7 research outputs found

    Monitoring Parental dan Perilaku Teman Sebaya terhadap Perilaku Seksual Remaja SMA di Kota Pontianak

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    Background: The number of unwanted pregnancy, Sexually Transmitted Disease (STDs) and HIV-AIDS among adolescents are rapidly increased nowadays. There was 10% of Pontianak adolescents engaged in premarital sexual intercourse since they were 16 or 18 years old, and most of sexual activities happened at home. This study aims to analyze the impact of parental monitoring and peer influence to adolescents' sexual attitudes.Method: It was a cross sectional study involving 348 students from 50 high schools in Pontianak. Univariate, Bivariate and Path Analysis was used to find the correlation and the direct path of independent variable to dependent variable.Result: It was found there was a direct impact (10.6%) and indirect impact (9.28%) of parental monitoring to adolescents sexual behavior. Peer influence was shown to be the most dominant path in affecting adolescents' sexual behaviors both direct (20.2%) and indirect (14.24%). Parental monitoring in this study was having a weaker impact to adolescents sexual behavior than did peer influence, therefore, it is necessary for parents to approach their adolescents and give them sex education in order to give them a better understanding in making sexual decisions.Keywords : Parental, Monitoring, Sexual, Behavior, Adolescen

    Inisiasi Seks Pranikah Remaja dan Faktor yang Mempengaruhi

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    Perilaku seks pranikah remaja di Kota Pontianak tahun 2009 menunjukkan 56,9% pernah kissing, 30,7 necking, 13,8% petting, 7,2% oral seks, 5,5% anal seks, dan 14,7% pernah intercourse. Angka intercourse ini lebih tinggi dari angka yang dirilis Kemenkes 2009 (6.9% di Jakarta, Medan, Bandung, dan Surabaya). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui inisiasi seks pranikah remaja dan faktor prediktornya pada remaja di Kota Pontianak tahun 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan cross-sectional de ngan menggunakan teknik simple random sampling dalam pengambilan sampel. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 300 remaja SMP dan SMA yang ada di 6 kecamatan Kota Pontianak. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan inisiasi seks remaja diawali dengan pegangan tangan (82,7%), berpelukan (60,7%), cium pipi (66%), meraba daerah sensitive (19,3%), seks oral (7%), seks anal (4%), dan intercourse (14,7%). Faktor prediktor inisiasi seks pranikah diantaranya: usia pasangan (p value =0,0001; PR=2,461), monitoring orangtua (p value =0,001; PR=1,537), perilaku teman sebaya (p value =0,0001; PR=2,993), sikap seksual (p value =0,0001; PR=1,868), norma subjektif (p value =0,0001; PR=1,309), niat berperilaku (p value =0,0001; PR=3,150), dan paparan media pornografi (p value =0,0001; PR=2,803). Adolescent premarital sexual behavior in Pontianak (2009) showed that 56.9% had been kissing, 30.7 necking, 13.8% petting, 7.2% oral sex, 5.5% anal sex, and 14.7% intercourse. The number of intercourse was higher than free sex adolescent number by the Ministry of Health in 2009 (6.9% in the Jakarta, Medan, Bandung, and Surabaya). The purpose of this study was to investigate and analyze adolescence premarital sexual initiation and associated factors in 2014. A cross-sectional study with simple random sampling data collection was used. The study involved 300 adolescents participated from junior and senior high school at six subdistrict in Pontianak. This study showed initiation of premarital sexual starting from 82.7% hand touching, 60.7% hugging, 66% kissing, 19.3% touching sensitive areas, 7% oral sex, 4% anal sex, and 14.7% intercourse. The associated factors with premarital sex initiation were older age pair (p value = 0.0001; PR = 2.461), low parental monitoring (p value = 0.001; PR = 1.537), risky peers behavior (p value = 0.0001; PR = 2.993), permissive sexual attitude (p value = 0.0001; PR = 1.868), permissive subjective norm (p value = 0.0001; PR = 1.309), risky intention to behave (p value = 0.0001; PR = 3,150), and pornography media exposure (p value = 0.0001; PR = 2.803)

    The Application of the IMB Model as Primary Prevention on Adolescent\u27s Premarital Sexual Intention

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    Previous studies showed the information, motivation, and behavioral skills (IMB) model could be used to predict and prevent reducing sexual risk behaviors. This paper examines the effectiveness of IMB interventions in reducing adolescent\u27s premarital sexual intentions. A quasy experimental nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design was conducted among 250 students in 20 secondary schools in Pontianak with intervention IMB models and 100 students in the control group. There was a significant differences of information (delta mean = 3.008; 95% CI = 2.329 to 3.687; p value = 0.0001), motivation (delta mean = 1.532; 95% CI = 0.846 to 2.218; p value = 0, 0001), and skills to refuse or delay premarital sexual behavior (delta mean = 1.604; 95% CI = 0.629 to 2.579; p value = 0.001) on adolescents between before and after the application of the IMB model in secondary students in pontianak, Indonesia. In addition, there were significant differences intention adolescents in the control group and the experimental between before and after the IMB intervention (p value < 0.05). IMB model could be applied as primary prevention on adolescent\u27s premarital sexual intention through integration in school subjects. It is needed a support and debriefing skills in teachers

    Perceived Parental Monitoring on Adolescence Premarital Sexual Behavior in Pontianak City, Indonesia

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    Inadaquate parental monitoring is widely recognized as a risk factor for the development of child and adolescent conduct problems, including early premarital sexual behavior. Previous studies examining parental monitoring have largely effect to adolescents premarital sexual behavior. Parental monitoring is the most important and effective factor to prevent early adolescents sexual activity. This paper examines the role of perceived parental monitoring in adolescent\u27s premarital sexual behavior (study on Adolescent\u27s Junior High School in Pontianak). A cross-sectional study and proportionated random sampling was conducted among 402 adolescents of junior high school at six subdistricts in Pontianak. SEM analyses was conducted using SMART-PLS. Result of path analysis revealed that parental knowledge (r = 0.389) and parental-adolescence relationship (r = 0.334) had a strong influence on parental monitoring. Then, parental monitoring had a significant indirect relationship with adolescent premarital sexual behavior through attitudes about premarital sexual (path coefficient = 0.063), and attitudes about premarital sexual and intention to sexual behaviour (path coefficient = 0.03). Parental monitoring can act as protective factor in early adolescent premarital sexual behavior. Therefore, risk reduction interventions with adolescents should include their parents to learn about monitoring skill and develop skill that will allow them to buffer negative influences

    Videoscribe Sparkol Efektif Meningkatkan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Ibu Hamil Tentang Asi Eksklusif

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    Background: Exclusive breastfeeding is one of the important factors in child’s growth and development. The successful exclusive breastfeeding influenced by knowledge and attitudes of mother regarding this issue. Both of these must be improved since the beginning of pregnancy. Increased knowledge and attitudes can be pursued through health promotion using media. This research aims to determine the effect of a media named Sparkol Video Scribe on increasing knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women regarding exclusive breastfeeding in the working area of Puskesmas Sanggau. Method: The design of this research uses a quasi-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest design without a control group. An amount of a sample is 36 pregnant women. Data collected through non-stimulating interviews using a questionnaire instrument. Processing of the data using computer statistic application. Data analyzed by Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Results: The results obtained, there are differences in the knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women about exclusive breastfeeding before and after treatment with p-value=0,00 (<0,05). Conclusion: It can be concluded that the use of Sparkol Video Scribe has an effect on increasing the knowledge and attitude of pregnant women regarding exclusive breastfeeding in the working area of Puskesmas Sanggau. It is recommended to Puskesmas Sanggau to innovate using Sparkol Video Scribe in carrying out other health promotions to the community in its territory

    Mini Poster Berbahasa Daerah sebagai Alternatif Media Promosi Kesehatan Kepatuhan Mencuci Tangan

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    Angka kejadian diare di Desa Sejahtera mengalami trend peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun. Salah satu upaya pencegahan penyakit diare adalah mencuci tangan pakai sabun dan air mengalir setelah buang air besar, sebelum menyiapkan makanan, dan sebelum makan. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui efektivitas mini poster berbahasa daerah terhadap kepatuhan ibu mencuci tangan di Desa Sejahtera. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimen semu (quasy experiment) non-equivalent control group. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 30 orang yang diambil dengan teknik quota sampling. Uji statistik yang digunakan T-Test dan Kruskall-Wallis Test dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada perbedaan signifikan kepatuhan ibu mencuci tangan pakai sabun dan air mengalir pada kelompok eksperimen pemasangan mini poster berbahasa daerah dan sabun, pemasangan mini poster berbahasa daerah saja, dan kelompok kontrol pada waktu setelah buang air besar, sebelum menyiapkan makanan, dan sebelum makan antara sebelum dan setelah intervensi (p value < 0,05). Hal ini menunjukkan media mini poster berbahasa daerah efektif dalam meningkatkan kepatuhan ibu mencuci tangan. Media poster berbahasa daerah dapat menjadi alternatif dalam media promosi kesehatan guna pencegahan penyakit tingkat dasar

    Pendampingan dan Peningkatan Kapasitas Kader Relawan Stunting di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Rasau Jaya Kalimantan Barat

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    Stunting merupakan masalah serius yang mengancam generasi penerus bangsa. Pembentukan kader relawan stunting merupakan upaya dalam mengatasi dan mencegah masalah ini berkelanjutnya, namun masih minimnya kapasitas kader yang terbentuk. Solusi yang ditawarkan dalam mengatasi masalah adalah melalui metode pendampingan dan peningkatan kapasitas kader relawan stunting. Tahapan pelaksanaan kegiatan ini melalui tahap sosialisasi dan audiensi, edukasi kader relawan stunting (penyuluhan dan pendampingan), dan peningkatan pengetahuan kader relawan stunting sebesar 70%. Kegiatan ini berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Kader relawan stunting yang mengikuti kegiatan ini merasakan manfaat terkait dengan fungsi dan kapasitas sebagai kader stunting, serta mampu menjalankan tugas dan tanggungjawabnya. Diperlukan pendampingan secara aktif dari pihak puskesmas dan pemerintah desa setempat agar upaya mencegah dan mengendalikan kejadian stunting di daerah setempat dapat berjalan sebagaimana mestinya, efektif dan efisien