7 research outputs found

    Engineering enemy-free space: an invasive pest that kills its predators

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    The biological invasion of the glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca coagulata, into French Polynesia presents a novel threat to Pacific Island ecosystems. Widely known as an agricultural pest because of its role as a vector of numerous lethal plant diseases, H. coagulata may pose a substantial and immediate risk to arthropod predators on invaded islands in French Polynesia. Controlled feeding experiments revealed that island spiders can be killed following predation on H. coagulata. Spider mortality appeared to result from lethal intoxication, although no form of chemical defense has been reported in H. coagulata. In the two spider species tested, approximately half of all individuals that attacked H. coagulata nymphs or adults died. As populations of this insect increase in size and range on invaded islands in French Polynesia, H. coagulata will increasingly encounter these and other arthropod predators, raising the possibility of population-level impacts on susceptible predator species. Field surveys of island spiders across nine sites on H. coagulata-invaded and H. coagulata-uninvaded islands suggest that this insect may already have adversely impacted an endemic spider on at least one island. Work is needed to identify the nature of the lethal agent harbored within H. coagulata and the taxonomic and geographic breadth of predators vulnerable to it. The generality of H. coagulata-lethality and the capacity of afflicted predator species for population-level adaptation or learned avoidance in response to this spreading pest will determine the magnitude of the threat H. coagulata poses in the South Pacific

    Engineering enemy-free space: an invasive pest that kills its predators

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    Abstract The biological invasion of the glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca coagulata, into French Polynesia presents a novel threat to Pacific Island ecosystems. Widely known as an agricultural pest because of its role as a vector of numerous lethal plant diseases, H. coagulata may pose a substantial and immediate risk to arthropod predators on invaded islands in French Polynesia. Controlled feeding experiments revealed that island spiders can be killed following predation on H. coagulata. Spider mortality appeared to result from lethal intoxication, although no form of chemical defense has been reported in H. coagulata. In the two spider species tested, approximately half of all individuals that attacked H. coagulata nymphs or adults died. As populations of this insect increase in size and range on invaded islands in French Polynesia, H. coagulata will increasingly encounter these and other arthropod predators, raising the possibility of population-level impacts on susceptible predator species. Field surveys of island spiders across nine sites on H. coagulata-invaded and H. coagulata-uninvaded islands suggest that this insect may already have adversely impacted an endemic spider on at least one island. Work is needed to identify the nature of the lethal agent harbored within H. coagulata and the taxonomic and geographic breadth of predators vulnerable to it. The generality of H. coagulata-lethality and the capacity of afflicted predator species for population-level adaptation or learned avoidance in response to this spreading pest will determine the magnitude of the threat H. coagulata poses in the South Pacific

    Proteogenomic analyses indicate bacterial methylotrophy and archaeal heterotrophy are prevalent below the grass root zone.

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    Annually, half of all plant-derived carbon is added to soil where it is microbially respired to CO2. However, understanding of the microbiology of this process is limited because most culture-independent methods cannot link metabolic processes to the organisms present, and this link to causative agents is necessary to predict the results of perturbations on the system. We collected soil samples at two sub-root depths (10-20 cm and 30-40 cm) before and after a rainfall-driven nutrient perturbation event in a Northern California grassland that experiences a Mediterranean climate. From ten samples, we reconstructed 198 metagenome-assembled genomes that represent all major phylotypes. We also quantified 6,835 proteins and 175 metabolites and showed that after the rain event the concentrations of many sugars and amino acids approach zero at the base of the soil profile. Unexpectedly, the genomes of novel members of the Gemmatimonadetes and Candidate Phylum Rokubacteria phyla encode pathways for methylotrophy. We infer that these abundant organisms contribute substantially to carbon turnover in the soil, given that methylotrophy proteins were among the most abundant proteins in the proteome. Previously undescribed Bathyarchaeota and Thermoplasmatales archaea are abundant in deeper soil horizons and are inferred to contribute appreciably to aromatic amino acid degradation. Many of the other bacteria appear to breakdown other components of plant biomass, as evidenced by the prevalence of various sugar and amino acid transporters and corresponding hydrolyzing machinery in the proteome. Overall, our work provides organism-resolved insight into the spatial distribution of bacteria and archaea whose activities combine to degrade plant-derived organics, limiting the transport of methanol, amino acids and sugars into underlying weathered rock. The new insights into the soil carbon cycle during an intense period of carbon turnover, including biogeochemical roles to previously little known soil microbes, were made possible via the combination of metagenomics, proteomics, and metabolomics

    Ambient changes exceed treatment effects on plant species abundance in global change experiments

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    The responses of species to environmental changes will determine future community composition and ecosystem function. Many syntheses of global change experiments examine the magnitude of treatment effect sizes, but we lack an understanding of how plant responses to treatments compare to ongoing changes in the unmanipulated (ambient or background) system. We used a database of long-term global change studies manipulating CO2, nutrients, water, and temperature to answer three questions: (a) How do changes in plant species abundance in ambient plots relate to those in treated plots? (b) How does the magnitude of ambient change in species-level abundance over time relate to responsiveness to global change treatments? (c) Does the direction of species-level responses to global change treatments differ from the direction of ambient change? We estimated temporal trends in plant abundance for 791 plant species in ambient and treated plots across 16 long-term global change experiments yielding 2,116 experiment-species-treatment combinations. Surprisingly, for most species (57%) the magnitude of ambient change was greater than the magnitude of treatment effects. However, the direction of ambient change, whether a species was increasing or decreasing in abundance under ambient conditions, had no bearing on the direction of treatment effects. Although ambient communities are inherently dynamic, there is now widespread evidence that anthropogenic drivers are directionally altering plant communities in many ecosystems. Thus, global change treatment effects must be interpreted in the context of plant species trajectories that are likely driven by ongoing environmental changes