157 research outputs found

    Adaptive Regularization in Neural Network Modeling

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    . In this paper we address the important problem of optimizing regularization parameters in neural network modeling. The suggested optimization scheme is an extended version of the recently presented algorithm [24]. The idea is to minimize an empirical estimate -- like the cross-validation estimate -- of the generalization error with respect to regularization parameters. This is done by employing a simple iterative gradient descent scheme using virtually no additional programming overhead compared to standard training. Experiments with feed-forward neural network models for time series prediction and classification tasks showed the viability and robustness of the algorithm. Moreover, we provided some simple theoretical examples in order to illustrate the potential and limitations of the proposed regularization framework. 1 Introduction Neural networks are flexible tools for time series processing and pattern recognition. By increasing the number of hidden neurons in a 2-layer architec..

    On design and evaluation of tapped-delay neural network architectures

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    We address pruning and evaluation of Tapped-Delay Neural Networks for the sunspot benchmark series. It is shown that the generalization ability of the networks can be improved by pruning using the Optimal Brain Damage method of Le Cun, Denker and Solla. A stop criterion for the pruning algorithm is formulated using a modified version of Akaike's Final Prediction Error estimate. With the proposed stop criterion the pruning scheme is shown to produce succesful architectures with a high yield. I. Introduction Needless to say, processing of time series is an important application area for neural networks, and the quest for application-specific architectures penetrates current network research. While the ultimate tool may be fully recurrent architectures, many problems arise during adaptation of these. Even worse, the generalization properties of recurrent networks are not well understood, hence, model optimization is difficult. However, the conventional Tapped-Delay Neural Net (TDNN) [11..

    NMF on positron emission tomography

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