36 research outputs found


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    Pasar Tradisional Mawar Kota Pontianak merupakan pasar yang bernunsa Modern, saat ini sedang dihadapkan dengan berbagai masalah, salah satunya adalah perparkiran. Saat ini banyaknya masyarakat yang menggunakan bahu jalan sebagai area parkir sehingga menimbulkan kemacetan parah di sekitar lokasi pasar. Dalam pelaksanaan parkir sendiri sudah memiliki aturan namun dikarenakan banyaknya hal seperti kurangnya pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh juru parkir sehingga tidak melihat aspek-aspek lingkungan, keselamatan, ketertiban dan kelancaran lalu lintassehingga menimbulkan kemacetan saat kendaraan keluar masuk dan yang melintas di sepanjang lokasi pasar tersebut. Tata acara parkir sudah diatur dalam Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Darat Nomor 272/HK.105/DRJD/96 tentang Pedoman Teknis Penyelenggaraan Fasilitas Parkir. Pasar tradisional sendiri sudah memiliki fasilitas parir yang cukup untuk menampung kendaraan, namun sampai sekarang tidak satupun kendaraan yang masuk ke tersebut. Dengan melakukan kajian ini maka dapat diketahui penyebab mengapa masyarakat yang akan berbelanja tidak menggunakan ruang parkir yang disediakan, mejadikan lingkungan sekitar bangunan bebas dari parkir liar

    Prediction of Wound Healing in Diabetic Foot Ulcers: an Observational Study in Tertiary Hospital in Indonesia

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    Aim: to evaluate the role of clinical characteristics, functional markers of vasodilation, inflammatory response, and atherosclerosis in predicting wound healing in diabetic foot ulcer. Methods: a cohort study (February – October 2010) was conducted from 40 subjects with acute diabetic foot ulcer at clinical ward of Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia. Each subject underwent at least two variable measurements, i.e. during inflammatory phase and proliferation phase. The studied variables were clinical characteristics, complete peripheral blood count (CBC) and differential count, levels of HbA1c, ureum, creatinine, lipid profile, fasting blood glucose (FBG), marker of endothelial dysfunction (asymmetric dimethylarginine/ADMA, endothelin-1/ET-1, and flow-mediated dilation/FMD of brachial artery), and marker of vascular calcification (osteoprotegerin/OPG). Results: median of time achieving 50% granulation tissue in our study was 21 days. There were nine factors that contribute in the development of 50% granulation tissue, i.e. family history of diabetes mellitus (DM), previous history of wound, wound area, duration of existing wound, captopril and simvastatin medications, levels of ADMA, ET-1, and OPG. There were three out of the nine factors that significantly correlated with wound healing, i.e. wound area, OPG levels, and simvastatin medications. Conclusion: in acute diabetic foot ulcers, wound area and OPG levels had positive correlation with wound healing, whereas simvastatin medications had negative correlation with wound healing

    Toksisitas Oral Akut Arthrospira maxima dan Chlorella vulgaris Isolat Glagah Pada Tikus (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769) Galur Wistar

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    AbstrakArthrospira (Spirulina) dan Chlorella adalah mikroalga yang telah dikenal bermanfaat bagi kesehatan sehingga banyak dikembangkan sebagai produk suplemen makanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari tingkat ketoksikan dan keamanan mengkonsumsi A. maxima dan C. vulgaris yang diisolasi dari perairan Pantai Glagah di Provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta menggunakan tikus Wistar sebagai model praklinis. Studi toksisitas merupakan langkah awal sebelum dilakukan eksplorasi potensi, pemanfaatan, dan pengolahan kedua mikroalga ini sebagai produk suplemen kesehatan. Prosedur uji toksisitas mengikuti Guideline OECD No. 420. Parameter yang diamati meliputi berat badan, profil hematologis, evaluasi fungsi hati (aktivitas ALT dan kadar bilirubin), serta fungsi ginjal (kadar kreatinin dan asam urat). Berdasarkan hasil, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian per oral A. maxima dan C. vulgaris hingga dosis 5.000 mg/kg bb tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda ketoksikan, ditunjukkan dengan nilai untuk sebagian besar variabel yang berada dalam kisaran normal. Fluktuasi nilai yang terjadi merupakan wujud dinamika fisiologis normal. Dalam penelitian ini kami mendapat temuan bahwa C. vulgaris menunjukkan potensi sebagai antianemia. Oleh karena studi toksisitas ini adalah dosis tunggal dan terbatas untuk periode akut, maka perlu dilanjutkan dengan studi toksisitas dosis berulang dan periode yang lebih panjang, selain untuk mempelajari ketoksikan dan keamanan juga untuk menggali potensinya.AbstractArthrospira (Spirulina) and Chlorella are microalgae that possess benefits for health, therefore they are Arthrospira (Spirulina) and Chlorella are microalgae that possess benefits for health, therefore they are developed as food supplement products. This study aimed to determine the toxicity and the safety of consuming A. maxima and C. vulgaris isolated from Glagah coastal water in D.I. Yogyakarta Province using Wistar rats as preclinical model. Toxicity study is the first step before exploring the potential, utilization and processing of these microalgae as health supplement products. Toxicity test procedure was performed following OECD Guideline No. 420. Parameters observed included: body weight, hematological profile, and evaluation of liver function (ALT activity and bilirubin level) and renal function (creatinine and uric acid levels). Based on the results, it is concluded that oral administration of A. maxima and C. vulgaris up to dose of 5,000 mg/kg bw demonstrated no signs of toxicity, indicated by values for most of variables were within normal range. Fluctuation in values were manifestation of normal physiological dynamic. In this study, we found that C. vulgaris could be an antianemia potential. Since this toxicity study was a single-dose and limited to acute period, it is suggested to continue with repeated-dose toxicity studies with longer periods to examine the toxicity and the safety of both species besides exploring their potential


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    This study is to describe and analyze the improvement of the competence of human resourcesthrough intellectual ability, individual learning and knowledge absorption capability. The purposeof this study to examine and analyze 1) the effect of intellectual ability to the competence 2)the influence of individual learning on the competence, 3) the effect of intellectual ability to theabsorption of knowledge 4) the effect of individual learning to the knowledge absorption capacity 5)the effect of absorption of knowledge to the competence. This study was conducted to Employeesin the Department of Revenue, Finance and Asset Management District Semarang. The methodof data collection in this study through a list of questions / questionnaire with 80 respondents forsample. Based on SEM analysis the results showed that if the intellectual capability increases, thecompetence of human resources is increasing, if the individual learning increases, the competenceof human resources is increasing, if the intellectual capability increases, the absorption of knowledgeis increasing, if individual learning increases, the absorption knowledge is increasing, and if theknowledge absorption capacity increases, the competence of human resources is increasing. Themanagerial implications of this study are as follows; associated with increasing intellectual ability,individual learning, knowledge absorption capability and competence of the employees in RevenueService Financial and Asset Management should be given awards (reward), those are by improvingeducation, training, education and training, technical assistance, mutation in order to increaseknowledge transfer even promotion position or promotion to positions.Keywords :intellectual ability, individual learning, knowledge absorption and capability competenc

    Strategi Pendidikan Anak

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    viii + 210 hl

    Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Jilid. 2

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    Buku ajar ilmu penyakit dalam, jil.2, ed. 3/ Edit.: Suyono

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    xiii, 949 hal.: ill.; 25,5 cm

    Buku ajar ilmu penyakit dalam, jil.2, ed. 3/ Edit.: Suyono

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    xiii, 949 hal.: ill.; 25,5 cm

    Buku ajar ilmu penyakit dalam, jil.2, ed. 3/ Edit.: Suyono

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    xiii, 949 hal.: ill.; 25,5 cm