105 research outputs found

    多形腺腫における細胞分化の促進因子としての Wnt シグナルの可能性

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    There are well known that Wnt signaling was some roles of cell differentiation at the development tissues, especially the oral and maxillofacial regions of some developmental stages. Therefore, to determine Wnt signaling in the pleomorphic adenoma tissues, we examined. The expression of Wnt1 and β-catenin as well as the distribution of various cytoskeletal proteins CK7 and CK13 was examined in 30 cases of pleomorphic adenoma by immunohistochemistry. Wnt1 was detected in almost all tumor cells. The peripheral columnar cells in squamous metaplasia and small cuboidal cells in duct-like structures were strongly positive to Wnt1. Although β-catenin was clearly localized on the cell membrane of tumor cells, nuclear translocation was observed in small cuboidal cells and in some basaloid cells. The immunofluorescent staining pattern of Wnt1 and CK7 as well as Wnt1 and CK13 was consistent with IHC results. Thus, in pleomorphic adenoma, Wnt is involved in tumor cell differentiation of peripheral columnar cells forming solid nests and small peripheral columnar cells forming duct-like structures. Moreover, among the three currently known Wnt pathways, β-catenin is the suggested pathway working during cell differentiation. Furthermore, peripheral columnar cells in solid tumor nests and in squamous metaplasia are governed by another Wnt pathway other than β-catenin. Therefore, Wnt signaling through β-catenin pathway may be involved in the ‘mixed’ differentiation characteristic of pleomorphic adenoma although another pathway may also be possibly working in other parts of the tumor tissue.2014博士(歯学)松本歯科大

    A Case of Catamenial Pneumothorax Treated by Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery

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    This is a case of a 47-year-old female who had a medical history of right pneumothorax for the second time. The pneumothorax, accompanying the start of menstruation, recurred and the patient was hospitalized. From the medical history, a catamenial pneumothorax was suspected. As for intraoperative findings, many small fenestrations of 1 mm or 3 mm were present in the border region with the muscle bundle of the central tendon of the diaphragm. The lesion site of the diaphragm and the apex area as a biopsy were partially excised under video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery. Although a postoperative Gn-RH agonist was started for endometriosis, it was stopped because side effects appeared. Because the right pneumothorax recurred in accordance with the start of menstruation, the treatment was changed to danazol. To date, the pneumothorax has not recurred

    Primitive templated catalysis of a peptide ligation by self-folding RNAs

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    RNA–polypeptide complexes (RNPs), which play various roles in extant biological systems, have been suggested to have been important in the early stages of the molecular evolution of life. At a certain developmental stage of ancient RNPs, their RNA and polypeptide components have been proposed to evolve in a reciprocal manner to establish highly elaborate structures and functions. We have constructed a simple model system, from which a cooperative evolution system of RNA and polypeptide components could be developed. Based on the observation that several RNAs modestly accelerated the chemical ligation of the two basic peptides. We have designed an RNA molecule possessing two peptide binding sites that capture the two peptides. This designed RNA can also accelerate the peptide ligation. The resulting ligated peptide, which has two RNA-binding sites, can in turn function as a trans-acting factor that enhances the endonuclease activity catalyzed by the designed RNA

    Ganglioside GM3 Has an Essential Role in the Pathogenesis and Progression of Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a chronic systemic inflammatory disorder that principally attacks synovial joints, afflicts over 2 million people in the United States. Interleukin (IL)-17 is considered to be a master cytokine in chronic, destructive arthritis. Levels of the ganglioside GM3, one of the most primitive glycosphingolipids containing a sialic acid in the structure, are remarkably decreased in the synovium of patients with RA. Based on the increased cytokine secretions observed in in vitro experiments, GM3 might have an immunologic role. Here, to clarify the association between RA and GM3, we established a collagen-induced arthritis mouse model using the null mutation of the ganglioside GM3 synthase gene. GM3 deficiency exacerbated inflammatory arthritis in the mouse model of RA. In addition, disrupting GM3 induced T cell activation in vivo and promoted overproduction of the cytokines involved in RA. In contrast, the amount of the GM3 synthase gene transcript in the synovium was higher in patients with RA than in those with osteoarthritis. These findings indicate a crucial role for GM3 in the pathogenesis and progression of RA. Control of glycosphingolipids such as GM3 might therefore provide a novel therapeutic strategy for RA


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    【目的】国内で発表された経皮的冠動脈インターベンション(以下,PCI)を受ける虚血性心疾患患者の看護研究の動向を明らかにし,今後の研究課題を検討することである.【方法】1983年から2015年11月までに発表された我が国の研究論文から,キーワードを「PCI」「看護」,「虚血性心疾患」「看護」 /「 心筋梗塞」「看護」とし,ヒットした研究論文の中から,学会誌または教育機関紀要の研究論文と,主要な学会誌を目視で検索し該当する文献を分析の対象とし,研究発表年,研究デザイン,研究論文の種類,対象,データ収集方法,分析方法,研究概要について度数集計を行った.更に研究概要は,研究内容の類似性の観点から分類し,整理した.【結果】45文献を対象に分析した.その結果,研究がほぼ毎年,コンスタントに報告され,量的研究が30件,質的研究が15件で,患者を対象とした文献が多かった.データ収集方法は,質問票調査22件,面接法16 件で,大半を占めた.分析方法は,統計検定が30件,記述統計が2件,質的帰納的研究が14件であった.研究概要は,QOLと影響要因,PCI後の身体への影響,自己管理行動と影響要因,患者の経験,看護介入と評価に分類された. 【結論】今後の研究課題として,長期的なPCI後の虚血性心疾患患者のQOLや自己管理行動の推移と影響要因,待機的PCI患者の体験,PCIを受ける高齢者の体験,PCIを受ける患者の家族の体験,教材やプログラムの開発・改善, プログラムの長期的な効果等の検討が必要であることが示唆された

    High-resolution seismic reflection profiling across the surface rupture associated with the 2004 Mid-Niigata Prefecture earthquake, central Japan : data acquisition and processing

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    The 200.4 Mid-Niigata Prefecture earthquake (Mj 6.8) generated surface ruptures along the eastern rim of the Uonuma hills. To reveal the relationship between a seismogenic source fault and surface ruptures, shallow, high-resolution seismic reflection profiling was undertaken across the surface ruptures and the active faults. The seismic source was a mini-vibrator and seismic data were recorded by a digital telemetry system. The source and receiver interval was 10 m4 The seismic data were processed using conventional CMP seismic reflection methods. The resultant depth-converted seismic section portrays an emergent thrust beneath the surface rupture associated with the Mid-Niigata Prefecture earthquake

    Hydroxyl-Group Identification Using O K-Edge XAFS in Porous Glass Fabricated by Hydrothermal Reaction and Low-Temperature Foaming

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    Porous glass was prepared by the hydrothermal reaction of sodium borosilicate glass, and oxygen-ion characterization was used to identify the hydroxyl groups in its surface area. A substantial amount of “water” was introduced into the ionic structure as either OH− groups or H2O molecules through the hydrothermal reaction. When the hydrothermally treated glass was reheated at normal pressures, a porous structure was formed due to the low-temperature foaming resulting from the evaporation of H2O molecules and softening of the glass. Although it was expected that the OH− groups would remain in the porous glass, their distribution required clarification. Oxygen K-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy enables the bonding states of oxygen ions in the surface area and interior to be characterized using the electron yield (EY) and fluorescence yield (FY) mode, respectively. The presence of OH− groups was detected in the O K-edge XAFS spectrum of the porous glass prepared by hydrothermal reaction with a corresponding pre-edge peak energy of 533.1 eV. In addition, comparison of the XAFS spectra obtained in the EY and FY modes revealed that the OH− groups were mainly distributed in the surface area (depths of several tens of nanometers)

    A Classification of Several Yamato-74 Chondrites

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    Nine Yamato-74 chondritic meteorites have been classified based on a simplified version of the Van Schmus-Wood classification. The result is as follows : Yamato-74348 is H4 chondrite, Yamato-74349 and -74379 are H4-5 chondrite, and Yamato-74244,-74250,-74265,-74306,-74319 and -74382 are H5 chondrite

    Spinal Canal and Spinal Cord in Rat Continue to Grow Even after Sexual Maturation: Anatomical Study and Molecular Proposition

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    Although rodents have been widely used for experimental models of spinal cord diseases, the details of the growth curves of their spinal canal and spinal cord, as well as the molecular mechanism of the growth of adult rat spinal cords remain unavailable. They are particularly important when conducting the experiments of cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM), since the disease condition depends on the size of the spinal canal and the spinal cord. Thus, the purposes of the present study were to obtain accurate growth curves for the spinal canal and spinal cord in rats; to define the appropriate age in weeks for their use as a CSM model; and to propose a molecular mechanism of the growth of the adult spinal cord in rats. CT myelography was performed on Lewis rats from 4 weeks to 40 weeks of age. The vertical growth of the spinal canal at C5 reached a plateau after 20 and 12 weeks, and at T8 after 20 and 16 weeks, in males and females, respectively. The vertical growth of the C5 and T8 spinal cord reached a plateau after 24 weeks in both sexes. The vertical space available for the cord (SAC) of C5 and T8 did not significantly change after 8 weeks in either sex. Western blot analyses showed that VEGFA, FGF2, and BDNF were highly expressed in the cervical spinal cords of 4-week-old rats, and that the expression of these growth factors declined as rats grew. These findings indicate that the spinal canal and the spinal cord in rats continue to grow even after sexual maturation and that rats need to be at least 8 weeks of age for use in experimental models of CSM. The present study, in conjunction with recent evidence, proposes the hypothetical model that the growth of rat spinal cord after the postnatal period is mediated at least in part by differentiation of neural progenitor cells and that their differentiation potency is maintained by VEGFA, FGF2, and BDNF

    Spinal Canal and Spinal Cord in Rat Continue to Grow Even after Sexual Maturation : Anatomical Study and Molecular Proposition

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    Although rodents have been widely used for experimental models of spinal cord diseases, the details of the growth curves of their spinal canal and spinal cord, as well as the molecular mechanism of the growth of adult rat spinal cords remain unavailable. They are particularly important when conducting the experiments of cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM), since the disease condition depends on the size of the spinal canal and the spinal cord. Thus, the purposes of the present study were to obtain accurate growth curves for the spinal canal and spinal cord in rats; to define the appropriate age in weeks for their use as a CSM model; and to propose a molecular mechanism of the growth of the adult spinal cord in rats. CT myelography was performed on Lewis rats from 4 weeks to 40 weeks of age. The vertical growth of the spinal canal at C5 reached a plateau after 20 and 12 weeks, and at T8 after 20 and 16 weeks, in males and females, respectively. The vertical growth of the C5 and T8 spinal cord reached a plateau after 24 weeks in both sexes. The vertical space available for the cord (SAC) of C5 and T8 did not significantly change after 8 weeks in either sex. Western blot analyses showed that VEGFA, FGF2, and BDNF were highly expressed in the cervical spinal cords of 4-week-old rats, and that the expression of these growth factors declined as rats grew. These findings indicate that the spinal canal and the spinal cord in rats continue to grow even after sexual maturation and that rats need to be at least 8 weeks of age for use in experimental models of CSM. The present study, in conjunction with recent evidence, proposes the hypothetical model that the growth of rat spinal cord after the postnatal period is mediated at least in part by differentiation of neural progenitor cells and that their differentiation potency is maintained by VEGFA, FGF2, and BDNF