4 research outputs found

    The role of budget financing on development of football in Osijek

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    Nogomet u Hrvatskoj je jedan od najpopularnijih sportova, kako u prošlosti, tako i danas. Mnogi veliki igrači su ponikli iz amaterskog nogometa, odnosno manjih, lokalnih klubova. Ovim radom autor želi prikazati kako se financiraju lokalni klubovi na području Grada Osijeka i kolika su proračunska izdvajanja za nogomet.Football in Croatia is one of the most popular sports, both in the past and today. Many great players have been raised in amateur football, or smaller, local clubs. With this work, the author wants to show how local clubs in the City of Osijek are financed and how much budget allocations for football are


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    Cilj pisanja diplomskog rada je objasniti motive i načine djelovanja međunarodne trgovine u današnjem svijetu pod utjecajem globalizacije, analizirati motive tijekova vode u bocama i razloge njihove pojave na tržištu, analizirati pozitivne i negativne strane konzumacije vode u bocama te objasniti posljedice trgovanja vodom i kako takvo trgovanje može utjecati na razinu vode u budućnosti i kakvoću iste. U tom kontekstu, objašnjen je pojam međunarodne trgovine i kako globalizacija utječe na suvremenu međunarodnu trgovinu. Analizirana je voda kao resurs te su prikazane uzročno-posljedične veze svježe pitke vode i međunarodne trgovine. Opisane su pozitivne i negativne strane korištenja vode u međunarodnoj trgovini i kako će rastuća međunarodna trgovina utjecati na razinu svježe vode u budućnosti. Nadalje, razmatran je utjecaj svježe vode na međunarodnu trgovinu kao sirovine u prehrambenoj i neprehrambenoj industriji te kao krajnjem proizvodu u obliku pitke vode namijenjenoj direktnoj konzumaciji krajnjem korisniku. Rezultati analize su pokazali da je voda neophodno dobro za funkcioniranje međunarodne trgovine i da zemlje s većim prirodnim zalihama svježe pitke vode posjeduju komparativnu prednost u proizvodnji dobara kojima se trguje na međunarodnom tržištu.The main purpose of this master's thesis is to elaborate the international trade in today’s world (which is affected by globalization), and its motives and modes of operation. Next, the aim is to analyze the flow of the bottled water and reasons for its appearance on the market, to analyze both positive and negative sides of its consumption, to explain the consequences of the water trade, and answer how it can affect the level and quality of water in the future. Thus, the thesis explains the concept of the international trade and the impact of globalization on the modern international trade. It also analyzes water as a resource and shows the relation between the fresh drinking water and the international trade. Both positive and negative sides of the water usage in the international trade are explained, as well as how the growing international trade will affect level of fresh water in the future. Furthermore, the thesis scrutinizes the effect of fresh water on the international trade in the food and non-food industry, and water in its final form (as the end product - drinking water) intended for the end user’s direct consumption. The results of the analysis have shown that water is vital for the functioning of the international trade, and that the countries with higher natural supplies of fresh drinking water possess comparative advantage in the manufacturing of the products that are being sold on the international market

    The role of budget financing on development of football in Osijek

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    Nogomet u Hrvatskoj je jedan od najpopularnijih sportova, kako u prošlosti, tako i danas. Mnogi veliki igrači su ponikli iz amaterskog nogometa, odnosno manjih, lokalnih klubova. Ovim radom autor želi prikazati kako se financiraju lokalni klubovi na području Grada Osijeka i kolika su proračunska izdvajanja za nogomet.Football in Croatia is one of the most popular sports, both in the past and today. Many great players have been raised in amateur football, or smaller, local clubs. With this work, the author wants to show how local clubs in the City of Osijek are financed and how much budget allocations for football are


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    Cilj pisanja diplomskog rada je objasniti motive i načine djelovanja međunarodne trgovine u današnjem svijetu pod utjecajem globalizacije, analizirati motive tijekova vode u bocama i razloge njihove pojave na tržištu, analizirati pozitivne i negativne strane konzumacije vode u bocama te objasniti posljedice trgovanja vodom i kako takvo trgovanje može utjecati na razinu vode u budućnosti i kakvoću iste. U tom kontekstu, objašnjen je pojam međunarodne trgovine i kako globalizacija utječe na suvremenu međunarodnu trgovinu. Analizirana je voda kao resurs te su prikazane uzročno-posljedične veze svježe pitke vode i međunarodne trgovine. Opisane su pozitivne i negativne strane korištenja vode u međunarodnoj trgovini i kako će rastuća međunarodna trgovina utjecati na razinu svježe vode u budućnosti. Nadalje, razmatran je utjecaj svježe vode na međunarodnu trgovinu kao sirovine u prehrambenoj i neprehrambenoj industriji te kao krajnjem proizvodu u obliku pitke vode namijenjenoj direktnoj konzumaciji krajnjem korisniku. Rezultati analize su pokazali da je voda neophodno dobro za funkcioniranje međunarodne trgovine i da zemlje s većim prirodnim zalihama svježe pitke vode posjeduju komparativnu prednost u proizvodnji dobara kojima se trguje na međunarodnom tržištu.The main purpose of this master's thesis is to elaborate the international trade in today’s world (which is affected by globalization), and its motives and modes of operation. Next, the aim is to analyze the flow of the bottled water and reasons for its appearance on the market, to analyze both positive and negative sides of its consumption, to explain the consequences of the water trade, and answer how it can affect the level and quality of water in the future. Thus, the thesis explains the concept of the international trade and the impact of globalization on the modern international trade. It also analyzes water as a resource and shows the relation between the fresh drinking water and the international trade. Both positive and negative sides of the water usage in the international trade are explained, as well as how the growing international trade will affect level of fresh water in the future. Furthermore, the thesis scrutinizes the effect of fresh water on the international trade in the food and non-food industry, and water in its final form (as the end product - drinking water) intended for the end user’s direct consumption. The results of the analysis have shown that water is vital for the functioning of the international trade, and that the countries with higher natural supplies of fresh drinking water possess comparative advantage in the manufacturing of the products that are being sold on the international market