68 research outputs found

    A Collaborative Model to Improve Farmers' Skill Level by Investments in an Uncertain Context

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    [EN] Some small farms are forced to waste a part of their harvests for not reaching the quality standards fixed by consumers. Meanwhile, modern retailers (MR) are interested in selling more quality products to increase their profits. MR could invest in a collaboration program so the small farmers could have access to better technologies and formation to increase the proportion of quality products. Unfortunately, the demand, the quantity of harvest, the proportion of harvest being of quality, and its increase with each investment are uncertain parameters. A fuzzy model considering these uncertainties is proposed to determine the investments that MR should made to maximize the profits of the supply chain in a collaboration context. A method to transform the fuzzy model into an equivalent crisp model and an interactive resolution method are applied.The first author acknowledges the partial support of the Programme of Formation of University Professors of the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport (FPU15/03595). The other authors acknowledge the partial support of Project 691249, "RUCAPS: Enhancing and implementing Knowledge based ICT solutions within high Risk and Uncertain Conditions for Agriculture Production Systems", funded by the EU under its funding scheme H2020-MCSA-RISE-2015.Esteso, A.; Alemany Díaz, MDM.; Ortiz Bas, Á.; Guyon, C. (2018). A Collaborative Model to Improve Farmers' Skill Level by Investments in an Uncertain Context. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 534:590-598. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-99127-6_51S590598534Zhao, G., Liu, S., Lopez, C.: A literature review on risk sources and resilience factors in agri-food supply chains. In: Camarinha-Matos, Luis M., Afsarmanesh, H., Fornasiero, R. (eds.) PRO-VE 2017. IFIP AICT, vol. 506, pp. 739–752. Springer, Cham (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-65151-4_66Esteso, A., Alemany, M.M.E., Ortiz, A.: Improving vegetables quality in small-scale farms through stakeholders collaboration. In: 12th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management (in Press)Sutopo, W., Hisjam, M., Yuniaristanto: An agri-food supply chain model to empower farmers for supplying deteriorated product to modern retailer. In: Yang, G.C., Ao, S.I., Huang, X., Castillo, O. (eds.) IAENG Transactions on Engineering Technologies. LNEE, vol 186, pp. 189–202. Springer, Dordrecht (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-5651-9_14Sutopo, W., Hisjam, M., Yuniaristanto, Kurniawan, B.: A goal programming approach for assessing the financial risk of corporate social responsibility programs in agri-food supply chain network. In: Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2013, pp. 732–736 (2013)Sutopo, W., Hisjam, M., Yuniaristanto: An agri-food supply chain model for cultivating the capabilities of farmers accessing market using social responsibility program. Int. Sch. Sci. Res. Innov. 5(11), 1588–1592 (2011)Sutopo, W., Hisjam, M., Yuniaristanto: An agri-food supply chain model to enhance the business skills of small-scale farmers using corporate social responsibility. Makara J. Technol. 16(1), 43–50 (2012)Sutopo, W., Hisjam, M., Yuniaristanto: Developing an agri-food supply chain application for determining the priority of CSR program to empower farmers as a qualified supplier of modern retailer. In: 2013 World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, pp. 1180–1184 (2013)Wahyudin, R.S., Hisjam, M., Yuniaristanto, Kurniawan, B.: An agri-food supply chain model for cultivating the capabilities of farmers in accessing capital using corporate social responsibility program. In: Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, pp. 877–882 (2015)Jiménez, M., Arenas, M., Bilbao, A., Rodríguez, M.V.: Linear programming with fuzzy parameters: an interactive method resolution. Eur. J. Oper. Res. 177, 1599–1609 (2007)Peidro, D., Mula, J., Jiménez, M., Botella, M.M.: A fuzzy linear programming based approach for tactical supply chain planning in an uncertainty environment. Eur. J. Oper. Res. 205, 65–80 (2010)Esteso, A., Alemany, M.M.E., Ortiz, A.: Conceptual framework for managing uncertainty in a collaborative agri-food supply chain context. In: Camarinha-Matos, Luis M., Afsarmanesh, H., Fornasiero, R. (eds.) PRO-VE 2017. IFIP AICT, vol. 506, pp. 715–724. Springer, Cham (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-65151-4_6

    Dampak Program Resitasi Terhadap Perubahan Konseptual Mahasiswa Pada Topik Hukum III Newton

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    Through this research the computer-assisted recitation program has been developed which is consisted of 9 multiple choice of conceptual questions and its feedback. This research purposed to investigate the effect of the recitation program to students' conceptual understanding and conceptual change about Newton third laws. Data retrieved with a pretes using multiple choice who given after kinematics learning (one and two-dimensional) and particle dynamics (Newton's laws of force and motion) and a postes was given after using the recitation program. The program used as offline by the student for a week. Subject of this study consisted of 35 students of the first year enrolled in introductory physics course at State University of Malang. The research found that students' conceptual understanding overall increased significantly with N-gain value is 0.31 and students' conceptual change was better because they have sound understanding and partial understanding increased, and they have misconceptions and no understanding decreased.Melalui penelitian ini telah dikembangkan program resitasi berbantuan komputer berisi 9 soal-soal konseptual dalam bentuk pilihan ganda beserta Balikan langsung. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menyelidiki dampak program tersebut terhadap penguasaan konsep dan Perubahan konsep mahasiswa mengenai hukum III Newton. Data diambil melalui pretes berupa tes pilihan ganda yang diberikan setelah pembahasan topik kinematika (satu dan dua dimensi) dan dinamika partikel (hukum-hukum Newton tentang gaya dan gerak) dan postes diberikan setelah menggunakan program resitasi. Program digunakan mahasiswa selama seminggu secara offline. Subjek penelitian terdiri atas 35 mahasiswa tahun pertama Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Negeri Malang yang sedang menempuh mata kuliah Fisika Dasar I. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa penguasaan konsep mahasiswa secara keseluruhan meningkat secara signifikan dengan nilai N-gain sebesar 0.31 dan Perubahan konsep mahasiswa semakin baik dengan meningkatnya jumlah mahasiswa yang memiliki pemahaman mantap dan pemahaman sebagian, serta berkurangnya jumlah mahasiswa yang mengalami miskonsepsi dan yang tidak paham

    Simulasi Model Dinamik Pengangkutan Crude Palm Oil (Cpo) Di PT. Xyz Untuk Meminimalkan Biaya Transportasi Pengadaan Bahan

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    Adanya krisis ekonomi di Eropa membuat harga komoditas Crude Palm Oil (CPO) menurun. Disisi lain, biaya operasi dari proses produksi CPO ini meningkat 9,8% karena biaya transportasi yang tinggi. Dipandang dari sistem kajian manajemen sistem rantai pasok, kerugian atas menurunnya harga ditambah dengan tingginya biaya transportasi akan semakin merugikan PT. XYZ. Dalam upaya menekan kerugian yang terjadi, meminimasikan biaya transportasi pengadaan bahan dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif solusinya. Kebijakan pada level strategis yang dapat dijadikan usulan, salah satunya dengan mengajukan alternatif moda transportasi dengan memperhatikan faktor kedinamisan dan ketidakpastian. Faktor-faktor tersebut dapat diimplementasikan dengan penerapan simulasi model dinamik. Hasil dari model dinamik yang diusulkan, penurunan biaya transportasi dicapai dengan pemilihan dan penentuan jumlah dari setiap alternatif moda transportasi yang diusulkan pada setiap level pada elemen sistem yang telah didefinisikan. Kata kunci : model dinamik, biaya transportasi, pengadaan crude palm oil Abstrct The economic crisis in Europe makes the price of commodities such as Crude palm Oil (CPO) declined. On the other hand, the operating cost of the CPO production increased 9.8% due to high transportation costs. From the point of view of supply chain management systems assessment, loss on declining prices coupled with the high transportation costs will be more detrimental to PT. XYZ. In an effort to reduce the loss, transportation cost of procurement cycle can be an alternative solution. The strategic level policy that can be proposed, is proposing an alternative mode of transportation were attentive to dynamics and uncertainty factors. The factors can be implemented by the application of dynamic simulation models. Results of the proposed dynamic model, reduced transportation costs achieved by the selection and determination of the amount of each proposed alternative transportation modes at each level of the system elements has been defined

    Pengembangan Sistem Diskon Untuk Pembeli Kain Dengan Mempertimbangkan Konsep Waktu Nilai Uang: Studi Kasus

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    XYZ Ltd. is a company which manufactures and sells textile gray fabric. Data from the last two years, the company has problems in fulfilling the demand of buyers and have experienced lost sales opportunities up to 9%. The problem can result in decreased customer confidence, even the company may lose buyers. The rapid development of the fashion business is expected to affect the volume of demand. The development of appropriate discount system based on the appropriate ordering time can encourage buyers to more quickly in an order so that the company can plan production well. In this study, the system has cultivated a discount through three steps, namely: identification of the factors considered by the buyer in making a decision ordering; discounts formulation that considers the time value of money, and standard operating procedures as a basis for implementing the company's discount system proposed. From the numerical example results. It can be shown that the proposed system can be used by company to encourage buyers to order early, the production plan can be developed more quickly, and the order fulfillment can be improved so that the supplier-buyer relationship can be enhanced

    Usulan Perbaikan Sistem Handling Cargodoring Di Pelabuhan Peti Kemas Untuk Meminimalkan Biaya Distribusi Logistik

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    Sistem handling pelabuhan peti kemas merupakan masalah krusial karena berkaitan dengan waktu, biaya, dan kepuasan konsumen. Sistem handling yang baik terlihat dari waktu melakukan bongkar muat. Apabila waktu yang dihabiskan relatif singkat, maka sistem handling tergolong baik. Tiga tahapan umum dalam sistem handling, yaitu (1) Stevedoring, (2) Cargodoring dan (3) Receiving. Dari keseluruhan tahapan tersebut, proses cargodoring merupakan proses yang paling banyak menghabiskan waktu bongkar muat, sehingga biaya logistik di Indonesia menjadi tinggi. Fokus penelitian untuk memberi solusi sistem handling cargodoring yang baik pada pelabuhan di Indonesia. Selain itu, akan dibahas pula pelabuhan logistik lain yakni Pelabuhan Fremantle, Australia sebagai pembanding agar diperoleh gambaran mengenai sistem handling cargodoring yang digunakan di sana. Metode benchmarking digunakan dalam pengambilan solusi perbaikan, serta kajian Container Management, Reverse Logistic, dan Layout Study untuk membantu menemukan solusi perbaikan. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa pelabuhan di Indonesia masih menggunakan head truck dalam proses cargodoring, sedangkan di Fremantle telah menggunakan kereta api, akibatnya waktu bongkar menjadi terlalu lama. Hasil penelitian ini adalah berupa gagasan perbaikan sistem handling cargodoring yakni dengan menggunakan kereta api seperti di Fremantle, tetapi dikembangkan menggunakan kereta semi otomatis tanpa kepala, yang memanfaatkan tenaga air laut dan sistem conveyor sebagai alat bantu pendorong peti kemas. Kata kunci: biaya distribusi logistik, cargodoring, peningkatan kinerja, pelabuhan peti kemas Handling system at the container port is a crucial issue because it is related to time, logistics cost, and customer satisfaction. A good handling system can be seen from its time for loading and unloading. If the process takes short time, then this handling system is quite good. There are three general phases in the handling system, named (1) Stevedoring, (2) Cargodoring, and (3) Receiving. Based on the whole of those phases, cargodoring is process that spends the most time for loading and unloading, causing logistic cost of Indonesia high. This paper is focussed on efforts to give solution for good cargodoring handling system at the ports in Indonesia. In addition, this study will discuss about other logistics port which is Fremantle port, Australia to obtain as an overview of cargodoring handling system used there. Benchmarking method is used in making solution for this improvement, moreover, about Container Management System, Reverse Logistic, and Layout Study to help more in finding those solutions. Based on analysis, it is known that ports in Indonesia are still using head truck in cargodoring process, while Fremantle port has been using railway. This is a reason why handling time becomes so long. The result of this paper is an idea to make cargodoring system better by using railway like in Fremantle, but it is developed by using semi-automatic train without head, by using sea water as fuel and using conveyor system as a tool for driving containers

    Strategi Submit ke Jurnal Internasional

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    Strategi Submit ke Jurnal Internasiona

    An Agri-food Supply Chain Model to Enhance the Business Skills of Small-scale Farmers Using Corporate Social Responsibility

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    In general, small-scale vegetable farmers experience problems in improving the safety and quality of vegetables for supplying high-class consumers in modern retailers. Farmer Group and/or Cooperative (FGC) should be able to assist its members to meet the relevant provisions of modern retail on product specifications, delivery terms, and internal business requirements. This study proposed an agri-food supply chain (ASC) model that involves the corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities to enhance the business skills of the FGC as supplier of modern retailer. Multi-objective optimization programming is developed to determine the amount and timing of supply, level of farmers training skills, quality improvement target, and the CSR total cost. The results show that the proposed model can be used to determine the priority of programs in order to empower farmers' groups as modern retail suppliers

    Pengembangan Model Game Theory Pada Skema Persediaan Penyangga Untuk Menjamin Ketersediaan Dan Kestabilan Harga Komoditas Gula Pasir

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    Indonesian society consumpts some staple commodities such as rice, sugar, and cooking oil. Staple commodities are from agricultural commodities. Staple commodities consumed by the people of Indonesia during the year in a very large number. Because the staple commodities required throughout the year, the availability of the staple commodities is very important for the people of Indonesia. Food security can be ensured by providing a buffer stock as an instrument for controlling the balance of supply and demand. Both producers, traders, and consumers are using their each strategy that corresponding to these interests. It required a mathematical approach that can analyze the decision-making process that involves two or more interests. In this study game theory will be used to analyze the decisions of relevant interests. The result shows that the model of game theory can describe the relationship between producer and consumer transactions in the buffer stock scheme. Moreover, game theory can describe some of the conditions in the buffer stock scheme through a strategy developed