53 research outputs found

    Factors influence consumer intention for continuous uses of herbal medicine as an alternative way of diseases treatment and a healthy lifestyle in Indonesia

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    This research paper aims to explore the satisfaction, social influence, health benefits and time of use influencing consumer intentions to continuously use herbal medicine as an alternative way of disease treatment and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This research used, Theory of planned behavior (TPB) perspective to explain research phenomena. This study uses a quantitative approach. This study was done, survey method to collect data on consumers who have used herbal medicine for medicinal purposes. The samples used were 150 respondents. Sampling is done by a purposive sampling technique. Data was processed and analyzed by SPSS as analytical tools. This study shows that satisfaction, health benefits, social influence and time of use are factors which impact on continuous intention to consume herbal medicine. The findings of this research can contribute to a better understanding of consumer behavior towards herbal medicine, enabling healthcare practitioners and policymakers to develop targeted strategies for promoting herbal medicine usages


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    Abstract:The purpose of this study is to propose a research framework that can be used to investigate the impact of source credible online review on consumer purchase intentions.Conceptual research is compiled based on theoretical perspectives and marketing literature adapted to the conditions of the current marketing world which leads to digital to present a number of propositions. This study uses three variables including source credible online reviews as independent variables, purchase intention as the dependent variable, and brand awareness as a mediating variable. This paper is useful for the development of research models and provides opportunities for future research to make empirical contributions. Keywords:online reviews, purchase intention, brand awareness, social media, source credibl


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    This research is a study that aims to determine the effect of the perception of the teaching profession, motivation, and self-efficacy on the interest in becoming a teacher for the students of the Economic Education Study Program at Jenderal Soedirman University. The population in this study were students of economic education from the 2017 to 2020 class who were active. The sampling technique in this study used a simple random sampling technique so that a sample of 129 students was obtained. Collecting data using a questionnaire or questionnaire method. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis. Based on the results of research and data analysis using quantitative descriptive statistical analysis shows that the value of ttable = 1.98 so that the results obtained are: (1) There is a positive and significant influence on the perception of the teaching profession on interest in becoming a teacher, this is indicated by the tcount value of 3.649 and the level of significance of 0.000, (2) There is a positive and significant effect of motivation on interest in becoming a teacher, this is indicated by a t-value of 2.267 and a significance level of 0.025, (3) There is a positive and significant effect of self-efficacy on interest in becoming a teacher, this is indicated by the value of tcount is 5.298 and the significance level is 0.000

    Investigating the Relationship between Patient Empowerment and Hospital Environment Facilities through Creating Shared Values on Satisfaction

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    The existence of a patient-oriented health service paradigm requires useful policies to increase patient satisfaction by increasing patient empowerment, creating shared value, and a hospital facilities environment. The aims of this research are to determine the relationship between patient empowerment, the creation of shared values, facilities, and the hospital environment to the patient’s satisfaction at the RSUD dr. R. Goeteng Taroenadibrata Purbalingga. This study is a cross-sectional study conducted in August 2022 on patients at RSUD Dr. R. Goeteng Taroenadibrata Purbalingga. The sample size used is 150 respondents. The research instrument used is a questionnaire. The result of this research is C.R. Value the effect of patient empowerment on satisfaction was 2.605 (p= 0.009). The p-value is less than 0.05, meaning that patient empowerment positively and significantly affects patient satisfaction. C.R. Value the effect of joint value creation on patient satisfaction was 5.129 (p= 0.000). P value less than 0.05 means that the creation of shared value has a positive and significant effect on patient satisfaction. C.R. Value of the effect of hospital environment facilities on patient satisfaction is 3.128 > 1.65, and the significance value is 0.002 < 0.05, meaning that the hospital environment facilities have a positive effect on patient satisfaction.Keywords: Patient satisfaction, patient empowerment, shared value creation, environmental facilitie

    The Effect Of Service Quality Performance On Patient Experience In Radiological Installations Of Unsoed Purwokerto Oral And Dental Hospital

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    Introduction: In terms of improving quality health service facilities, it is closely related to the service quality performance carried out by medical personnel in hospitals. Service quality performance can provide satisfaction and positive experiences to patients when they use services at the hospital. Patient experience is a core component of the quality of service provided by medical personnel in improving the quality of services at the hospital. Patient experience in improving hospital services can be measured by access, interpersonal communication, continuity and coordination, comprehensiveness of service and trust. Services in the Radiology Installation are very useful for a doctor and patient in making a diagnosis and treatment plan. Purpose: Based on this background, the researcher wanted to know how the service quality performance of the services at the Radiology Installation in improving patient experience. Methodology: The type of this research was descriptive quantitative research. The study population was patients who used the services at the Radiology Installation at the Oral and dental Hospital of Unsoed Purwokerto. The number of research samples was 37 people who were taken using total sampling technique. Data collection in this study was carried out through a questionnaire method that distributed to respondents which contained attributes that were used as indicators (measuring instruments). Results: The results showed that the patient experience based on access, interpersonal communication, comprehensive of service, and trust were in the agree category with the respective percentages as follows 53,4%; 95%; 60,4 % and 58,6%. Meanwhile, services related to continuity and coordination, it was known that the most responses were in the disagree category with a percentage of 51,4%. Conclusion: Of the five indicators of patient experience, almost all respondents agreed with the performance of service quality at the Radiology Installation, Oral and dental Hospital of Unsoed Purwokerto.Keywords: Service Quality Performance; Patient Experience; Radiology Installatio

    The Influence of Logistics Service Quality on Shipping Services (Study on Consumers of J&T Express, JNE Express, SiCepat, Pos Indonesia and Ninja Express)

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    This research is motivated by consumer dissatisfaction with the use of delivery services at J&T Express,JNE Express, SiCepat, Pos Indonesia and Ninja Express. This study aims to determine the effect ofLogistics Service Quality, namely Information Quality, Ordering Procedures, Ordering Release Quantities,Timeliness, Order Accurancy, Order Quality, Order Conditions, Order Disrepancy Handling, and PersonalContact Quality, on consumer satisfaction in using delivery services at J&T Express. , JNE Express,SiCepat, Pos Indonesia and Ninja Express. The method used in this study is a quantitative method withdescriptive type and causal research. The types of data needed for research are primary data and secondarydata. Sampling was done by non-probability sampling method with purposive sampling type, with a totalof 210 respondents. The data analysis technique used was descriptive analysis and multiple linear regressionanalysis to determine the effect of Logistics Service Quality on customer satisfaction. The results of theanalysis of this study indicate that partially the variables Ordering Procedures, Ordering Release Quantities,Order Conditions and Personal Contact Quality have a significant effect on consumer satisfaction. Then theresults of simultaneous research analysis show that there is a significant influence between LogisticsService Quality, namely Information Quality, Ordering Procedures, Ordering Release Quantities,Timeliness, Order Accurancy, Order Quality, Order Conditions, Order Disrepancy Handling, and PersonalContact Quality. The coefficient of determination shows that the Logistics Service Quality variable has asignificant effect on customer satisfaction by 58.06%, while the remaining 41.94% is approved by othervariables outside this study.Keywords: Logistics Service Quality; Consumer dissatisfaction; Delivery Services; Shipping Service

    Understanding the Culture-Based Tourist Personality in Building Memorable Based Tourism Experience And Improve Tourist Revisit Intention With Pentagon Tourism Identity As Moderating Variable

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    Natural tourism that relied on nature-based tourism was not enough as a reason for tourists to revisit intention. Tourism managers should have innovation and novelty to create a memorable tourism experience (MTE). As a result, understanding factors which influence MTE is essential for tourism managers. This study proposed culture-based tourist personality (CTP) as a new factor influencing MTE due to self- congruency theory and Hofstede dimension culture theory. This study used structural equation modelling to examine the proposed model on 259 samples. This study provided curvilinear projection in 2D and 3D visualization to describe the moderating role of pentagon tourism identity. We separated culture-based tourism personality into five dimension to show more comprehensive about the role of each culture dimension on influencing MTE and revisit intention. In the same time, this technique would be a robustness test in this study. The findings showed that CTP positively affect MTE and tourist revisit intention. MTE positively affect revisit intention. Pentagon tourism identity significantly moderated the relationship between CTP to revisit intention. Lastly, pentagon tourism identity has U-shape non-linear moderating role.Keywords: Culture-Based Tourist Personality; Memorable Tourism Experience; Pentagon Tourism Identity; Revisit Intention

    Analysis of Suppliers' Satisfaction with the Procurement Process for Goods and Services at RSUD Dr. R. Goeteng Taroenadibrata Purbalingga

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    This research focuses on the crucial role of procurement of goods and services in the operation of hospitals to support effective and efficient healthcare services. The objective of this study is to analyze suppliers' satisfaction with the procurement process at Dr. R Goeteng Taroenadibrata Purbalingga General Hospital, through the evaluation of communication effectiveness and procurement procedure quality. The research employs a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional method. The population consists of 218 suppliers who collaborated with Dr. R Goeteng Taroenadibrata Purbalingga General Hospital in 2022. A sample of 69 respondents was selected, with a 10% margin of error and 90% confidence level. The results indicate that the communication process and procurement procedure quality significantly influence supplier satisfaction at Dr. R. Goeteng Taroenadibrata Purbalingga General Hospital. Good communication and high-quality procurement procedures positively contribute to supplier satisfaction, underscoring the importance of maintaining strong supplier relationships and improving procurement processes. The implications of this study suggest that hospitals should focus on communication and procurement procedures to enhance the efficiency of procuring goods and services, providing a foundation for further research in improving supplier relationships in the healthcare sector


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    Abstract. Electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) is a marketing communication instrument that influences many purchasing decisions. In the context of e-WOM, most information comes from unknown individuals, making it difficult for readers to choose accurate information. Source credibility is considered as a guide for assessing accurate information. This study adopts source credibility models and source attractiveness models to identify the effect of source credibility on purchase intentions. The results in this study show that source expertise, source trustworthiness, and source homophily have a positive effect on purchase intention. In addition, this study adopts elaboration likelihood models to identify the role of consumer involvement in moderating the effect of the characteristics of source credibility on purchase intentions. The result is that consumer involvement does not moderate the influence of source expertise, source trustworthiness, and source homophily on purchase intention. Keywords: e-WOM, source credibility, consumer involvement, purchase intention