unmodified bacterial chromosomes by type I restriction enzymes

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    ClpXP-dependent proteolysis has been implicated in the delayed detection of restriction activity after the acquisition of the genes (hsdR, hsdM, and hsdS) that specify EcoKI and EcoAI, representatives of two families of type I restriction and modification (R-M) systems. Modification, once established, has been assumed to provide adequate protection against a resident restriction system. However, unmodified targets may be generated in the DNA of an hsd(+) bacterium as the result of replication errors or recombination-dependent repair. We show that ClpXP-dependent regulation of the endonuclease activity enables bacteria that acquire unmodified chromosomal target sequences to survive. In such bacteria, HsdR, the polypeptide of the R-M complex essential for restriction but not modification, is degraded in the presence of ClpXP. A mutation that blocks only the modification activity of EcoKI, leaving the cell with ≈600 unmodified targets, is not lethal provided that ClpXP is present. Our data support a model in which the HsdR component of a type I restriction endonuclease becomes a substrate for proteolysis after the endonuclease has bound to unmodified target sequences, but before completion of the pathway that would result in DNA breakage

    Improvement of methodological support of internal control in the cash management system of the enterprise

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    Currently, most business operations conducted by an economic entity, including the implementation of settlements with counterparties, associated with the movement of cash flows. Consequently, of particular relevance acquired questions implementation of internal control, which contributes to information and advisory support and optimization of financial and economic activities of the enterprise. The purpose of the article is to develop the system of methodological support of internal control of funds at the enterprise. In article theoretical bases of realization of control procedures are studied. The basic principles, the purpose and methods of internal control of funds are defined. For the development of methodological tools it is suggested to use the developed forms of working documents of internal control. These documents allow to systematize control measures, to evaluate the efficiency of accounting system organization, to generalize the results of cash and bank account transactions inspection, their appropriateness and validity; to record the revealed violations by the results of cash and bank account transactions inspection. Based on the results of internal control, the company’s management makes a decision to improve the efficiency of cash usage based on the creation of a liquidity management system

    Structural Basis of Microtubule Destabilization by Potent Auristatin Anti-Mitotics.

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    The auristatin class of microtubule destabilizers are highly potent cytotoxic agents against several cancer cell types when delivered as antibody drug conjugates. Here we describe the high resolution structures of tubulin in complex with both monomethyl auristatin E and F and unambiguously define the trans-configuration of both ligands at the Val-Dil amide bond in their tubulin bound state. Moreover, we illustrate how peptidic vinca-site agents carrying terminal carboxylate residues may exploit an observed extended hydrogen bond network with the M-loop Arg278 to greatly improve the affinity of the corresponding analogs and to maintain the M-loop in an incompatible conformation for productive lateral tubulin-tubulin contacts in microtubules. Our results highlight a potential, previously undescribed molecular mechanism by which peptidic vinca-site agents maintain unparalleled potency as microtubule-destabilizing agents

    Cloning and Characterization of Polyhydroxybutyrate Synthase from Methylobacterium extorquens AM1

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    В результате поиска генов, кодирующих вероятные ПГБ-синтазы в геномах бактерий рода Methylobacterium, выявлены множественные (до пяти у одного штамма) гены ПГБ-синтаз. Филогенетическим анализом показано, что белки PhaC1, PhaC2, PhaC3 относятся к I классу ПГБ-синтаз, белки PhaC4 – к ПГБ-синтазам III класса, тогда как PhaC5, по-видимому, представляет неохарактеризованный класс ПГБ-синтаз. Впервые выделена и охарактеризована рекомбинантная ПГБ-синтаза I класса (КФ 2.3.1.B2) из Methylobacterium extorquens AM1, кодируемая геном phaC1. Молекулярная масса мономера фермента составила 78 кДа. Константа Михаэлиса (Km) для PhaC1 из штамма AM1 составила 1,3 мМ, а максимальная скорость реакции (Vmax) – 0,1 мкмоль∙мин-1∙мг-1. Получен делеционный мутант Methylobacterium extorquens по гену phaC, перспективный для дальнейшего исследования особенностей биосинтеза ПГБ метилобактериямиMultiple genes encoding putative PHB synthases (up to 5 in single strain) were found in Methylobacterium genomes. As a result of phylogenetic analysis proteins PhaC1, PhaC2, PhaC3 were identified as class I PHB synthases, PhaC4 proteins were identified as class III PHB synthases, while PhaC5 apparently belongs to uncharacterized class of PHB synthases. Firstly, the recombinant class I PBH synthase (EC 2.3.1.B2) encoded by phaC1 gene from Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 was purified and characterized. Molecular mass of enzyme monomer was 78 kDa. Michaelis constant (Km) for PhaC1 was 1,3 mM and maximal reaction rate (Vmax) was 0,1 μmol∙min–1∙mg–1. The deletion mutant of Methylobacterium extorquens in the phaC gene was obtained which is promising for further study of peculiarities of methylobacteria’s PHB biosynthesi

    Comparison of the T<sub>2</sub>R-TTL-MMAF and the T<sub>2</sub>R-TTL-MMAE crystal structures.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Superposition of the MMAE structure (white) onto the MMAF structure (dark green) highlighting the subtle differences observed at the carboxy-terminal ends in the binding site. Hydrogen bonds and waters present in the MMAF structure are represented as black dashed lines and red spheres, those of the superimposed MMAE structure are in grey. The negatively charged carboxylate of MMAF interacts with the guanidinium group of Arg278 through a crystallographic water molecule. In the MMAE structure, the carbonyl group of Dap coordinates a crystallographic water molecule located in a central position to a complex network of hydrogen bonding interactions between Arg278, Asp226 and Thr223. Both these interactions may stabilize the interaction between Arg278 and Asp226 on βH7. (<b>B</b>) Surface sliced view of the MMAE binding site. The surface is colored by electrostatic potential from red (-8 KbT / ec) to blue (+8 KbT / ec). The positively charged amino-terminus interacts with the relatively negative charged region of the peptide binding site. The valine and Dil sidechains orient the MMAE through interactions with hydrophobic pockets on the β<sub>1</sub> and α<sub>2</sub> subunits. The carboxy-terminal ends of both the MMAE and MMAF molecules are solvent exposed and the interactions with the backbone amides of the βH6-H7 loop orient their carboxy-terminal groups in a positively charged and solvent filled pocket above the bound nucleotide.</p