18 research outputs found

    Pendidikan Dan Kekayaan Masa Depan (Future Wealth) Di Era Global

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    Individual behavior will never be detached from its cultural contexts. Most (if not all) of the behaviors carried out by an individual are formed through the long process of learning in the place or environment where he/she grows up and lives. Models of behavior shown by the members of a community will also influence an individual behavior in that community. Values, norms, and habits in a certain culture will also affect parenting style. Besides, individuals also do some contacts with their cultural environment. In its interaction, an individual will manage to fit him/herself with the culture by means of “assimilating and/or adapting” micro cultures to macro culture. For this reason, we can understand a client thoroughly, perform appropriate assessments, and give interventions correctly, if we are able to understand the client in accordance with his/her cultural context. Concerning with this, Pederson affirms that “Since all behaviors are learned and displayed in cultural context, accurate assessment, meaningful understanding and appropriate interventions are done from the perspective of client\u27s cultural context” . Implications of Pederson\u27s statement towards counseling processes are: (a) In a counseling process, counselor needs to be aware that there is a process of cultural contact between client\u27s culture and counselor\u27s culture, which will be potential for the emergence of cultural biases (even though the client and the counselor both come from the same ethnic and culture). Therefore, a counselor should not be “cultural blind”; a counselor must be “cultural aware”; (b) Cultural differences will cause different perceptions, mind-sets, attitudes and values, and different ways of expressions in overt behavior as well. Therefore, a counselor needs to be aware of the biases emerging from the theory, technique, and approach used in counseling; (c) The use of psychological measuring tools (tests) in counseling as one effort for counselor to comprehend the client also needs attention. Have the measuring tools been constructed in accordance with the surrounding culture of the client? Have the emergence of cultural biases been anticipated as a threat to the validity of measuring tools? Counselors need to be “critical and wise” towards the using and meaning of results of the measuring tools. Measuring tools (tests) can be placed as one way, not the only way to achieve the objectives. Counseling process as one form of counseling services to clients, naturally, constitutes an encounter of cultures, i.e. the client\u27s culture and the counselor\u27s culture. Effective counseling requires counselors to be aware and sensitive of cultural differences

    Redefinisi Diagnostik Dalam Konseling (Sebuah Isu Profesi Konseling)

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    Diagnostic as one of the strides in counseling has been such a great polemic for a long time. One of the activities in diagnostic is classifying the diseases and planning their treatments (in the beginning, it is applied in clinical setting). It can't merely be applied in counseling for normal persons. That in one of the causes of appearing the controversy about the function of diagnostic in counseling. This paper attains to investigate deeply about something which relate to various arguments between the pros and contras toward the diagnostic activities in counseling. At the end of the investigation in this paper, it states the important of the redefinition of diagnostic in counseling. Therefore, the diagnostic can also cover various activities to find out some positive aspect from the clients that can be developed optimally (developmental diagnostic)

    Analisis Muatan Nilai-nilai Karakter Pada Buku Teks Kurikulum 2013 Pegangan Guru Dan Pegangan Siswa

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    : This research aims to describe (1) the caracter value in teacher handbook content; (2) the character value in student handbook content; (3) the suitability of the character value in course-bookcurriculum 2013 teacher handbook and student handbook. This research was a content analysis using the qualitative approach with four procedure (1) data collecting (unitizing, sampling, recording); (2) reducing; (3) inferring; 4) data analysis. The subject used in this study was course-book of curriculum 2013 teacher handbook and student handbook of the first grade of elementary school in the first semester, namely myself theme, my hobby theme, my activities theme, and my family theme. The unit analysis of this research is the character contained in the course-book. The result of this study are (1) teacher handbook within each theme has been developing all the character value; (2) handbook student on the theme of my self and my familiy did not develop the values of honesty, while the theme of my passion and my activities did not develop the values of responsibility; (3) character value of handbook teacher and handbook student on the my self and my hobby theme has been appropriate, while the my activities and my family theme still there character of value was not corresponding

    Peran Lansia dalam Pelestarian Budaya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peran lansia dalam pelestarian budaya di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan sumber data para lansia di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam dan observasi berpartisipasi. Data dianalisis secara induktif dengan kategorisasi dan perbandingan berkelanjutan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran lansia dalam pelestarian budaya Jawa adalah sebagai 1) teladan atau guru dari berbagai sisi kehidupan berkarya, berkomunikasi, bertingkah laku, dan berbusana; 2) pengarah, penasehat, dan pengendali dalam kehidupan kesehariannya yang meliputi lingkungan keluarga, lingkungan masyarakat, dan lingkungan pekerjaan atau profesi bagi yang masih aktif bekerja; 3) penyemangat, secara aktif dapat memberikan semangat kepada yang lebih muda dalam lingkungan keluarga, tempat tinggal dan tempat kerjanya; 4) sahabat, teman di lingkungan keluarga, tempat tinggal maupun di tempat bekerja


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    Type of method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, with action research (classroom action research) through cycles of action. The results can be concluded that a class action can enhance classroom activity and learning outcomes VB SDN 08 Metro Barat. It can be seen from the activity in cycle 1 (65.77%), second cycle (77.5%) experienced an increase (11.73%), student learning outcomes in the first cycle (69.84), second cycle (94 , 37), an increase of 24.53, while the performance of teachers increased from cycle 1 (66.42%) and second cycle (77.14%) experienced an increase (10.72%).Jenis Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif kualitatif, dengan penelitian tindakan kelas (classroom action research) melalui siklus-siklus tindakan. Hasil penelitian tindakan kelas dapat disimpulkan bahwa dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar kelas VB SDN 08 Metro Timur. Hal ini dapat di lihat dari aktivitas pada siklus 1 (65,77%), siklus II (77,5%) mengalami peningkatan (11,73%), hasil belajar siswa pada siklus I (69,84), siklus II (94,37), mengalami peningkatan sebesar 24,53, sedangkan kinerja guru meningkat dari siklus 1 (66,42%) dan siklus II (77,14%) mengalami peningkatan (10,72%).Kata kunci: pembelajaran apresiasi, prosa fiksi, CIRC.


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    This type of research is descriptive qualitative research class action that has four stages: (1) planning, (2) implementation, (3) observation, and (4) reflection. Data collection in this study using the instrument in the form of sheets observation of teacher performance, tests students' writing skills, study documentation and interviews with classroom teachers. Analysis using qualitative analysis to analyze the performance of teachers and quantitative analysis to analyze the learning outcomes of the test. The results showed that the use of models in teaching Concept Sentence Indonesian elementary school classroom VA N 2 Langkapura can improve students' writing skills narrative paragraphs.Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kualitatif melalui penelitian tindakan kelas yang memiliki empat tahap yaitu (1) perencanaan, (2) pelaksanaan, (3) pengamatan, dan (4) refleksi. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen berupa lembar observasi kinerja guru, tes keterampilan menulis siswa, dokumentasi pembelajaran serta wawancara dengan guru kelas. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis kualitatif untuk menganalisis kinerja guru dan analisis kuantitatif untuk menganalisis hasil belajar dari tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan model Concept Sentence dalam pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia kelas VA SD N 2 Langkapura dapat meningkatkan keterampilan menulis paragraf narasi siswa.Kata Kunci      : keterampilan menulis, model Concept Sentenc


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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of person center counseling to reduce anxiety in children. The research method uses a Single-Subject Design (SSD) with the A-B intervention model. The subject is an orphaned counselee whose parents died of Covid-19. Individual counseling is carried out in 4 phases approach. The data processing method uses the SPSS statistical test with the Wilcoxon Test by comparing the pre-test and post-test. The results of the hypothesis test show the results of Asymp. sign. (2-tailed) 0.035 <0.05 which means there is a significant decrease in anxiety through the Person-Centered approach.  Article visualizations