22 research outputs found

    Estimation of EMI Filter Performance for the \"Worst Case\" System

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    This paper deals with the performance problem of the EMC filters. The core of this problem in EMC filter is the uncertainty of impedances that are connected to the input and output of a filter. In addition, an estimation technique is presented that gives approximate insertion loss of the filter. The performance of this technique was tested on several filters and the data obtained were checked by insertion loss measurement. The heart of the matter is based on the L C equivalent circuits, which are described by Y parameters. The estimation gives pretty good results for the 0.1 Ω/100 Ω and vice-versa systems and also for other systems. Also discussed are system configurations with the Δ (delta) and (Y) star topologies of terminating impedances which better approximate the real situation on the input and output terminals of filter

    Analysis of Homogeneous Coplanar Strip Line

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    The goal of this work is to introduce a new, maybe complicated but in the final result mathematically simplest model of the coplanar strip line (CPS). In contrast to the usual method based on elliptical integrals the simplest circular inversion is applied. The main advantage is that our solution is mathematically less complicated but its accuracy is a little bit lower. The maximal error of the model described lies within the restricted interval between -3% and 3%. Nevertheless the final formula is useful for the practical engineering application

    Simple Models of EMI Filters for Low Frequency Range

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    This paper deals with mathematical simulations of EMI filters’ performance. These filters are commonly used for the suppressing of electromagnetic interference which penetrates through the power supply networks. The performance of these filters depends on terminating impedances which are plugged to the inputs and outputs clamps of the EMI filters. This paper describes the method by which it is possible to calculate the insertion loss of the filters. The method is based on the modified nodal voltage method. The circuitry of the EMI filters is used for their description. The effect of spurious components is not taken into account. The filter itself is described by set of admittance parameters, which makes the presented method more universal. The calculated results were compared with measured data of several filters for several impedance combinations. Different test setups, like asymmetrical, symmetrical, etc. were taken into account. The simplicity and accuracy of the presented method is discussed in the conclusion. The achieved accuracy is on high level. The described method is universal, but for filters with more than one current compensated inductor, the mentioned method is complicated. The size of the final equation for calculating the insertion loss rapidly increases with the number of current compensated inductors

    Insertion Loss Estimation of EMI Filters in Unmatched Input/Output Impedance System

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    One of the problems in the design of powerline EMI filters is the uncertainty and ambiguity of their source/load impedances which results in breach of expected filter parameters in a real installation. The paper presents a simple technique for prediction of insertion loss limit values of EMI filters working in arbitrary unmatched mains line impedance systems

    Potential Worst-case System for Testing EMI Filters Tested on Simple Filter Models

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    This paper deals with the approximate worst-case test method for testing the insertion loss of the EMI filters. The systems with 0.1 Ω and 100 Ω impedances are usually used for this testing. These systems are required by the international CISPR 17 standard. The main disadvantage of this system is the use of two impedance transformers. Especially the impedance transformer with 0.1 Ω output impedance is not easy to be produced. These transformers have usually narrow bandwidth. This paper discusses the alternative system with 1 Ω and 100 Ω impedances. The performance of these systems was tested on several filters’ models and the obtained data are depicted, too. The performance comparison of several filters in several systems is also included. The performance of alternate worst-case system is discussed in the conclusion