70 research outputs found

    Network Synchronization in the Crash-Recovery Model

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    This work investigates the amount of information about failures required to simulate a synchronous distributed system by an asynchronous distributed system prone to crash-recovery failures. A failure detection sequencer SigmaCR for the crash-recovery failure model is defined, which outputs information about crashes and recoveries and about the state of the crashed or recovered processes. Using the simulation technique of a synchronizer, it is shown that in general it is impossible to implement a synchronizer in an asynchronous distributed system with an arbitrary number of concurrent crash-recovery faults. It is shown that a synchronizer is implementable given SigmaCR and an asynchronous distributed system with at least one correct process. Furthermore, it is proven that SigmaCR can be emulated in a synchronous distributed system and hence can be regarded as the weakest failure detection device suitable to implement a synchronizer in the crash-recovery failure model

    Real Analysis in Paraconsistent Logic

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    This paper begins an analysis of the real line using an inconsistency- tolerant (paraconsistent) logic. We show that basic field and compactness properties hold, by way of novel proofs that make no use of consistency- reliant inferences; some techniques from constructive analysis are used instead. While no inconsistencies are found in the algebraic operations on the real number field, prospects for other non-trivializing contradictions are left open

    Komponenten für kooperative Intrusion-Detection in dynamischen Koalitionsumgebungen

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    Koalitionsumgebungen sollen für alle miteinander kooperierenden Mitglieder einen Vorteil bei der Verfolgung eines gemeinsamen Ziels erbringen. Dies gilt für die verschiedensten Anwendungsbereiche, etwa bei kooperierenden Strafverfolgungsbehörden, Wirtschaftsunternehmen oder Streitkräfte. Auch bei der Erkennung von sicherheitsrelevanten Vorgängen in vernetzten Computersystemen erhofft man sich von der Zusammenarbeit eine verbesserte Erkennungsfähigkeit sowie eine schnelle und koordinierte Reaktion auf Einbruchsversuche. Dieser Beitrag stellt verschiedene praxisorientierte Werkzeuge für die koalitionsweite Vernetzung von Ereignismeldungs-produzierenden Sicherheitswerkzeugen vor, die wesentliche Probleme des Anwendungsszenarios lösen helfen: Frühzeitige Anomaliewarnung – ein graphbasierter Anomaliedetektor wird als adaptives Frühwarnmodul für großflächige und koordinierte Angriffe, z.B. Internet-Würmer, eingesetzt. Informationsfilterung – Meldungen werden beim Verlassen der lokalen Domäne entsprechend der domänenspezifischen Richtlinien zur Informationsweitergabe modifiziert (d.h. insbesondere anonymisiert bzw. pseudonymisiert). Datenreduktion – zusätzliche Filter zur Datenreduzierung auf der Basis von vordefinierten Abhängigkeitsregeln steigern die Handhabbarkeit des Datenflusses. Die Funktionsfähigkeit der genannten Komponenten wird derzeit in Form einer prototypischen Implementierung eines Meta-IDS für dynamische Koalitionsumgebungen nachgewiesen

    Постановка задачи оптимизации тепловой изоляции варочной зоны стекловаренной печи с учётом динамики разрушения стенового бруса

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    Розглянуто особливості роботи скловарних печей ванного типу, що пов'язані з руйнуванням вогнетривкої кладки при взаємодії її з розплавом скломаси. Запропонована методика досліджень і сформульована постановка задачі для дослідження теплового стану огородження при умові використання теплової ізоляції і повітряного охолодження з урахуванням динаміки корозійного руйнування вогнетривів басейну скловарної печі.The specific features of bathing type glass furnaces operation connected with destruction of a fireresistant laying during its interacting with melt of glass melt are observed. The research technique is offered and the statement of problem for research of a thermal condition of a fence using a heat insulation and the air cooling is formulated. This research technique considers the dynamics of the corrosion destruction of refractories of a glass furnace basin

    Exploring motivations for multimodal commuting: A hierarchical means-end chain analysis

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    Despite municipal investments in multimodal mobility infrastructure, monomodal automotive travel patterns still dominate work-related mobility. As policymakers aim to reduce associated externalities like traffic congestion, noise, and air pollution, encouraging multimodality can be a promising route toward diversified, more sustainable mobility. However, studies on modal choice and modal shift have mainly focused on investigating the consumer decision-making process concerning specific monomodal travel modes and external factors but are characterized by a lack of dedicated applications in the commuting context. Therefore, insights into consumers’ motivational patterns determining intentions to engage in multimodal commuting and factors influencing their willingness to alter the modal mix remain scarce. With a qualitative means-end chain (MEC) analysis, we explore consumers’ overarching motivational structures to choose multimodal commuting behavior through laddering interviews with forty employees from two large German employers. We contribute to existing research by revealing five motivational patterns that promote consumers' decision to become multimodal commuters: autonomy, physical health, sustainability, quality of life, and interpersonal connections, which we juxtapose with previous findings. Interestingly, we find that economic interest, security, and fun are only motives of secondary importance. Consequently, we propose implications for academics, policymakers, and practitioners to foster commuters choosing more sustainable, multimodal mobility

    Entropy production in the non-equilibrium steady states of interacting many-body systems

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    Entropy production is one of the most important characteristics of non-equilibrium steady states. We study here the steady-state entropy production, both at short times as well as in the long-time limit, of two important classes of non-equilibrium systems: transport systems and reaction-diffusion systems. The usefulness of the mean entropy production rate and of the large deviation function of the entropy production for characterizing non-equilibrium steady states of interacting many-body systems is discussed. We show that the large deviation function displays a kink-like feature at zero entropy production that is similar to that observed for a single particle driven along a periodic potential. This kink is a direct consequence of the detailed fluctuation theorem fulfilled by the probability distribution of the entropy production and is therefore a generic feature of the corresponding large deviation function.Comment: 7 figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Technology-enabled personalization: Impact of smart technology choice on consumer shopping behavior

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    Smart technologies promise to enhance customer experience to new levels in next-generation retail stores. Offline retailers increasingly employ technology-enabled personalization (TEP) strategies to digitally enhance in-store customer experience. To send personalized messages to in-store customers, retailers can choose from two types of smart devices: customer-owned smartphones or retailer-owned immersive screens. Although these smart devices may largely determine customers’ experiences in future retail, research rarely addresses device-related determinants of the effectiveness of personalized messages in stores. Building on assemblage theory, the authors consider the role of these devices in influencing customer experience and eventually consumer shopping behavior. Through two experiments and a mediated moderation analysis, they investigate the interplay of personalized content and device technology in customers’ response to TEP. The results illustrate that consumers react differently to message content depending on the device through which it is conveyed; that is, personalized (standardized) messages are more effective on customer-owned smartphones (retailer-owned screens) because they become integrated into (remain separate from) the customer's extended self. Relational customer experiences, or the extent to which a customer feels positively connected to store assemblages, mediate the effect on shopping behavior. To build TEP strategies, retailers should therefore use smart devices integrated into customers’ extended selves

    Steady state analysis of integrated A.C. and D.C. systems.

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    This thesis describes the development of a general method for the analysis of integrated a.c. and d.c. systems under normal, but not necessarily balanced, steady state operation. Phase component three phase system modelling is reviewed and the relationship of the well known symmetrical components to the three phase modelling is discussed. Using as a reference the single phase fast decoupled algorithm the modifications required to produce an efficient three phase fast decoupled load flow are described. It is demonstrated that the three phase fast decoupled load flow displays all the characteristics of the original single phase version. Single phase balanced convertor modelling is reviewed and several techniques for the integration of such models with the single phase fast decoupled load flow are developed and their performance is compared. The methods for single phase convertor modelling are extended to allow unbalanced convertor operation to be analysed. The integration of the unbalanced convertor model into the three phase fast decoupled load flow is described. Convergence properties are examined and detailed results given. The extension of steady state analysis techniques to the consideration of harmonic frequencies is discussed. The unbalanced convertor model is used as a basis to enable the harmonic interaction of d.c. convertors and the a.c. system to be studied

    Onto the light side of sharing: Using the force of blockchain

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    While the sharing economy has promised to solve a range of problems associated with traditional consumption, the reality is more akin to its inability or even exacerbation of economic and societal issues. We propose that blockchain technology could address these issues. To this end, we explain its potential by elaborating on how blockchain-based sharing services can help solve exploitation, data abuse, financial and legal risks, and the limited accessibility of current sharing practices. Moreover, we conduct a means–end chain analysis to provide a customer's perspective on the motivations and fears related to blockchain-based sharing solutions. We find four motives (trust, self-determination, quality of life, and security) and two fears (mistrust and economic interest) related to blockchain-based sharing. By juxtaposing the potential benefits of blockchain-based shared services with customer insights, we provide an outline of research avenues for promoting blockchain-based sharing to overcome the current dark side of sharing practices