12 research outputs found

    Privatization in Turkey

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    State capitalism has been a basic tenet of the developing strategy for Turkey for half a century, with import-substituting industrialization through state economic enterprises (SEEs) as a guiding principle. By 1980 a serious economic and political crisis called for a reassessment of economic policies. Policy reorientation was radical : from import substitution to export promotion, from interventionism to market forces, and from promotion of SEEs to promotion of the private sector. The state's role in the economy was reduced and emphasis has instead been put on broadly defined privatization, with the additional objectives of developing the domestic capital markets and generating revenue for the treasury. Initial operations were in the form of sales of revenue-sharing bonds and minority share sales. The first attempt at stock sales flopped. The approach was then quietly switched to block sales without thorough preparation of the legal ground.d. Since the government had not prepared the legal and political base for privatization, it had no clear strategy or concrete program. The assumption that privatization could be treated as an administrative matter was proven wrong. The cancelation of block sales coincided with a boom on the stock market with the strategy switched back to stock market sales of minority shares. For the moment, privatization has thus shrunk to a budget-deficit financing technique, with the targets of enhanced efficiency pushed into the background.Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research,Banks&Banking Reform,Public Sector Economics&Finance,Economic Stabilization

    Climate projections of a multivariate heat stress index: the role of downscaling and bias correction

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    Along with the higher demand for bias-corrected data for climate impact studies, the number of available data sets has largely increased in recent years. For instance, the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) constitutes a framework for consistently projecting the impacts of climate change across affected sectors and spatial scales. These data are very attractive for any impact application since they offer worldwide bias-corrected data based on global climate models (GCMs). In a complementary way, the CORDEX initiative has incorporated experiments based on regionally downscaled bias-corrected data by means of debiasing and quantile mapping (QM) methods. In light of this situation, it is challenging to distil the most accurate and useful information for climate services, but at the same time it creates a perfect framework for intercomparison and sensitivity analyses. In the present study, the trend-preserving ISIMIP method and empirical QM are applied to climate model simulations that were carried out at different spatial resolutions (CMIP5 GCM and EURO-CORDEX regional climate models (RCMs), at approximately 150, 50 and 12 km horizontal resolution) in order to assess the role of downscaling and bias correction in a multivariate framework. The analysis is carried out for the wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGT), a heat stress index that is commonly used in the context of working people and labour productivity. WBGT for shaded conditions depends on air temperature and dew-point temperature, which in this work are individually bias corrected prior to the index calculation. Our results show that the added value of RCMs with respect to the driving GCM is limited after bias correction. The two bias correction methods are able to adjust the central part of the WBGT distribution, but some added value of QM is found in WBGT percentiles and in the inter-variable relationships. The evaluation in present climate of such multivariate indices should be performed with caution since biases in the individual variables might compensate, thus leading to better performance for the wrong reason. Climate change projections of WBGT reveal a larger increase in summer mean heat stress for the GCM than for the RCMs, related to the well-known reduced summer warming of the EURO-CORDEX RCMs. These differences are lowered after QM, since this bias correction method modifies the change signals and brings the results for the GCM and RCMs closer to each other. We also highlight the need for large ensembles of simulations to assess the feasibility of the derived projections.This research has been supported by the European Commission (HEAT-SHIELD (668786))

    Escalating environmental summer heat exposure - a future threat for the European workforce

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    Heat exposure constitutes a major threat for European workers, with significant impacts on the workers' health and productivity. Climate projections over the next decades show a continuous and accelerated warming over Europe together with longer, more intense and more frequent heatwaves on regional and local scales. In this work, we assess the increased risk in future occupational heat stress levels using the wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT), an index adopted by the International Standards Organization as regulatory index to measure the heat exposure of working people. Our results show that, in large parts of Europe, future heat exposure will indeed exceed critical levels for physically active humans far more often than in today?s climate, and labour productivity might be largely reduced in southern Europe. European industries should adapt to the projected changes to prevent major consequences for the workers? health and to preserve economic productivity.Financial support for this work is provided by the HEAT-SHIELD Project (European Commission HORIZON 2020, research and innovation programme under the grant agreement 668786). The authors wish to thank the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) for providing the technical infrastructure

    The Aquaporin Splice Variant NbXIP1;1α Is Permeable to Boric Acid and Is Phosphorylated in the N-terminal Domain

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    Aquaporins (AQPs) are membrane channel proteins that transport water and uncharged solutes across different membranes in organisms in all kingdoms of life. In plants, the AQPs can be divided into seven different subfamilies and five of these are present in higher plants. The most recently characterized of these subfamilies is the XIP subfamily, which is found in most dicots but not in monocots. In this article, we present data on two different splice variants (α and β) of NbXIP1;1 from Nicotiana benthamiana. We describe the heterologous expression of NbXIP1;1α and β in the yeast Pichia pastoris, the subcellular localization of the protein in this system and the purification of the NbXIP1;1α protein. Furthermore, we investigated the functionality and the substrate specificity of the protein by stopped-flow spectrometry in P. pastoris spheroplasts and with the protein reconstituted in proteoliposomes. The phosphorylation status of the protein and localization of the phosphorylated amino acids were verified by mass spectrometry. Our results show that NbXIP1;1α is located in the plasma membrane when expressed in P. pastoris, that it is not permeable to water but to boric acid and that the protein is phosphorylated at several amino acids in the N-terminal cytoplasmic domain of the protein. A growth assay showed that the yeast cells expressing the N-terminally His-tagged NbXIP1;1α were more sensitive to boric acid as compared to the cells expressing the C-terminally His-tagged isoform. This might suggest that the N-terminal His-tag functionally mimics the phosphorylation of the N-terminal domain and that the N-terminal domain is involved in gating of the channel

    The Impact of Tourism on Economic Development in Morocco. (Volumes I and II).

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    Ph.D.EconomicsUniversity of Michiganhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/157376/1/7510203.pd

    Privatization in Turkey

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    Sven B. Kjellstro

    Multiple sclerosis: Identification and clinical evaluation of novel CSF biomarkers

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neuro-inflammatory and neurodegenerative disease that results in damage to myelin sheaths and axons in the central nervous system and which preferentially affects young adults. We performed a proteomics-based biomarker discovery study in which cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from MS and control individuals was analyzed (n=112). Ten candidate biomarkers were selected for evaluation by quantitative immunoassay using an independent cohort of MS and control subjects (n=209). In relapsing remitting MS (ARMS) patients there were significant increases in the CSF levels of alpha-1 antichymotrypsin (A1AC), alpha-1 macroglobulin (A2MG) and fibulin 1 as compared to control subjects. In secondary progressive MS (SPMS) four additional proteins (contactin 1, fetuin A, vitamin D binding protein and angiotensinogen (ANGT)) were increased as compared to control subjects. In particular, ANGT was increased 3-fold in SPMS, indicating a potential as biomarker of disease progression in MS. In PPMS, A1AC and A2MG exhibit significantly higher CSF levels than controls, with a trend of increase for ANGT. Classification models based on the biomarker panel could identify 70% of the RRMS and 80% of the SPMS patients correctly. Further evaluation was conducted in a pilot study of CSF from RRMS patients (n=36), before and after treatment with natalizumab. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved