12 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Jumlah Mikronukleus pada Mukosa Gingiva Kelinci Setelah Paparan Radiografi Panoramik

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    Mikronukleus merupakan salah satu tanda awal terjadinya kerusakan DNA yang ditemukan pada mukosa gingiva manusia setelah paparan radiografi dental panoramik. Peningkatan jumlah mikronukleus terjadi paling tinggi pada hari ke-10 dan selanjutnya mengalami penurunan sampai dengan hari ke-14. Kelinci memiliki karakter dan periode turn-over mukosa gingiva yang hampir sama dengan manusia berkisar antara 10-12 hari. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengevaluasi apakah peningkatan jumlah mikronukleus pada mukosa gingiva kelinci setelah paparan radiografi panoramik. Sembilan ekor kelinci dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok untuk mewakili hari ke-3, 6 dan 9 setelah paparan radiografi panoramik. Sebelum dan sesudah diberikan paparan radiografi panoramik, setiap hewan coba dilakukan apusan pada mukosa gingiva anterior rahang bawah menggunakan cervical brush. Hasil apusan dilakukan pewarnaan dengan modifikasi Feulgen-Rossenbeck dan dihitung jumlah mikronukleus menggunakan mikroskop yang disambungkan dengan optilab. Analisis statistik dilakukan menggunakan paired t-test. Analisis statistik menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan (p0,05) antara sebelum paparan dibandingkan hari ke-3 dan ke-6 setelah paparan radiografi panoramik. Kesimpulang dari hasil penelitian ini sejalan dengan penelitian sebelumnya pada manusia bahwa peningkatan jumlah mikronukleus terjadi pada hari ke-9 setelah paparan radiografi panoramik. Hasil ini mengindikasikan bahwa pada kelinci juga menunjukkan peningkatan jumlah mikronukleus di mukosa gingiva akibat paparan radiografi panoramik.Micronucleus Increase After Panoramic Radiography Exposure In Rabbit's Gingival Mucosa. Micronucleus is one of the early states of DNA damage found in human gingival mucosa after dental panoramic radiography exposure. The increasing amount of micronucleus will reach a peak in the tenth day after the exposure, and it will continuously decrease right after the fourteenth day. Rabbit has almost the same gingival mucosa and turn-over period with human for about 10-12 days. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the increasing amount of micronucleus in rabbit's gingival mucosa after panoramic radiography exposure. A total of nine New Zealand rabbits were divided into 3 groups to represent day of 3rd, 6th and 9th after the panoramic radiography exposure. The mandibular anterior gingival mucosa of each animals was swabbed using a cervical brush before and after panoramic radiography exposure. The samples were stained with Feulgen-Rossenbeck modification, and the amount of micronucleus was counted using a microscope that is connected to Optilab. Statistical analysis was performed using paired t-test. The statistical analysis showed that there was significant difference (p 0.05) between the amount of micronucleus before exposure compared with 3rd and 6th day after panoramic radiography exposure. Based on the experiment, it is concluded that the result is consistent with previous studies conducted in human that there was increasing amount of micronucleus at the 9th day after panoramic radiography exposure. This result indicates that rabbit performs the increasing amount of micronucleus in gingival mucosa because of panoramic radiography exposur


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    Nifedipin is classified as dihidropiridin with relatively short half-life if it is given 3-4 times perday to the patien


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    Biopharmaceutics Classification System Solubility is one of drug physicochemical characteristics which determines the success of drug formulation process, especially in solution preparation. Ofloxacin is an antibiotic drug and categorized as class 2 drug in (BCS). The solubility of ofloxacin is dependent on pH of the solvent due to its amphoteric properties. The objectives of this research were to find and to determine the effects of pH and ionic strength on solubility profile of ofloxacin. Ofloxacin solubilities were measured at various pH and ionic strengths ranged from 1.5 to 12.5 and from 0.01 to 0.20 respectively. Solubility experiments were carried out using shaking thermostatic-waterbath for 3 hours at a temperature of 37°C � 1°C. The results showed that ofloxacin solubility increased at a pH values below the pKa1 (6.08) and above the pKa2 (8.25). However, the solubility decreased at pH value between pKa1 and pKa2. Changing the pH from 6.2 to 1.5 and 12.5, the ofloxacin solubility increased about 10 times. Ofloxacin solubility in various ionic strength showed that increasing of ionic strength cause the increasing of the solubility, that means there was salting in phenomena. Least- Square Fitting Analysis using Henderson-Hasselbalch equation for amphoteric compound were insufficient to describe ofloxacin solubility process in a series of pH


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    Ibuprofen is a nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that can inhibit activities of siklooksigenase-1 and siklooksigenase-2 isoenzyme, so thats with inhibiting the changing of arachidonic acid to prostaglandin can be decreased. Ibuprofen belongs to BCS class II, because it has high permeability and low solubility. The goals of this research are to determine the pKa of ibuprofen and to know the influence of the complexe formation of ibuprofen with β-cyclodextrin on ibuprofen solubility. Determinnation of the pKa value of ibuprofen has been conducted by measuring absorbance at wavelength 266 nm. The optimization of complexes formation has been worked using factorial design method. Than, the complexes of ibuprofen and β-cyclodextrin evaluated using infrared spectrophotometry, and optimized with using software design expert version: 7.1.3. The result of this research showeds that the pKa value of ibuprofen wasis 4, 37 ± 0,07 and 5, 24 ± 0,07. The complexes ibuprofen with β--siklodekstrin was evaluated using infrared spectrophotometry there was no peak at 1721 cm-1 that indicated that there was no functional group of �C=O. Based on simplex lattice design calculation, the best complexes consisted of ibuprofen and β-cyclodextrin in ratio120 and 180. The solubilitydata showed that complexes of ibuprofen with β-cyclodextrin was2,30 ± 0,12 timesat pH 1,30 ± 0,16 time


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    Nifedipine is a cardiovascular drug with multiple use frequency within one day for a long period of treatment. The absorption of nifedipine in gastric which reaches 90% (Harjono, 2000) but has low dissolution which can cause the decrease of bioavailability. Gastroretentive drug delivery system (GDDS) using the effervescent is the right choice to ensure patient compliance and therapeutic target. The research aims to know the effect of HPMC K100M, ethylcellulose and an effervescent component on the physical characteristics of the tablet mass (flow rate, angle of repose, true density and compressibility) as well as the physical characteristic of the tablet (hardness, friability, uniformity of content, absorption potency, tablet size, floating lag time and dissolution test) as well as how the composition of each factor to produce the optimum formula. Physical characteristics of the test data were analyzed using the software Minitab 16 factorial design method. Determination of the mechanism of dissolution profiles and curve fitting based on the cumulative weight of nifedipine is released. Interpretation of dissolution profiles seen visually suitability models built from zero-order approximation, first order, Higuchi and Michaelis-Menten against the line of identity on the goodness of fit. The results provide information was obtained that HPMC K100M affected the decrease of floating lag time, DE360 and C360 significantly. Ethylcellulose affered the increase of floating lag time and the decrease in the absorption potency significantly. DE360 and C360 increased because of the significant effervescent component effect. The optimum formula with HPMC K100M 64 mg, ethylcelluloce 52 mg and effervescent component 33 mg gave the result of floating lag time, absorption potency and C360 test which was not significantly different on the minitab 16 prediction result. Curve fitting formed by first-order approach is a model that correspond to the identity line, which means that the release rate is influenced by the amount of nifedipine in tablets dominated diffusion mechanis


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    Intravenous medication administration is widely performed in the hospitals. Vesicant drugs have the potential to cause tissue damage including phlebitis. Phlebitis can be avoided by appropriate preparation and admininistration. The aim of this study was to investigate correlation of appropriate prepraration and administration of vesicant drugs and phlebitis effect. Cross sectional study design was carried out using prospective observation of preparing, administering intravenous medications and phlebitis effect in Intensive Care Unit of Panembahan Senopati Hospital Bantul. Five aspects of preparation and four aspects of administration were assessed and presented descriptively. The result of assessment of preparation and administration aspects which have potential effects of phlebitis were presented as patient�s score. Phlebitis was categorized by dichotomous scale in each patient respectively. Correlation analysis of SPSS 15.0 program was used for analysis the data. Nine non-antineoplastic vesicant drugs (i.e., dopamine, dobutamine, amiodarone, diazepam, norepinephrine, vancomycin, aminophylline, calcium glukonate and mannitol) for 28 patients were observed. The number of appropriate preparations of: aseptic technique preparations observed were 34 (100%), proper labelling observed were 26 (78,8%), final checking observed were 0%, type of diluent observed were 31 (100%), and volume of diluent observed were 25 (80,6%). The number of appropriate administration of: aseptic technique administration observed were 34 (100%), duration of administration observed were 28 (82,35%), rate of administration observed were 30 (88,23%), and drug compatibility observed were 30 (88,23%). Phlebitis effects occured in 4 patient (80%) who were given the vesicant drugs. Correlation analysis showed that compatibility aspect have significant correlation with phlebitis (p=0,027). Standard operational procedures of preparation and administration must be improved, the role of pharmacist in compatibility of intravenous drugs is required