1,470 research outputs found

    The Exact Geometry of a Kerr-Taub-NUT Solution of String Theory

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    In this paper we study a solution of heterotic string theory corresponding to a rotating Kerr-Taub-NUT spacetime. It has an exact CFT description as a heterotic coset model, and a Lagrangian formulation as a gauged WZNW model. It is a generalisation of a recently discussed stringy Taub-NUT solution, and is interesting as another laboratory for studying the fate of closed timelike curves and cosmological singularities in string theory. We extend the computation of the exact metric and dilaton to this rotating case, and then discuss some properties of the metric, with particular emphasis on the curvature singularities.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Spontal-N: A Corpus of Interactional Spoken Norwegian

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    Spontal-N is a corpus of spontaneous, interactional Norwegian. To our knowledge, it is the first corpus of Norwegian in which the majority of speakers have spent significant parts of their lives in Sweden, and in which the recorded speech displays varying degrees of interference from Swedish. The corpus consists of studio quality audio- and video-recordings of four 30-minute free conversations between acquaintances, and a manual orthographic transcription of the entire material. On basis of the orthographic transcriptions, we automatically annotated approximately 50 percent of the material on the phoneme level, by means of a forced alignment between the acoustic signal and pronunciations listed in a dictionary. Approximately seven percent of the automatic transcription was manually corrected. Taking the manual correction as a gold standard, we evaluated several sources of pronunciation variants for the automatic transcription. Spontal-N is intended as a general purpose speech resource that is also suitable for investigating phonetic detail

    Kvalitet av biff fra beite

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    Diekalvproduksjon på utmarksbeite kan gi like stor tilvekst og slaktevekt som tilsvarende produksjon på innmarksbeite. Begge beitetypene gav meget god kjøttkvalitet med kun små forskjeller i kvalitet mellom kjøtt produsert på inn- og utmark. Prosjektet er gjennomført av Nortura og Bioforsk med besetninger av forskjellige storferaser fra Lillehammer, Gausdal, Øyer og Ås

    Emergence and clonal dissemination of<i> Salmonella enterica</i> serovar Enteritidis causing salmonellosis in Mauritius

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    Introduction: For decades, Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis has been among the most prevalent serovars reported worldwide. However, it was rarely encountered in Mauritius until 2007; since then the number of non-typhoidal Salmonella serogroup O:9 (including serovar Enteritidis) increased. A study was conducted to investigate the genetic relatedness between S. Enteritidis isolates recovered in Mauritius from food and clinical specimens (stool, blood, and exudate). Methodology: Forty-seven isolates of S. Enteritidis obtained in 2009 from human stools, blood cultures and exudates, and from food specimens were characterized by antimicrobial susceptibility testing and Multiple-Locus Variable-number tandem repeat Analysis (MLVA). Results: With the exception of a single isolate which demonstrated intermediate susceptibility to streptomycin, all isolates were pansusceptible to the 14 antimicrobials tested. Thirty seven out of the 47 isolates (78.7%) exhibited an indistinguishable MLVA profile which included isolates from ready-to-eat food products, chicken, and human clinical isolates from stool, blood and exudate. Conclusions: The presence of highly related strains in both humans and raw chicken, and the failure to isolate the serovar from other foods, suggests that poultry is the main reservoir of S. Enteritidis in Mauritius and that the majority of human cases are associated with chicken consumption which originated from one major producer. Stool isolates were indistinguishable or closely related to blood and exudate isolates, indicating that, besides gastroenteritis, the same strain caused invasive infections. Control of S.Enteritidis by poultry breeders would lower the financial burden associated with morbidity in humans caused by this organism in Mauritius.</jats:p

    The ECOMA 2007 campaign: rocket observations and numerical modelling of aerosol particle charging and plasma depletion in a PMSE/NLC layer

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    The ECOMA series of rocket payloads use a set of aerosol particle, plasma, and optical instruments to study the properties of aerosol particles and their interaction with the ambient plasma environment in the polar mesopause region. In August 2007 the ECOMA-3 payload was launched into a region with Polar Mesosphere Summer Echoes (PMSE) and noctilucent clouds (NLC). An electron depletion was detected in a broad region between 83 and 88 km, coincident with enhanced density of negatively charged aerosol particles. We also find evidence for positive ion depletion in the same region. Charge neutrality requires that a population of positively charged particles smaller than 2 nm and with a density of at least 2&amp;times;10&lt;sup&gt;8&lt;/sup&gt; m&lt;sup&gt;&amp;minus;3&lt;/sup&gt; must also have been present in the layer, undetected by the instruments. A numerical model for the charging of aerosol particles and their interaction with the ambient plasma is used to analyse the results, showing that high aerosol particle densities are required in order to explain the observed ion density depletion. The model also shows that a very high photoionisation rate is required for the particles smaller than 2 nm to become positively charged, indicating that these may have a lower work function than pure water ice