268 research outputs found

    Buddhist Wisdom for Reducing Mental Suffering and Improving Mental Health During the COVID-19

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    In the midst of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic, people around the world are full of many physical and mental suffering. Physical suffering includes sickness and death caused by COVID-19, and some difficulties such as lack of food and drinks to consume; mental suffering includes worry, anxiety, and stress caused by fear of COVID-19 infection. The ways of people life are not the same as usual; they have to adjust themselves and make a good planning in order to survive in this most difficult time. People need to find the ways to create happiness and peace into their lives. Buddhism can provide the best solutions to those who seek for mental happiness and peace. The purposes of this article were to present the meaning of suffering in Buddhist perspective, Buddhist wisdom for reducing mental suffering and improving mental health, the four noble truths for solving mental suffering, the threefold characteristics for improving wisdom, the four foundations of mindfulness for improving mental health, and the model of Buddhist wisdom for improving mental health

    Weich gestützte bindung für Schneidezähne

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    Još nije dovoljno riješen problem kako statički pravilno, na estetski zadovoljavajući način i tehnički jednostavno, dobiti vezu produženog sedla sa zatvorenim nizom vitalnih sjekutića. Tu se, u dugogodišnjem iskustvu, afirmirala veza, koja djeluje kao retencija, ujedno služi i za prijenos opterećenja, a sastoji se od ovoidne prečke u dimenziji Dolderove, kao 6 do\u278 mm dugačak privjesak na međusobno spojenim sjekutićima. U skladu s prečkom predviđen je u proteznoj bazi kanal, koji se ispunjava mekim autakrilatom ili nekim suvremenim silikonskim kaučukom. Negativni utjecaj poluge neutralizira se maksimalno cervikalno, smještajem prečke i spajanjem svih preostalih zuba u fiksni blok. lako ovi materijali zbog ograničene trajnosti, nisu savršeno riješenje, za navedenu indikaciju su jedini izlaz da bi pacijent dobio nadomjestak, koji je tehnički jednostavan i jeftin, a funkcionalno i estetski zadovoljava.The problem of how to obtain a statically correct, aesthetically satisfactory and technically simple appliance for the prolonged denture with vital incisors in a closed row has not yet been solved satisfactory. In our experience of long years an appliance acting as retention and simultaneously for the thransmission of loads has given good results. It consists of an ovoid bar in Dolders dimensions as a 0.6 to 0.8 mm long pendant to the reciprocally connected incisor teeth. In harmony with the bar a channelis built in the prosthetic base, filled with soft acrilate or some other modern silicon rubber. The negative effect of the lever is neutralized by a maximal cervical placing of the bar and by linking all the other remaining teeth into one block. Because of the limited durability, these materials are not a perfect solution, for the indication mentioned they are, however the only solution to provide the patient with a replacement which is tecnically simple and not expensive, while at the same time functionally and aesthetically satisfactory.Eine statisch richtige, aesthetisch zufriedenstellende und technisch einfache Bindung von Freiendsättel mit einer geschlossenen Reihe von vitalen Schneidezähnen, ist ein noch nicht genügend gelöstes Problem. Da hat sine Bindung praktisch bewährt, welche zugleich Retention und Kraftübertragung vermittelt. Diese Bindung besteht aus einem ovoiden Steg, in der von Dolder angegebenen Dimension, als 6 bis 8 mm langer Ausleger auf geschienten Schneidezähnen. In Einklang mit dem Steg ist in der Prothesenbasis ein Kanal vorgesehen, welcher mit wichbleibendem Autakrylat oder einemSilikonkautschuk ausgefüllt wird. Die Hebelwirkung wird durch maximal cervikale Lagerung des Stegs und durch fixe Verblockung der Schneidezähne, neutralisiert. Obgleich diese Materialien, wegen beschränkter Dauerhaftigkeit, keine ideale Lösung darstellen, ermöglichen sie für die angeführte Indikation die einzige technisch einfache, nicht aufwendige, funktionell und aesthetisch zufriedenstellende Lösung

    Weich gestützte bindung für Schneidezähne

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    Još nije dovoljno riješen problem kako statički pravilno, na estetski zadovoljavajući način i tehnički jednostavno, dobiti vezu produženog sedla sa zatvorenim nizom vitalnih sjekutića. Tu se, u dugogodišnjem iskustvu, afirmirala veza, koja djeluje kao retencija, ujedno služi i za prijenos opterećenja, a sastoji se od ovoidne prečke u dimenziji Dolderove, kao 6 do\u278 mm dugačak privjesak na međusobno spojenim sjekutićima. U skladu s prečkom predviđen je u proteznoj bazi kanal, koji se ispunjava mekim autakrilatom ili nekim suvremenim silikonskim kaučukom. Negativni utjecaj poluge neutralizira se maksimalno cervikalno, smještajem prečke i spajanjem svih preostalih zuba u fiksni blok. lako ovi materijali zbog ograničene trajnosti, nisu savršeno riješenje, za navedenu indikaciju su jedini izlaz da bi pacijent dobio nadomjestak, koji je tehnički jednostavan i jeftin, a funkcionalno i estetski zadovoljava.The problem of how to obtain a statically correct, aesthetically satisfactory and technically simple appliance for the prolonged denture with vital incisors in a closed row has not yet been solved satisfactory. In our experience of long years an appliance acting as retention and simultaneously for the thransmission of loads has given good results. It consists of an ovoid bar in Dolders dimensions as a 0.6 to 0.8 mm long pendant to the reciprocally connected incisor teeth. In harmony with the bar a channelis built in the prosthetic base, filled with soft acrilate or some other modern silicon rubber. The negative effect of the lever is neutralized by a maximal cervical placing of the bar and by linking all the other remaining teeth into one block. Because of the limited durability, these materials are not a perfect solution, for the indication mentioned they are, however the only solution to provide the patient with a replacement which is tecnically simple and not expensive, while at the same time functionally and aesthetically satisfactory.Eine statisch richtige, aesthetisch zufriedenstellende und technisch einfache Bindung von Freiendsättel mit einer geschlossenen Reihe von vitalen Schneidezähnen, ist ein noch nicht genügend gelöstes Problem. Da hat sine Bindung praktisch bewährt, welche zugleich Retention und Kraftübertragung vermittelt. Diese Bindung besteht aus einem ovoiden Steg, in der von Dolder angegebenen Dimension, als 6 bis 8 mm langer Ausleger auf geschienten Schneidezähnen. In Einklang mit dem Steg ist in der Prothesenbasis ein Kanal vorgesehen, welcher mit wichbleibendem Autakrylat oder einemSilikonkautschuk ausgefüllt wird. Die Hebelwirkung wird durch maximal cervikale Lagerung des Stegs und durch fixe Verblockung der Schneidezähne, neutralisiert. Obgleich diese Materialien, wegen beschränkter Dauerhaftigkeit, keine ideale Lösung darstellen, ermöglichen sie für die angeführte Indikation die einzige technisch einfache, nicht aufwendige, funktionell und aesthetisch zufriedenstellende Lösung

    A long hope: the Prometheus Counter-Project

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    By offering a reading of Aeschylus’s Prometheus Bound, and of the post-Aeschylus tradition of the myth of Prometheus which highlights its revisions as imagined by Karl Marx and Percy Shelley, among others, this paper seeks to explore how to grasp, amid our danger and despair, the prominent poetic and cognitive view of a similar cataclysm from the past, as a lesson to the present. The route to do so encompasses a revisitation of the connections between theatre and democracy in ancient Greece; a consideration of the variations of the themes of knowledge, injustice and tyranny, material civilization and its control and the unbowed personal will to resist oppression, all evoked by the myth of Prometheus; and teasing out the main lineaments of a meaning for the play for an endangered Athenian democracy, as staged around 440 as well as for authors who have recycled its main theme throughout centuries, and finally for us today. It ends by giving pride of place to a Promethean hope, a long hope, arisen from suffering and wedded to cognition, which has crossed centuries and reached our times in urgency. The work is, of course, a provisional statement: a contribution


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    Pojam “birokracije” pokrivao je polje negativnih političko-ideoloških stavova prema vlasti u poslije-revolucionarnoj Jugoslaviji, simetrično suprotstavljeno ne mnogo razrađenom suprotnom polu i polju pučke demokracije. Njegova mutnoća dozvoljavala je različite, mada prividno uvijek anti-staljinističke interpretacije – kako u državno-partijskom diskursu tako i u suprotstavljenom diskursu “lojalne opozicije”. Ovaj prvi dio bavi se samo državno-partijskim diskursom. Kratko se spominju važni i pionirski Kidrič te Tito i Đilas, a opširno razmatraju diskursi Kardelja i Bakarića. Njihov je diskurs želio razgraditi državnu centralizaciju ali je a limine odbacivao mogućnost postojanja nove vladajuće klase. Teorijska “tangenta o klasnoj borbi” objašnjava to lenjinističkim uvjerenjem da bi to impliciralo potpuni obračun s takvom klasom, koje je za njih (za razliku od Đilasa i kasnije Maoa) bilo nezamislivo.The concept of “bureaucracy” covered the field of negative stances in post- -revolutionary Yugoslavia. Its fuzziness allowed different, though ostensibly all anti-Stalinist, interpretations by the Party-State discourse (mainly Kardelj and Bakarić) vs. the discourse of the “loyal opposition” (Branko Horvat and the Praxis group). The first group wanted to dismantle State centralization but insisted there was no ruling class. The second group could not, for various reasons, insist on a ruling class but discussed its power and effect. The term “bureaucracy” grew from a useful start of public discussion finally into sterile talmudism. But its very limits indicate a crucial, though absent, concept and state of power

    Središnja tradicija hrvatske i evropske dramatike do Vojnovića

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    Deset godina iskustva s nagriznom pločom

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    [Das praktische verfahren mit den HM und EX-3-N massen]

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    Prikazan je praktički postupak s HM- i Ex-3-N materijalima; opisane su sve faze u izradi situacijskog i funkcionalnog otiska te podlaganje protezne baze. Naglašeni su osjetljivi i osobito važni zahvati. Osobito treba istaknuti, da često uspijeva, već po situacijskom otisku s HM-masom i bez funkcionalnog otiska na individualnoj žlici, izraditi funkcionalno dobru protezu. No ovi materijali iziskuju, osim teoretskog upućivanja i zornu demonstraciju. Zato je ova uputa samo podsjetnik i dopuna za protetičare kojima je ta metoda već poznata. U poglavlju Kritički osvrt ukazuje se na neke specifičnosti te metode. Velika važnost pridaje se sistematskom ucrtavanju na situacijskom i funkcionalnom otisku, te na radnom modelu. Pravilno ucrtavanje bitno je za izradu individualne žlice, koja je ključna faza u izradi totalne proteze. Osim specifičnih svojstava ovih materijala, originalna pravila za ucrtavanje sačinjavaju karakteristiku ove metode. Nabore sluznice treba prosuđivati po njihovoj dinamici u odnosu na rubove protezne baze. No dinamička vrijednost nabora je vrlo različita. Samo pri vrlo aktivnim naborima može se približno prosuditi dinamička vrijednost. Dinamička vrijednost manje aktivnih nabora pronalazi se funkcionalnim otiskom, no i na situacijskom otisku s HM-masom dolazi ona do izražaja. Treba naglasiti da dobri rezultati ovise i o pažljivom radu u laboratoriju. Čitav je rad rezultat velikog praktičkog iskustva i odiše uvjerenjem da ovi materijali omogućuju znatno veći postotak uspjeha.The practical procedure w ith HM and Ex-3-N materials is presented and ali phases of the positional, functional impression and the lining of the prosthetic base are described. Particular emphasis is placed on delicate and im po rtan t interventions. Apart fro m theoretical instruction these materials require a course of object dem onstration. These instructions are therefore only a reminder for the prosthodontists who were previously acquainted w ith this method. In the chapter »Critical Review« some specificities of this method are mentioned in the form of a discussion. Particular importance is ascribed to the systematical recording of the positional, functional impression and also to the recordings made on the positional and working model. Correctm arking is essential fo r the individual impression spoon which is the key problem in the manufacture of the total prosthetic base since the way in which the edges o f the prosthesis behave towards active and passive tissues depend on it. The folds o f the mucosa must be assessed according to their dynamics in relation to the edges of the prosthetic base. But the dynamic value of the folds is very different. The destabilization effect of the fold cannot be assessed visuaIly but shows on the positional impression made w ith the HM substance. It ought to be emphasized that good results depend m ostly on careful w o rk in the laboratory. The en tire work is the result of great practical experience and confirms the belief that these materials make possible a higher percentage of successful interventions.Die praktische Anwendung der HM- und Ex-3-N Massen wird ausfurlich dargestellt. Samtliche Phasen der Situations-, funktionellen und kaufunktionellen Abform ung sind beschrieben. Besonders ist die Moglichkeit hervorgehoben, bloss auf Grund einer richtigen Situationsabform ung mit der MHMasse, ohne einen Zweitabdruck, schon eine brauchbare untere tatale Prothese herzustellen. Doch diese Materialien erford ern, ausser der theoretischen Anweisung, auch eine anschauliche Demonstration. Daher ist diese Anweisung nur H ilfe und Erganzung fu r P roth etiker, welche dieses Verfahren bei Demonstration schon kennen gelernt haben. Im Kapitel Kritische Betrachtungen werden manche Eigenschaften dieser Methode abgehandelt. Grosser Wert wird auf die svstematische Umzeichung der Situations, funktionellen und kaufunktionellen Abform ung und der entsprechenden Modelle, beigelegt. Davon hangt die richtige Gestaltung des individuellen Loffels, welcher das Schlusselproblem in der Anfertigung der Basis da rstellt, ab. Die Schleim hautfalten mussen nach ihrer Dynamik im Verhaltnis zu den Prothesenrandern, gewertet werden. Der dynamische Wert kann nur bei sehr aktiven Falten visuell, bei weniger aktiven iedoch nur mittels funktioneller Abform ung rich tig bestimmt vverden. An der Situationsabform ung mit der HM-Masse kommt dieser VVert deutlich zum Vorschein. Ausser der spezifischen Eigenschaften der Materialien, bilden die Umzeichnungsregeln die Charakteristik dieser originellen Methode. Es muss betont vverden, dass gute Resultate von der sorgfaltigen Arbe it im Labor abhangen. Die Publikation stellt das Resultat einer grossen praktischen Erfahrung dar, und gibt der Uberzeugung Ausdruck, dass diese Methode einen bedeutend hoheren Perzentsatz von Erfolgen gewahrleistet