6 research outputs found

    The difference in time until the appearance of recidive or metastasis manifestation at patients cured against colorectal cancer depending on the position in the left or right colon

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    CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Odrediti postoji li razlika u progresiji karcinoma dojke u metastatski u odnosu na to jesu li pacijentice primale hormonsku terapiju ili kemoterapiju te postoji li razlika u preživljenju metastatske bolesti u odnosu na prvu liniju liječenja hormonskom terapijom u odnosu na kemoterapiju. USTROJ STUDIJE: povijesno prospektivna studija ISPITANICI I METODE: Istraživanje je provedeno na 70 pacijentica. Studija uključuje pacijentice koje su liječene od metastatskog karcinoma dojke od 1. 1. 2010. do 31. 12. 2012. na Zavodu za onkologiju KBC-a Osijek. Sve pacijentice imaju HER2 negativni hormon ovisni karcinom dojke. Pacijentice su podijeljene u dvije grupe. Prvu grupu činile su pacijentice kojima je kao prva linija liječenja prepisana kemoterapija, a drugu grupu činile su pacijentice kojima je prepisana hormonska terapija. Podatci za analizu dobiveni su obradom medicinske dokumentacije Zavoda za onkologiju KBC-a Osijek, prvenstveno obradom povijesti bolesti, ambulantnih listova i otpusnih pisama. Analizirana su sljedeća obilježja: status hormonskih receptora (ER, PgR), ekspresija HER2 receptora, datum početka metastatske bolesti, inicijalna terapija pri uspostavi dijagnoze metastatske bolesti, datum progresije bolesti na 1. liniju liječenja. REZULTATI: U istraživanju koje je obuhvatilo 70 pacijentica, uočena je statistički značajna razlika: između progresije bolesti kod pacijentica koje su primile inicijalno kemoterapiju u odnosu na hormonsku terapiju (Mann ā€“ Whitneyjev U test, P = 0,03) te u preživljenju pacijentica koje su kao prvu liniju dobile kemoterapiju u odnosu na kemoterapiju (Mantel ā€“ Cox, P = 0,04) ZAKLJUČAK: Pacijentice koje su kao inicijalnu terapiju primile kemoterapiju imaju duže vrijeme progresije do metastatske bolesti. Pacijentice koje su kao prvu liniju primile kemoterapiju imaju duže preživljenje.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine if there is a difference between breast cancer progression with initial CT compared to HT. Furthermore, the aim was to determine survival rate of metastatic breast cancer by comparing CT with HT as the first line of treatment. STUDY DESIGN: historical prospective study PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: The study included 70 female patients, who were treated for metastatic breast cancer at the Department of Oncology at University Hospital Center Osijek from 1st January 2010 to 31st December 2012. The patients were divided in two groups according to first line of the treatment for the metastatic breast cancer. First group received chemotherapy and the second received hormonal therapy. The information necessary for this study were acquired from the medical documentation of the Department of Oncology from University Hospital Center Osijek. Patients were female exclusively, HER2 negative, HR positive, diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer between of 1st January 2010 and 31st December 2012. We acquired the date when the disease was diagnosed, progression to metastatic disease, and the date of death. RESULTS: Patients who received chemotherapy for initial breast cancer treatment had statistically longer time of progression when compared to patients who initially received hormonal therapy (Mann ā€“ Whitney U test, P=0.03). Patients who received chemotherapy as the first line therapy for metastatic breast cancer had statistically longer survival time than patients who received hormonal therapy as first line treatment for metastatic breast cancer. (Mantel ā€“ Cox, P=0.04) CONCLUSION: Patients who initially received chemotherapy treatment had longer progression time to metastatic breast cancer. Patients who received chemotherapy as first line therapy for metastatic breast cancer had longer survival time

    The difference in time until the appearance of recidive or metastasis manifestation at patients cured against colorectal cancer depending on the position in the left or right colon

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    CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Odrediti postoji li razlika u progresiji karcinoma dojke u metastatski u odnosu na to jesu li pacijentice primale hormonsku terapiju ili kemoterapiju te postoji li razlika u preživljenju metastatske bolesti u odnosu na prvu liniju liječenja hormonskom terapijom u odnosu na kemoterapiju. USTROJ STUDIJE: povijesno prospektivna studija ISPITANICI I METODE: Istraživanje je provedeno na 70 pacijentica. Studija uključuje pacijentice koje su liječene od metastatskog karcinoma dojke od 1. 1. 2010. do 31. 12. 2012. na Zavodu za onkologiju KBC-a Osijek. Sve pacijentice imaju HER2 negativni hormon ovisni karcinom dojke. Pacijentice su podijeljene u dvije grupe. Prvu grupu činile su pacijentice kojima je kao prva linija liječenja prepisana kemoterapija, a drugu grupu činile su pacijentice kojima je prepisana hormonska terapija. Podatci za analizu dobiveni su obradom medicinske dokumentacije Zavoda za onkologiju KBC-a Osijek, prvenstveno obradom povijesti bolesti, ambulantnih listova i otpusnih pisama. Analizirana su sljedeća obilježja: status hormonskih receptora (ER, PgR), ekspresija HER2 receptora, datum početka metastatske bolesti, inicijalna terapija pri uspostavi dijagnoze metastatske bolesti, datum progresije bolesti na 1. liniju liječenja. REZULTATI: U istraživanju koje je obuhvatilo 70 pacijentica, uočena je statistički značajna razlika: između progresije bolesti kod pacijentica koje su primile inicijalno kemoterapiju u odnosu na hormonsku terapiju (Mann ā€“ Whitneyjev U test, P = 0,03) te u preživljenju pacijentica koje su kao prvu liniju dobile kemoterapiju u odnosu na kemoterapiju (Mantel ā€“ Cox, P = 0,04) ZAKLJUČAK: Pacijentice koje su kao inicijalnu terapiju primile kemoterapiju imaju duže vrijeme progresije do metastatske bolesti. Pacijentice koje su kao prvu liniju primile kemoterapiju imaju duže preživljenje.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine if there is a difference between breast cancer progression with initial CT compared to HT. Furthermore, the aim was to determine survival rate of metastatic breast cancer by comparing CT with HT as the first line of treatment. STUDY DESIGN: historical prospective study PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: The study included 70 female patients, who were treated for metastatic breast cancer at the Department of Oncology at University Hospital Center Osijek from 1st January 2010 to 31st December 2012. The patients were divided in two groups according to first line of the treatment for the metastatic breast cancer. First group received chemotherapy and the second received hormonal therapy. The information necessary for this study were acquired from the medical documentation of the Department of Oncology from University Hospital Center Osijek. Patients were female exclusively, HER2 negative, HR positive, diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer between of 1st January 2010 and 31st December 2012. We acquired the date when the disease was diagnosed, progression to metastatic disease, and the date of death. RESULTS: Patients who received chemotherapy for initial breast cancer treatment had statistically longer time of progression when compared to patients who initially received hormonal therapy (Mann ā€“ Whitney U test, P=0.03). Patients who received chemotherapy as the first line therapy for metastatic breast cancer had statistically longer survival time than patients who received hormonal therapy as first line treatment for metastatic breast cancer. (Mantel ā€“ Cox, P=0.04) CONCLUSION: Patients who initially received chemotherapy treatment had longer progression time to metastatic breast cancer. Patients who received chemotherapy as first line therapy for metastatic breast cancer had longer survival time