628 research outputs found

    Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves to identify birth weight cutoffs to predict overweight in Mexican school children

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    OBJETIVO: Identificar pontos de corte do peso ao nascer na predição do excesso de peso em crianças e adolescentes mexicanos em idade escolar da cidade de Chilpancingo, México, em 2004. MÉTODOS: Seiscentos e sessenta e dois escolares de ambos os sexos, entre 5 e 13 anos, foram selecionados por amostragem probabilística, com partilha proporcional ao tamanho. Medidas do peso ao nascer foram extraídas das carteiras de vacinação. Para a classificação do estado nutricional, utilizaram-se pontos de corte do índice de massa corporal (IMC) segundo idade e sexo. Equações de predição foram construídas utilizando-se modelos de regressão linear. Áreas sob as curvas ROC (receiver operating characteristic) foram calculadas e curvas ROC de dois gráficos (TG-ROC) foram construídas, respectivamente, para detecção da acurácia global e identificação de pontos de corte do peso ao nascer, correspondentes à intersecção das curvas de sensibilidade e especificidade. RESULTADOS: Entre as crianças, a prevalência de excesso de peso foi maior no sexo feminino (46%) que no masculino (38,5%); entre adolescentes, as respectivas prevalências foram de 43,5 e 38,9%. O IMC médio e os decis de peso ao nascer apresentaram relação linear. As áreas sob as curvas ROC apresentaram valores > 78% em cada estrato, detectando-se diferença, em relação ao sexo, no grupo de adolescentes. As curvas TG-ROC apresentaram pontos de corte do peso ao nascer mais elevados nos meninos que nas meninas, e as intersecções das curvas de sensibilidade e especificidade foram > 0,70. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados do estudo indicaram que pontos de corte do peso ao nascer podem ser utilizados como marcadores de excesso de peso, na infância e adolescência, constituindo-se em estratégia para o rastreamento de grupos de risco.OBJECTIVE: To identify birth weight cutoffs to predict overweight in school children and adolescents from Chilpancingo, Mexico, in 2004. METHODS: Six hundred and sixty-two male and female children between 5 and 13 years old were selected by probability sampling. Birth weight measures were extracted from vaccination cards. The school children's nutritional status was defined using specific body mass index (BMI) cutoffs according to sex and age. Predicting equations were built using linear regression models. Areas under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were calculated and two-graph (TG) ROC curves were plotted, respectively, to detect global accuracy and to identify birth weight cutoffs corresponding to the intersection of sensitivity and specificity curves. RESULTS: Overweight prevalence was higher in female (46%) than in male school children (38.5%). Among adolescents, the prevalence of overweight was also higher in females (43.5%) than in males (38.9%). BMI average and birth weight deciles showed a linear relation. Areas under ROC curves showed values > 78% in each stratum of sex and age, depicting a difference by sex in adolescents. TG-ROC curves showed that birth weight cutoffs were slightly higher in boys than in girls, and the sensitivity/specificity intersections were > 0.70. CONCLUSIONS: The study results showed that birth weight cutoffs can be used as overweight markers in childhood and adolescence, being useful as a screening strategy to detect risk groups

    Relationship between functional fitness, medication costs and mood in elderly people

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    Objective: to verify if functional fitness (FF) is associated with the annual cost of medication consumption and mood states (MSt) in elderly people. Methods: a cross-sectional study with 229 elderly people aged 65 years or more at Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Coimbra, Portugal. Seniors with physical and psychological limitations were excluded, as well as those using medication that limits performance on the tests. The Senior Fitness Test was used to evaluate FF, and the Profile of Mood States - Short Form to evaluate the MSt. The statistical analysis was based on Mancova, with adjustment for age, for comparison between men and women, and adjustment for sex, for comparison between cardiorespiratory fitness quintiles. The association between the variables under study was made with partial correlation, controlling for the effects of age, sex and body mass index. Results: an inverse correlation between cardiorespiratory fitness and the annual cost of medication consumption was found (p < 0.01). FF is also inversely associated with MSt (p < 0.05). Comparisons between cardiorespiratory fitness quintiles showed higher medication consumption costs in seniors with lower aerobic endurance, as well as higher deterioration in MSt (p < 0.01). Conclusion: elderly people with better FF and, specifically, better cardiorespiratory fitness present lower medication consumption costs and a more positive MSt

    Update on the approach to smoking in patients with respiratory diseases.

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    Smoking is the leading cause of respiratory disease (RD). The harmful effects of smoking on the respiratory system begin in utero and influence immune responses throughout childhood and adult life. In comparison with ?healthy? smokers, smokers with RD have peculiarities that can impede smoking cessation, such as a higher level of nicotine dependence; nicotine withdrawal; higher levels of exhaled carbon monoxide; low motivation and low self-efficacy; greater concern about weight gain; and a high prevalence of anxiety and depression. In addition, they require more intensive, prolonged treatment. It is always necessary to educate such individuals about the fact that quitting smoking is the only measure that will reduce the progression of RD and improve their quality of life, regardless of the duration and severity of the disease. Physicians should always offer smoking cessation treatment. Outpatient or inpatient smoking cessation treatment should be multidisciplinary, based on behavioral interventions and pharmacotherapy. It will thus be more effective and cost-effective, doubling the chances of success

    Brazilian coffee genome project: an EST-based genomic resource

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