6 research outputs found

    Studi Alternatif Substrat Kertas untuk Pengujian Viabilitas Benih dengan Metode Uji Diatas Kertas

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    Viability of small seed is usually tested with top of paper method using paper substrate, but filter and straw papers commonly used for substrate have become more expensive and scarce recently. The aim of this study was to find an alternative paper substrate for seed viability testing using top of paper method. The study consist of 12 experiments using 12 species i.e. pak choy, white mustard, chinese kale, cauliflower, cabbage, sesame, broccoli, green mustard, lettuce, carrot, red spinach and celery. The experiment was arranged in a Randomized Block Design with 10 replications. Sample of 50 seeds were tested on different paper substrate including straw paper, filter paper, stencil paper, CD paper and sterilized filter paper, to identify the best alternative substrate. Result of the study showed that stencil and CD papers as a substrate for seed viability testing performed 100% similarity compared to straw paper. When filter paper was used as standard substrate, there wasn't any paper has 100% similarity, but straw paper showed the highest (97.22%) followed by stencil paper (88.87%). Based on less than 5% coefficient of variation criteria, stencil paper was the best with 61.11% uniformity of seed viability data followed by straw paper (58.33%). In higher tolerance level with less than 10% coefficient of variance criteria, stencil paper was still the highest with 100% uniformity, followed by straw paper (97.22%). Stencil paper as germination substrate performed similar seed viability to the control straw and filter papers also produced high uniformity data. Stencil paper could be used for substrate viability testing of small seed with top of paper method

    Efisiensi Beberapa Substrat Dalam Pengujian Viabilitas Benih Berukuran Besar Dan Kecil (Efficiency of Several Substrates for Seed Viability Testing of Large and Small Seeds)

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    The quality of paper substrate for seed viability testing is determined mainly by the variety and amount of the papers. A study was conducted to find alternative paper and the optimum amount of paper for testing the viability of large and small seed with the rolled paper method. Two experiments were carried out at the Seed Science and Technology Laboratory, Bogor Agricultural University during April-September 2004 and July-December 2007. First experiment: large and small seeds represented by 5 plants (angled loofah, pumpkin, garden pea, bitter gourd, yam bean) and 7 plants (sorghum, cucumber, mungbean, soybean, horenzo, radish and wheat), respectively, were tested on 4 different paper substrates (straw, stencil, CD, and HVS) following the rolled paper method. Second experiment: large seeds of maize and ground nut, and small seeds of rice and mungbean were tested on paper substrates selected from the first experiment, straw, stencil, and CD, with different number of sheet, i.e. 2, 3, 4, and 5 sheets. Each plant seed was considered as an experiment and a randomized block design was applied to all experiments. The result indicated that for the large seeds, stencil and CD papers had equal and high similarity with the reference straw paper substrate, 100% and 80% for germination percentage and dry weight of normal seedlings, respectively. For the small seeds, only stencil paper showed high similarity for germination percentage variable, 86%, with the reference paper, whereas the other paper showed lower similarity, 57% for both CD and HVS papers. The second experiment showed that 2 sheets of straw, stencil or CD papers were enough for testing viability of large and small seeds to obtain germination percentage, but ground nut needs 4 sheets of straw paper. For vigor index variable, efficiency of substrate paper on large and small seeds varied from 2 to 4 sheets

    Viabilitas Awal, Daya Simpan dan Invigorasi Benih Kemangi (Ocimum Basilicum L.)

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    Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) is cultivated in many countries as vegetable crop, and as herbal medicine or pesticide for mosquito larvae, but there is limited information on its seed viability. Three experiments were conducted at Seed Science and Technology Laboratory Departement of Agronomy and Horticulture IPB from January to June 2011. Experiment one tested viability of basil seeds with different maturation obtained from different fruit maturity and drying treatment. Experiment two stored basil seed for 12 weeks in ambient condition and tested seed viability weekly. In experiment three, two seed lots that have been stored for 2 and 14 weeks in ambient condition were invigorated with GA3 1,000 ppm and KH2PO4 1.5% and light treatment 820 lux m-2. It was revealed that basil seed was physiologically mature at 44-49 days after flowering with 12.5% moisture content and low viability of 34.0%. After-ripening period of basil seed was two week where the seed viabilty increase to 56.7%. Seed viability did not significantly change during 12 weeks stored in ambient condition. Maximum viability of basil seed (64.34-66.52%) could be achieved by invigoration treatment with GA3 1,000 ppm and light treatment 820 lux m-2

    Testing Methods of Moisture Content, Critical Moisture Content, and Germination of Jamblang (Syzygium Cumini (L.) Skeels) Seed

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    Jamblang (Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels) researches are still focused to identify the plant benefits, but that leads to efforts to obtain good seed quality hasn't been done. This study aims to determine the moisture content testing method, the critical moisture content, and germination testing method (sowing media and first and final count of seed germination). Improving procedure for moisture content testing and identified the best media for germination testing was arranged in a Completely Random Design. Determining jamblang seeds critical moisture content was arranged in a Randomized Complete Block Design. The experiments were repeated four times. Moisture content with slicing method obtained 49.57%. Jamblang seeds critical water content is 41.61% with 50% germination. The best method of germination was sand medium with fresh seeds (90%). The first count of jamblang seed germination occurs on 32 days after sowing and final count on 83 days after sowing

    Metode Deteriorasi Terkontrol untuk Pendugaan Daya Simpan Benih Kedelai

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    Physiological quality of soybean seeds was easily deteriorated during storage. The objectives of the research were to determine controlled deterioration test which could be used to evaluate soybean seed viability and to find the appropriate controlled deterioration test for estimating storability of soybean seed. The research was conducted at the quality control laboratory PT. BISI International, Tbk., Kediri since October 2012 until February 2013. The completely randomized design with four replications was used in the experiment by moisture content and deterioration periods as treatment. The results showed that the controlled deterioration periods to evaluate two varieties of soybean seed were same for 16 hours at 17.5% moisture content for Wilis and 15% moisture content for Detam-1. The result also showed that there were significant correlations between controlled deterioration values with actual values from 16 weeks storage periods, indicating controlled deterioration test periods could estimate storage periods. Verification of seed vigor relation to storability model showed there were no significant differences between germination and speed of germination between controlled deterioration and actual values. Simulation of soybean seed storability model with germination percentage after controlled deterioration as input variables could predict the storage periods

    Metode Deteriorasi Terkontrol untuk Pendugaan Daya Simpan Benih Kedelai

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    Physiological quality of soybean seeds was easily deteriorated during storage. The objectives of the research were to determine controlled deterioration test which could be used to evaluate soybean seed viability and to find the appropriate controlled deterioration test for estimating storability of soybean seed. The research was conducted at the quality control laboratory PT. BISI International, Tbk., Kediri since October 2012 until February 2013. The completely randomized design with four replications was used in the experiment by moisture content and deterioration periods as treatment. The results showed that the controlled deterioration periods to evaluate two varieties of soybean seed were same for 16 hours at 17.5% moisture content for Wilis and 15% moisture content for Detam-1. The result also showed that there were significant correlations between controlled deterioration values with actual values from 16 weeks storage periods, indicating controlled deterioration test periods could estimate storage periods. Verification of seed vigor relation to storability model showed there were no significant differences between germination and speed of germination between controlled deterioration and actual values. Simulation of soybean seed storability model with germination percentage after controlled deterioration as input variables could predict the storage periods.Keywords: Glycine max, rapid ageing, seed modelling, seed vigour, vigour inde