2,431 research outputs found

    Anveshak - A Groundtruth Generation Tool for Foreground Regions of Document Images

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    We propose a graphical user interface based groundtruth generation tool in this paper. Here, annotation of an input document image is done based on the foreground pixels. Foreground pixels are grouped together with user interaction to form labeling units. These units are then labeled by the user with the user defined labels. The output produced by the tool is an image with an XML file containing its metadata information. This annotated data can be further used in different applications of document image analysis.Comment: Accepted in DAR 201

    Mice expressing a human KATP channel mutation have altered channel ATP sensitivity but no cardiac abnormalities

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Patients with severe gain-of-function mutations in the Kir6.2 subunit of the ATP-sensitive potassium (K(ATP)) channel, have neonatal diabetes, muscle hypotonia and mental and motor developmental delay-a condition known as iDEND syndrome. However, despite the fact that Kir6.2 forms the pore of the cardiac K(ATP) channel, patients show no obvious cardiac symptoms. The aim of this project was to use a mouse model of iDEND syndrome to determine whether iDEND mutations affect cardiac function and cardiac K(ATP) channel ATP sensitivity. METHODS: We performed patch-clamp and in vivo cine-MRI studies on mice in which the most common iDEND mutation (Kir6.2-V59M) was targeted to cardiac muscle using Cre-lox technology (m-V59M mice). RESULTS: Patch-clamp studies of isolated cardiac myocytes revealed a markedly reduced K(ATP) channel sensitivity to MgATP inhibition in m-V59M mice (IC(50) 62 μmol/l compared with 13 μmol/l for littermate controls). In vivo cine-MRI revealed there were no gross morphological differences and no differences in heart rate, end diastolic volume, end systolic volume, stroke volume, ejection fraction, cardiac output or wall thickening between m-V59M and control hearts, either under resting conditions or under dobutamine stress. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: The common iDEND mutation Kir6.2-V59M decreases ATP block of cardiac K(ATP) channels but was without obvious effect on heart function, suggesting that metabolic changes fail to open the mutated channel to an extent that affects function (at least in the absence of ischaemia). This may have implications for the choice of sulfonylurea used to treat neonatal diabetes

    COSPAR Sample Safety Assessment Framework (SSAF).

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    The Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Sample Safety Assessment Framework (SSAF) has been developed by a COSPAR appointed Working Group. The objective of the sample safety assessment would be to evaluate whether samples returned from Mars could be harmful for Earth's systems (e.g., environment, biosphere, geochemical cycles). During the Working Group's deliberations, it became clear that a comprehensive assessment to predict the effects of introducing life in new environments or ecologies is difficult and practically impossible, even for terrestrial life and certainly more so for unknown extraterrestrial life. To manage expectations, the scope of the SSAF was adjusted to evaluate only whether the presence of martian life can be excluded in samples returned from Mars. If the presence of martian life cannot be excluded, a Hold & Critical Review must be established to evaluate the risk management measures and decide on the next steps. The SSAF starts from a positive hypothesis (there is martian life in the samples), which is complementary to the null-hypothesis (there is no martian life in the samples) typically used for science. Testing the positive hypothesis includes four elements: (1) Bayesian statistics, (2) subsampling strategy, (3) test sequence, and (4) decision criteria. The test sequence capability covers self-replicating and non-self-replicating biology and biologically active molecules. Most of the investigations associated with the SSAF would need to be carried out within biological containment. The SSAF is described in sufficient detail to support planning activities for a Sample Receiving Facility (SRF) and for preparing science announcements, while at the same time acknowledging that further work is required before a detailed Sample Safety Assessment Protocol (SSAP) can be developed. The three major open issues to be addressed to optimize and implement the SSAF are (1) setting a value for the level of assurance to effectively exclude the presence of martian life in the samples, (2) carrying out an analogue test program, and (3) acquiring relevant contamination knowledge from all Mars Sample Return (MSR) flight and ground elements. Although the SSAF was developed specifically for assessing samples from Mars in the context of the currently planned NASA-ESA MSR Campaign, this framework and the basic safety approach are applicable to any other Mars sample return mission concept, with minor adjustments in the execution part related to the specific nature of the samples to be returned. The SSAF is also considered a sound basis for other COSPAR Planetary Protection Category V, restricted Earth return missions beyond Mars. It is anticipated that the SSAF will be subject to future review by the various MSR stakeholders

    Heterogeneous patterns of tissue injury in NARP syndrome

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    Point mutations at m.8993T>C and m.8993T>G of the mtDNA ATPase 6 gene cause the neurogenic weakness, ataxia and retinitis pigmentosa (NARP) syndrome, a mitochondrial disorder characterized by retinal, central and peripheral neurodegeneration. We performed detailed neurological, neuropsychological and ophthalmological phenotyping of a mother and four daughters with NARP syndrome from the mtDNA m.8993T>C ATPase 6 mutation, including 3-T brain MRI, spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT), adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (AOSLO), electromyography and nerve conduction studies (EMG-NCS) and formal neuropsychological testing. The degree of mutant heteroplasmy for the m.8993T>C mutation was evaluated by real-time allele refractory mutation system quantitative PCR of mtDNA from hair bulbs (ectoderm) and blood leukocytes (mesoderm). There were marked phenotypic differences between family members, even between individuals with the greatest degrees of ectodermal and mesodermal heteroplasmy. 3-T MRI revealed cerebellar atrophy and cystic and cavitary T2 hyperintensities in the basal ganglia. SD-OCT demonstrated similarly heterogeneous areas of neuronal and axonal loss in inner and outer retinal layers. AOSLO showed increased cone spacing due to photoreceptor loss. EMG-NCS revealed varying degrees of length-dependent sensorimotor axonal polyneuropathy. On formal neuropsychological testing, there were varying deficits in processing speed, visual–spatial functioning and verbal fluency and high rates of severe depression. Many of these cognitive deficits likely localize to cerebellar and/or basal ganglia dysfunction. High-resolution retinal and brain imaging in NARP syndrome revealed analogous patterns of tissue injury characterized by heterogeneous areas of neuronal loss

    A Better Anti-Diabetic Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 (rhFGF21) Modified with Polyethylene Glycol

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    As one of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family members, FGF21 has been extensively investigated for its potential as a drug candidate to combat metabolic diseases. In the present study, recombinant human FGF21 (rhFGF21) was modified with polyethylene glycol (PEGylation) in order to increase its in vivo biostabilities and therapeutic potency. At N-terminal residue rhFGF21 was site-selectively PEGylated with mPEG20 kDa-butyraldehyde. The PEGylated rhFGF21 was purified to near homogeneity by Q Sepharose anion-exchange chromatography. The general structural and biochemical features as well as anti-diabetic effects of PEGylated rhFGF21 in a type 2 diabetic rat model were evaluated. By N-terminal sequencing and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, we confirmed that PEG molecule was conjugated only to the N-terminus of rhFGF21. The mono-PEGylated rhFGF21 retained the secondary structure, consistent with the native rhFGF21, but its biostabilities, including the resistance to physiological temperature and trypsinization, were significantly enhanced. The in vivo immunogenicity of PEGylated rhFGF21 was significantly decreased, and in vivo half-life time was significantly elongated. Compared to the native form, the PEGylated rhFGF21 had a similar capacity of stimulating glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 cells in vitro, but afforded a significantly long effect on reducing blood glucose and triglyceride levels in the type 2 diabetic animals. These results suggest that the PEGylated rhFGF21 is a better and more effective anti-diabetic drug candidate than the native rhFGF21 currently available. Therefore, the PEGylated rhFGF21 may be potentially applied in clinics to improve the metabolic syndrome for type 2 diabetic patients

    Fundamentals of FGF19 & FGF21 Action In Vitro and In Vivo

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    Fibroblast growth factors 19 (FGF19) and 21 (FGF21) have emerged as key regulators of energy metabolism. Several studies have been conducted to understand the mechanism of FGF19 and FGF21 action, however, the data presented has often been inconsistent and at times contradictory. Here in a single study we compare the mechanisms mediating FGF19/FGF21 actions, and how similarities/differences in actions at the cellular level between these two factors translate to common/divergent physiological outputs. Firstly, we show that in cell culture FGF19/FGF21 are very similar, however, key differences are still observed differentiating the two. In vitro we found that both FGF's activate FGFRs in the context of βKlotho (KLB) expression. Furthermore, both factors alter ERK phosphorylation and glucose uptake with comparable potency. Combination treatment of cells with both factors did not have additive effects and treatment with a competitive inhibitor, the FGF21 delta N17 mutant, also blocked FGF19's effects, suggestive of a shared receptor activation mechanism. The key differences between FGF21/FGF19 were noted at the receptor interaction level, specifically the unique ability of FGF19 to bind/signal directly via FGFR4. To determine if differential effects on energy homeostasis and hepatic mitogenicity exist we treated DIO and ob/ob mice with FGF19/FGF21. We find comparable efficacy of the two proteins to correct body weight and serum glucose in both DIO and ob/ob mice. Nevertheless, FGF21 and FGF19 had distinctly different effects on proliferation in the liver. Interestingly, in vivo blockade of FGF21 signaling in mice using ΔN17 caused profound changes in glycemia indicative of the critical role KLB and FGF21 play in the regulation of glucose homeostasis. Overall, our data demonstrate that while subtle differences exist in vitro the metabolic effects in vivo of FGF19/FGF21 are indistinguishable, supporting a shared mechanism of action for these two hormones in the regulation of energy balance

    Death-associated protein 3 is overexpressed in human thyroid oncocytic tumours

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    Background: The human death-associated protein 3 (hDAP3) is a GTP-binding constituent of the small subunit of the mitochondrial ribosome with a pro-apoptotic function.Methods: A search through publicly available microarray data sets showed 337 genes potentially coregulated with the DAP3 gene. The promoter sequences of these 337 genes and 70 out of 85 mitochondrial ribosome genes were analysed in silico with the DAP3 gene promoter sequence. The mitochondrial role of DAP3 was also investigated in the thyroid tumours presenting various mitochondrial contents. Results: The study revealed nine transcription factors presenting enriched motifs for these gene promoters, five of which are implicated in cellular growth (ELK1, ELK4, RUNX1, HOX11-CTF1, TAL1-ternary complex factor 3) and four in mitochondrial biogenesis (nuclear respiratory factor-1 (NRF-1), GABPA, PPARG-RXRA and estrogen-related receptor alpha (ESRRA)). An independent microarray data set showed the overexpression of ELK1, RUNX1 and ESRRA in the thyroid oncocytic tumours. Exploring the thyroid tumours, we found that DAP3 mRNA and protein expression is upregulated in tumours presenting a mitochondrial biogenesis compared with the normal tissue. ELK1 and ESRRA were also showed upregulated with DAP3. Conclusion: ELK1 and ESRRA may be considered as potential regulators of the DAP3 gene expression. DAP3 may participate in mitochondrial maintenance and play a role in the balance between mitochondrial homoeostasis and tumourigenesis

    Evidence of Genetic Instability in Tumors and Normal Nearby Tissues

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    We have analyzed the sequence heterogeneity of the transcripts of the human HPRT and G6PD single copy genes that are not considered tumor markers. Analyses have been performed on different colon cancers and on the nearby histologically normal tissues of two male patients. Several copies of each cDNA, which were produced by cloning the RT-PCR-amplified fragments of the specific mRNA, have been sequenced. Similar analyses have been performed on blood samples of two ostensibly healthy males as reference controls. The sequence heterogeneity of the HPRT and G6PD genes was also determined on DNA from tumor tissues. The employed analytical approach revealed the presence of low-frequency mutations not detectable by other procedures. The results show that genetic heterogeneity is detectable in HPRT and G6PD transcripts in both tumors and nearby healthy tissues of the two studied colon tumors. Similar frequencies of mutations are observed in patient genomic DNA, indicating that mutations have a somatic origin. HPRT transcripts show genetic heterogeneity also in healthy individuals, in agreement with previous results on human T-cells, while G6PD transcript heterogeneity is a characteristic of the patient tissues. Interestingly, data on TP53 show little, if any, heterogeneity in the same tissues. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These findings show that genetic heterogeneity is a peculiarity not only of cancer cells but also of the normal tissue where a tumor arises
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