3 research outputs found

    An Investigation of Chlorine Ligands in Transition-Metal Complexes via 35Cl Solid-State NMR and Density Functional Theory Calculations

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    35Cl solid state NMR (SSNMR), in tandem with 35Cl NQR and density functional theory calculations, was used to characterize chlorine ligands in a series of transition-metal complexes exhibiting structural motifs common to organometallic catalysts. The differentiation of the various chlorine environments was possible, and insight into the origins of the 35Cl electric field gradient tensor parameters was provided. The applicability of 35Cl SSNMR to the study of surface supported transition-metal complexes was demonstrated, validating the use of this technique in the characterization of heterogeneous catalysts

    Computational Study and Molecular Orbital Analysis of NMR Shielding, Spin–Spin Coupling, and Electric Field Gradients of Azido Platinum Complexes

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    <sup>195</sup>Pt, <sup>14</sup>N, and <sup>15</sup>N NMR data for five azido (N<sub>3</sub><sup>–</sup>) complexes are studied using relativistic density functional theory (DFT). Good agreement with experiment is obtained for Pt and N chemical shifts as well as Pt–N <i>J</i>-coupling constants. Calculated <sup>14</sup>N electric field gradients (EFGs) reflect experimentally observed trends for the line broadening of azido <sup>14</sup>N NMR signals. A localized molecular orbital analysis of the nitrogen EFGs and chemical shifts is performed to explain some interesting trends seen experimentally and in the first-principles calculations: (i) <sup>14</sup>N NMR signals for the Pt-coordinating (N<sub>α</sub>) nuclei in the azido ligands are much broader than for the central (N<sub>ÎČ</sub>) or terminal (N<sub>Îł</sub>) atoms. The N<sub>ÎČ</sub> signals are particularly narrow; (ii) compared to N<sub>Îł</sub>, the N<sub>α</sub> nuclei are particularly strongly shielded; (iii) N<sub>ÎČ</sub> nuclei have much larger chemical shifts than N<sub>α</sub> and N<sub>Îł</sub> ; and (iv) The Pt–N<sub>α</sub> <i>J</i>-coupling constants are small in magnitude when considering the formal sp hybridization of N<sub>α</sub> . It is found that for N<sub>α</sub> a significant shielding reduction due to formation of the dative N<sub>α</sub>–Pt bond is counterbalanced by an increased shielding from spin–orbit (SO) coupling originating at Pt. Upon coordination, the strongly delocalized π system of free azide localizes somewhat on N<sub>ÎČ</sub> and N<sub>Îł</sub> . This effect, along with rehybridization at N<sub>α</sub> upon bond formation with Pt, is shown to cause a deshielding of N<sub>Îł</sub> relative to N<sub>α</sub> and a strong increase of the EFG at N<sub>α</sub> . The large 2p character of the azide σ bonds is responsible for the particularly high N<sub>ÎČ</sub> chemical shifts. The nitrogen s-character of the Pt–N<sub>α</sub> bond is low, which is the reason for the small <i>J</i>-coupling. Similar bonding situations are likely to be found in azide complexes with other transition metals

    An Investigation of Chlorine Ligands in Transition-Metal Complexes via <sup>35</sup>Cl Solid-State NMR and Density Functional Theory Calculations

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    Chlorine ligands in a variety of diamagnetic transition-metal (TM) complexes in common structural motifs were studied using <sup>35</sup>Cl solid-state NMR (SSNMR), and insight into the origin of the observed <sup>35</sup>Cl NMR parameters was gained through first-principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The WURST-CPMG pulse sequence and the variable-offset cumulative spectrum (VOCS) methods were used to acquire static <sup>35</sup>Cl SSNMR powder patterns at both standard (9.4 T) and ultrahigh (21.1 T) magnetic field strengths, with the latter affording higher signal-to-noise ratios (S/N) and reduced experimental times (i.e., <1 h). Analytical simulations were performed to extract the <sup>35</sup>Cl electric field gradient (EFG) tensor and chemical shift (CS) tensor parameters. It was found that the chlorine ligands in various bonding environments (i.e., bridging, terminal-axial, and terminal-equatorial) have drastically different <sup>35</sup>Cl EFG tensor parameters, suggesting that <sup>35</sup>Cl SSNMR is ideal for characterizing chlorine ligands in TM complexes. A detailed localized molecular orbital (LMO) analysis was completed for NbCl<sub>5</sub>. It was found that the contributions of individual molecular orbitals must be considered to fully explain the observed EFG parameters, thereby negating simple arguments based on comparison of bond lengths and angles. Finally, we discuss the application of <sup>35</sup>Cl SSNMR for the structural characterization of WCl<sub>6</sub> that has been grafted onto a silica support material. The resulting tungsten-chloride surface species is shown to be structurally distinct from the parent compound