1,144 research outputs found

    The Zoological Society of London

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    Abstract Species conservation may be complicated in symbiotic interactions. Sub-lethal impacts of human activities on one species may be lethal to other species on which they depend. We investigated the impact of two aspects of eutrophication -changes in phytoplankton and oxygen levels -on the interaction between a freshwater fish that is endangered in several countries, the European bitterling, Rhodeus sericeus, and the unionid mussel hosts that they require for spawning. Reduced concentrations of algae and oxygen each led to a greater proportion of bitterling embryos being ejected prematurely from the mussel hosts. Reduced algal concentrations also led to reductions in mussel ventilation rates and to mussels spending less time with their valves open. Bitterling mortality may have been due to three causes: direct effects of environmental conditions on embryonic survival, active expulsion by mussels when stressed and through responses by mussels that created internal conditions that bitterling embryos could not survive. Our study shows that the sub-lethal effects of pollution on one species can have lethal effects on another species with which it interacts. Such interactions need to be considered in conservation programmes

    Housekeeping Mutualisms: Do More Symbionts Facilitate Host Performance?

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    Mutualisms often involve one host supporting multiple symbionts, whose identity, density and intraguild interactions can influence the nature of the mutualism and performance of the host. However, the implications of multiple co-occurring symbionts on services to a host have rarely been quantified. In this study, we quantified effects of decapod symbionts on removal of sediment from their coral host. Our field survey showed that all common symbionts typically occur as pairs and never at greater abundances. Two species, the crab Trapezia serenei and the shrimp Alpheus lottini, were most common and co-occurred more often than expected by chance. We conducted a mesocosm experiment to test for effects of decapod identity and density on sediment removal. Alone, corals removed 10% of sediment, but removal increased to 30% and 48% with the presence of two and four symbionts, respectively. Per-capita effects of symbionts were independent of density and identity. Our results suggest that symbiont density is restricted by intraspecific competition. Thus, increased sediment removal from a coral host can only be achieved by increasing the number of species of symbionts on that coral, even though these species are functionally equivalent. Symbiont diversity plays a key role, not through added functionality but by overcoming density limitation likely imposed by intraspecific mating systems

    Analysis of phosphatases in ER-negative breast cancers identifies DUSP4 as a critical regulator of growth and invasion.

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    Estrogen receptor (ER)-negative cancers have a poor prognosis, and few targeted therapies are available for their treatment. Our previous analyses have identified potential kinase targets critical for the growth of ER-negative, progesterone receptor (PR)-negative and HER2-negative, or "triple-negative" breast cancer (TNBC). Because phosphatases regulate the function of kinase signaling pathways, in this study, we investigated whether phosphatases are also differentially expressed in ER-negative compared to those in ER-positive breast cancers. We compared RNA expression in 98 human breast cancers (56 ER-positive and 42 ER-negative) to identify phosphatases differentially expressed in ER-negative compared to those in ER-positive breast cancers. We then examined the effects of one selected phosphatase, dual specificity phosphatase 4 (DUSP4), on proliferation, cell growth, migration and invasion, and on signaling pathways using protein microarray analyses of 172 proteins, including phosphoproteins. We identified 48 phosphatase genes are significantly differentially expressed in ER-negative compared to those in ER-positive breast tumors. We discovered that 31 phosphatases were more highly expressed, while 11 were underexpressed specifically in ER-negative breast cancers. The DUSP4 gene is underexpressed in ER-negative breast cancer and is deleted in approximately 50 % of breast cancers. Induced DUSP4 expression suppresses both in vitro and in vivo growths of breast cancer cells. Our studies show that induced DUSP4 expression blocks the cell cycle at the G1/S checkpoint; inhibits ERK1/2, p38, JNK1, RB, and NFkB p65 phosphorylation; and inhibits invasiveness of TNBC cells. These results suggest that that DUSP4 is a critical regulator of the growth and invasion of triple-negative breast cancer cells

    Deep heat: a comparison of water temperature, anemone bleaching, anemonefish density and reproduction between shallow and mesophotic reefs

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    French Polynesia is experiencing increasing coral bleaching events in shallow waters triggered by thermal anomalies and marine heatwaves linked to climate change, a trend that is replicated worldwide. As sea surface thermal anomalies are assumed to lessen with depth, mesophotic deep reefs have been hypothesized to act as refuges from anthropogenic and natural disturbances, the ‘deep reef refugia hypothesis’ (DRRH). However, evidence supporting the DRRH is either inconclusive or conflicting. We address this by investigating four assumptions of the DRRH focusing on the symbiotic association between anemones and anemonefish. First, we compare long-term temperature conditions between shallow (8 m) and mesophotic sites (50 m) on the island of Moorea from 2011–2020. Second, we compare the densities of the orange-fin anemonefish, Amphiprion chrysopterus between shallow and mesophotic (down to 60 m) reefs across three archipelagos in French Polynesia. Finally, we compare the percentage of anemone bleaching, as well as anemonefish reproduction, between shallow and mesophotic reefs. We found that the water column was well mixed in the cooler austral winter months with only a 0.19 °C difference in temperature between depths, but in the warmer summer months mixing was reduced resulting in a 0.71–1.03 °C temperature difference. However, during thermal anomalies, despite a time lag in warm surface waters reaching mesophotic reefs, there was ultimately a 1.0 °C increase in water temperature at both 8 and 50 m, pushing temperatures over bleaching thresholds at both depths. As such, anemone bleaching was observed in mesophotic reefs during these thermal anomalies, but was buffered compared to the percentage of bleaching in shallower waters, which was nearly five times greater. Our large-scale sampling across French Polynesia found orange-fin anemonefish, A. chrysopterus, in mesophotic zones in two high islands and one atoll across two archipelagos, extending its bathymetric limit to 60 m; however, orange-fin anemonefish densities were either similar to, or 25–92 times lower than in shallower zones. Three spawning events were observed at 50 m, which occurred at a similar frequency to spawning on shallower reefs at the same date. Our findings of thermal anomalies and bleaching in mesophotic reefs, coupled with mainly lower densities of anemonefish in mesophotic populations, suggest that mesophotic reefs show only a limited ability to provide refugia from anthropogenic and natural disturbances

    Adaptive effects of parental and developmental environments on offspring survival, growth and phenotype

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    1. Phenotypic adjustments to environmental variation are particularly relevant to cope with putative environmental mismatches often imposed by natal dispersal. 2. We used an intergenerational cross-transplant field-based experiment to evaluate the morphological and physiological effects of parental and postsettlement water flow environments on the orange-fin anemonefish Amphiprion chrysopterus through ontogeny (at pre- and postsettlement stages). 3. Offspring born from parents under high water flow had an 18% higher caudal fin aspect ratio (a compound measure of shape) at the presettlement stage, 10% slower growth after settlement, and 55% lower survival after settlement compared to offspring from low water flow parents. At the presettlement stage, caudal fin length was determined by parental caudal fin length. At the postsettlement stage, fish survived equally well with similar phenotypes in both high and low developmental flow environments. However, results suggest potential developmental phenotypic plasticity in caudal fin length, which increases more under low water flow during development. After settlement, growth was the only morphological or physiological trait that was associated with parental water flow, which was lower from parents under high flow, as was survival. 4. These results give important insights into the parental contribution, both genetic and nongenetic, in determining early offspring phenotype and subsequent growth and survival. Our results also suggest that offspring may possess flexibility to cope with a wide range of local environments including those different from their parents. Overall, the findings of this study show the fitness consequences of living in different environments and the likely trade-offs between parental and offspring fitness in a wild population

    Physiological and behavioural effects of anemone bleaching on symbiont anemonefish in the wild

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    1. Climate change causes extreme heat waves that have induced worldwide mass coral bleaching. The impacts of temperature‐induced bleaching events on the loss of algal endosymbionts in both corals and anemones are well documented. However, the cascading impacts of bleaching on animals that live in association with corals and anemones are understudied. 2. We performed a field‐based experiment to investigate how host anemone bleaching affected the metabolic rate, growth, behaviour and survival of wild juvenile orange‐fin anemonefish Amphiprion chrysopterus over 1, 2 and (for survival) 9 months. 3. We found that the standard metabolic rate of anemonefish residing in bleached anemones decreased over time but was unaffected in fish from healthy anemones. Despite the reduced metabolic cost, the growth rate of fish from bleached anemones was significantly lower compared to fish from healthy anemones, suggesting that animals residing in bleached hosts are at an energetic disadvantage. This was corroborated by our finding that fish from bleached anemones spent more time out of their anemones, suggestive of a greater need to forage in the water column. However, fish from bleached anemones were overall less active and used less space around the anemone, resulting in a negative correlation between space use and survival after 4 weeks. 4. Our results provide insight into the physiological and behavioural effects of host bleaching on juvenile fish in the wild, and highlight how relatively short‐term thermal anomalies can have long‐lasting impacts beyond the bleached anemones or corals themselves

    Developing and Selecting Auditory Warnings for a Real-Time Behavioral Intervention

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    Real-time sensing and computing technologies are increasingly used in the delivery of real-time health behavior interventions. Auditory signals play a critical role in many of these interventions, impacting not only behavioral response but also treatment adherence and participant retention. Yet, few behavioral interventions that employ auditory feedback report the characteristics of sounds used and even fewer design signals specifically for their intervention. This paper describes a four-step process used in developing and selecting auditory warnings for a behavioral trial designed to reduce indoor secondhand smoke exposure. In step one, relevant information was gathered from ergonomic and behavioral science literature to assist a panel of research assistants in developing criteria for intervention-specific auditory feedback. In step two, multiple sounds were identified through internet searches and modified in accordance with the developed criteria, and two sounds were selected that best met those criteria. In step three, a survey was conducted among 64 persons from the primary sampling frame of the larger behavioral trial to compare the relative aversiveness of sounds, determine respondents\u27 reported behavioral reactions to those signals, and assess participant’s preference between sounds. In the final step, survey results were used to select the appropriate sound for auditory warnings. Ultimately, a single-tone pulse, 500 milliseconds (ms) in length that repeats every 270 ms for three cycles was chosen for the behavioral trial. The methods described herein represent one example of steps that can be followed to develop and select auditory feedback tailored for a given behavioral intervention

    Methylation age as a correlate for allele burden, disease status, and clinical response in myeloproliferative neoplasm patients treated with vorinostat.

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    The myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) are a heterogeneous group of clonal neoplastic disorders. Driver mutations in JAK2, CALR, and MPL genes have been identified in the majority of cases. Alongside these, an increasing number of genes are repeatedly identified as mutated in MPN. These, including ASXL1, TET2, DMNT3A, and EZH2, have key roles in epigenetic regulation. Dysregulation of epigenetic processes is therefore a key feature of MPN. Vorinostat is a pan histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi) that has been investigated in MPN. DNA methylation (DNAm) is a well-defined epigenetic mechanism of transcription modification. It is known to be affected by ageing, lifestyle, and disease. Epigenetic ageing signatures have been previously described allowing calculation of a methylation age (MA). In this study we examined the effect of vorinostat on MA in MPN cell lines and in patients with polycythaemia vera (PV) and essential thrombocythaemia (ET) treated with vorinostat as part of a clinical trial. An older MA was observed in patients with a higher JAK2 V617F allele burden and those with a longer duration of disease. PV patients had a MA older than that predicted whilst MA was younger than predicted in ET. Treatment with vorinostat resulted in a younger MA in PV patients and older MA in ET patients, in both cases a trend towards the normal chronological age. When MA change was compared against response, nonresponse was associated with a younger than predicted MA in ET patients and a higher than predicted MA in PV patients. The link between MA and JAK2 mutant allele burden implies that allele burden has a role not only in clinical phenotype and disease evolution in MPN patients, but also in the overall methylation landscape of the mutated cells
