39,827 research outputs found

    Clustering of Far-Infrared Galaxies in the AKARI All-Sky Survey

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    We present the first measurement of the angular two-point correlation function for AKARI 90-ÎŒ\mum point sources, detected outside of the Milky Way plane and other regions characterized by high Galactic extinction, and categorized as extragalactic sources according to our far-infrared-color based criterion (Pollo et al. 2010). This is the first measurement of the large-scale angular clustering of galaxies selected in the far-infrared after IRAS measurements. Although a full description of clustering properties of these galaxies will be obtained by more detailed studies, using either spatial correlation function, or better information about properties and at least photometric redshifts of these galaxies, the angular correlation function remains the first diagnostics to establish the clustering properties of the catalog and observed galaxy population. We find a non-zero clustering signal in both hemispheres extending up to ∌40\sim 40 degrees, without any significant fluctuations at larger scales. The observed correlation function is well fitted by a power law function. The notable differences between a northern and southern hemisphere are found, which can be probably attributed to the photometry problems and point out to a necessity of performing a better calibration in the data from southern hemisphere.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Earth, Planets, and Spac

    Colour confinement as dual Meissner effect: SU(2)SU(2) gauge theory

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    We demonstrate that confinement in SU(2)SU(2) gauge theory is produced by dual superconductivity of the vacuum. We show that for T<TcT < T_c (temperature of deconfining phase transition) the U(1)U(1) symmetry related to monopole charge conservation is spontaneously broken; for T>TcT > T_c the symmetry is restored.Comment: 10 pages + 4 figures, uuencoded shell archiv

    Strategic Transparency and Electoral Pressure

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    © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. This paper investigates how an office-motivated incumbent can use transparency enhancement on public spending to signal his budgetary management ability and win re-election. We show that, when the incumbent faces a popular challenger, transparency policy can be an effective signaling device. It is also shown that electoral pressure can have a nonmonotonic effect on transparency, but a higher electoral pressure always increases the informativeness of signaling and the voter's utility

    Creutz Ratios From Color-Truncated Lattice Configurations

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    We investigate whether information about Creutz ratios is encoded, separately, in each gluon color component of numerically generated lattice configurations. Working in SU(2) lattice gauge theory in Landau gauge, we set two of the three gluon color components to zero, and compensate for the loss of two-thirds of the fluctuation by simply rescaling the remaining component by a factor of 3\sqrt{3}. Creutz ratios are then computed with this "abelianized" configuration. We find that the Creutz ratios of loops constructed from abelianized links converge to the usual Creutz ratios in the scaling regime.Comment: 5 pages, plain LaTeX, one figur

    An Almost Perfect Quantum Lattice Action for Low-energy SU(2) Gluodynamics

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    We study various representations of infrared effective theory of SU(2) Gluodynamics as a (quantum) perfect lattice action. In particular we derive a monopole action and a string model of hadrons from SU(2) Gluodynamics. These are lattice actions which give almost cut-off independent physical quantities even on coarse lattices. The monopole action is determined by numerical simulations in the infrared region of SU(2) Gluodynamics. The string model of hadrons is derived from the monopole action by using BKT transformation. We illustrate the method and evaluate physical quantities such as the string tension and the mass of the lowest state of the glueball analytically using the string model of hadrons. It turns out that the classical results in the string model is near to the one in quantum SU(2) Gluodynamics.Comment: 39 pages, 10 figure

    Analyzing powers in inclusive pion production at high energy and the nucleon spin structure

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    Analyzing powers in inclusive pion production in high energy transversely polarized proton-proton collisions are studied theoretically in the framework of the quark recombination model. Calculations by assuming the SU(6) spin-flavor symmetry for the nucleon structure disagree with the experiments. We solve this difficulty by taking into account the %We overcome this difficulty by taking into account the realistic spin distribution functions of the nucleon, which differs from the SU(6) expectation at large xx, %but coincides with a perturbative QCD constraint on the ratio of the unpolarized valence distributions, u/d→5u/d \to 5 as x→1x \to 1. We also discuss the kaon spin asymmetry and find AN(K+)=−AN(K0)A_N(K^+) = -A_N(K^0) in the polarized proton-proton collisions at large xFx_F.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, late

    Multiple peak aggregations for the Keller-Segel system

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    In this paper we derive matched asymptotic expansions for a solution of the Keller-Segel system in two space dimensions for which the amount of mass aggregation is 8πN8\pi N, where N=1,2,3,...N=1,2,3,... Previously available asymptotics had been computed only for the case in which N=1

    Causal Propagators for Algebraic Gauges

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    Applying the principle of analytic extension for generalized functions we derive causal propagators for algebraic non-covariant gauges. The so generated manifestly causal gluon propagator in the light-cone gauge is used to evaluate two one-loop Feynman integrals which appear in the computation of the three-gluon vertex correction. The result is in agreement with that obtained through the usual prescriptions.Comment: LaTex, 09 pages, no figure

    Aging dynamics in reentrant ferromagnet: Cu0.2_{0.2}Co0.8_{0.8}Cl2_{2}-FeCl3_{3} graphite bi-intercalation compound

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    Aging dynamics of a reentrant ferromagnet Cu0.2_{0.2}Co0.8_{0.8}Cl2_{2}-FeCl3_{3} graphite bi-intercalation compound has been studied using AC and DC magnetic susceptibility. This compound undergoes successive transitions at the transition temperatures TcT_{c} (=9.7= 9.7 K) and TRSGT_{RSG} (=3.5= 3.5 K). The relaxation rate S(t)S(t) exhibits a characteristic peak at tcrt_{cr} close to a wait time twt_{w} below TcT_{c}, indicating that the aging phenomena occur in both the reentrant spin glass (RSG) phase below TRSGT_{RSG} and the ferromagnetic (FM) phase between TRSGT_{RSG} and TcT_{c}. The relaxation rate S(t)S(t) (=dχZFC(t)/dln⁥t=\text{d}\chi_{ZFC}(t)/\text{d}\ln t) in the FM phase exhibits two peaks around twt_{w} and a time much shorter than twt_{w} under the positive TT-shift aging, indicating a partial rejuvenation of domains. The aging state in the FM phase is fragile against a weak magnetic-field perturbation. The time (tt) dependence of χZFC(t)\chi_{ZFC}(t) around t≈tcrt \approx t_{cr} is well approximated by a stretched exponential relaxation: χZFC(t)≈exp⁥[−(t/τ)1−n]\chi_{ZFC}(t) \approx \exp[-(t/\tau)^{1-n}]. The exponent nn depends on twt_{w}, TT, and HH. The relaxation time τ\tau (≈tcr\approx t_{cr}) exhibits a local maximum around 5 K, reflecting a chaotic nature of the FM phase. It drastically increases with decreasing temperature below TRSGT_{RSG}.Comment: 16 pages,16 figures, submitted to Physical Review
