232 research outputs found

    Analisis Hermeneutik Atas Pemikiran Yusuf Qardhawi Tentang Hadits-hadits Ekonomi

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    This article attempts to analyze Yusuf Qardhawi\u27s thought in his book -Sunnah Mashdaran li Al-Ma\u27rifah wa Al-Hadlarah especially about hadith of economy. This is a library research using descriptive-qualitative approach. In doing the analysis, hermeneutics is used as textual analysis method, to understand the thought of Yusuf Qardhawi. Linguistic and content analyses are useful. In his book, Yusuf Qardhawi explained his concepts on achievement of economic welfare and social justice for everyone. He rejected conventional system which aimed at collecting wealth and profit

    Scaffolding Pada Konflik Kognitif Dalam Pemecahan Masalah Matematika

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    Scaffolding is a help given for studentt in solving learning problem. It may be in the form of giving solution, example, and other action so that the student becomes autonomous. Scaffolding is useful help students to achieve higher competence in the cognitive conflict based teaching. In learning, cognitive conflict appears in various conditions such as naturally occurs when students are guessing, finding out that the hypothesis is wrong, and being provoked by the teachers and their classmates. Cognitive conflict is defined as conflict between cognitive structure and environment like experiment, demonstration, peer opinion, or a conflict between concept and cognitive structure

    Improving Students' Representational Skill and Generic Science Skill Using Representational Approach

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    : Improving Students' Representational Skill and Generic Science Skill Using Representa­tional Approach. This one group pretest-posttest research aimed to examine the effectiveness of represen­tational approach to improve students' representational and generic science skills through Selected Topics of School Physics course. The subjects consisted of 24 undergraduate students of physics education program of UM. The data were gathered using integrated Mechanics Baseline Test and rubric. Quantitative data analyses included t-test, Cohen's d-effect size, and normalized gain, whereas qualitative data analyses included coding, tabulating, and interpreting. This result indicated that this representational approach was consid­ered effective to achieve both learning outcomes

    Pengaruh Birokrasi, Intervensi Dan Dukungan Terhadap Kinerja Saluran Distribusi Studi Kasus Pada PT. Osram Indonesia Cabang Semarang

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    Distribution activities (place) are one main problem that a company has to face, beside of price, promotion and product (4p), so the market (society) can accept the product. Company must place its product on the right place, and it means: The nearer the product to the market, the easier the consumer to find and consume it. For that reason, the company must keep a good relationship with the distribution channels because of their role as an intermediary between companies to its customers in all area. We cannot imagine, how difficult a company would be if the company must distribute its product directly by itself in all places. The major concentration of the company to produce good product will be disturbed because its interest was divided between production and distribution. To keep this relationship, the company must aware to see its distributor as a partner (mutual advantage) so that they will find it convenience to distribute the company product. This research adopted result of previous research which have done by Boyle et al., (1995) where he found out that Bureaucracy and Support from company are convenience factors, it means: it has influence in increasing distributors performance. On the other hand, Intervention from company is an inconvenience factor and has negatif impact to distributor performance. The technique of the analysis is using Structural Equation Model (SEM) that is used to examine 3 (three) hypothesis that has been developed. The numbers of sample taken in this research are 100 respondents. The result of the examination shows the positif impact between Bureaucracy and Support toward Distribution Performance and the negatif impact of Intervention toward Distribution Performance

    Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Online Reservation Ticket Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan (Studi Kasus Pada PT Kereta Api Indonesia Daop 4 Semarang)

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    The background of this research is the accumulation of passengers at ticket counter atdeparture station that indicates a lack of interest in using online reservation ticketservice. This research aims to analyze and provide empirical evidence about the influenceof the four variables of quality electronic services are efficiency (X1), fulfillment (X2),system availability (X3), dan privacy (X4) to customer satisfaction users onlinereservation ticket of PT Kereta Api Indonesia Daop 4 Semarang.Data analysis techniques used in this research is multiple regression analysis. Thepopulation in this study was the passengers that uses the online reservation ticket in thePT Kereta Api Indonesia Daop 4 Semarang. The amount of sampels are 100 respondensand the sampling method is purposive sampling. The data was collected usingquestionnaires.The t test result show that only variables efficiency, fulfillment, and system availabilityhave a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction .while privacy variable notpositive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. The multiple linier regressionresult show that efficiency variable are independent variables that most influence on thecustomer satisfaction

    Pembelajaran Fisika Dengan Model Inkuiri Terbimbing Dan Inkuiri Bebas Termodifikasi Ditinjau Dari Kreativitas Dan Sikap Ilmiah Siswa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil penilaian pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan pada model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing dan inkuiri bebas termodifikasi ditinjau dari kreativitas dan sikap ilmiah serta interaksi-interaksinya terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen. Populasi penelitian adalah semua siswa kelas X MIA Semester Ganjil SMA Negeri 2 Karanganyar Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015. Sampel diambil dengan teknik random sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode tes untuk nilai pengetahuan, untuk kreativitas dan sikap ilmiah menggunakan angket, sedangkan untuk nilai sikap dan nilai keterampilan menggunakan pengamatan/observasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis variansi dengan desain faktorial 2x2x2 menggunakan program SPSS.Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan: (1) ada pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing dan model pembelajaran inkuiri bebas termodifikasi terhadap nilai pengetahuan, dan tidak adapengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing dan model pembelajaran inkuiri bebas termodifikasi terhadap nilai sikap dan nilai keterampilan siswa; (2) ada pengaruh kreativitas tinggi dan rendah dalam pembelajaran fisika terhadap nilai pengetahuan, nilai sikap, dan nilai keterampilan siswa; (3) tidak ada pengaruh antara sikap ilmiah tinggi dan rendah terhadap nilai pengetahuan dan nilai keterampilan tetapi ada pengaruh terhadap nilai sikap siswa; (4) ada interaksi antara model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing dan model pembelajaran inkuiri bebas termodifikasi dengan kreativitas terhadap nilai pengetahuan siswa dan tidak adainteraksi antara model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing dan model pembelajaran inkuiri bebas termodifikasi dengan kreativitas terhadap nilai sikap dan nilai keterampilan siswa; (5) tidak ada interaksi antara model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing dan model pembelajaran inkuiri bebas termodifikasi dengan sikap ilmiah terhadap nilai pengetahuan, nilai sikap, dan nilai keterampilan siswa; (6) tidak ada interaksi antara kreativitas dan sikap ilmiah terhadap nilai pengetahuan, nilai sikap, dan nilai keterampilan siswa; (7) tidak ada interaksi antara model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing dan model pembelajaran inkuiri bebas termodifikasi, kreativitas, dan sikap ilmiah terhadap nilai pengetahuan, nilai sikap, dan nilai keterampilan siswa

    Students' Understanding of Fundamental Concepts of Mechanical Wave

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    Contrast to force and motion concepts, students' difficulties related to physics concepts underlying mechanical wave propagation has getting less attention in physics education research. This study exposed common students' difficulties in solving conceptual problems related to mechanical wave propagation. Subject consisted of 128 first-year students in physics department of UM, enrolling the Introductory Physics II in 2013/2014 academic year. Data was gathered using two-tier, multiple choices test with Confidence Scale Rating. The study concluded that some fundamental concepts of wave such as general mathematical representation of wave propagation, motion of medium particles, and the relationship of v = λf, were not well understood by most students; even many students hold misconceptions. The study suggested further research to explore the causes of student's difficulties more outentically, for example, using think aloud or clinical interview methods.Kontras dengan topik gaya dan gerak, kesulitan siswa terkait konsep-konsep yang melandasi fenomena perambatan gelombang masih kurang mendapatkan perhatian para peneliti pendidikan fisika. Artikel ini mengangkat kesulitan umum yang dialami mahasiswa dalam memecahkan masalah konseptual terkait fenomena perambatan gelombang. Subjek penelitian terdiri atas 128 mahasiswa tahun pertama jurusan fisika UM yang mengikuti perkuliahan Fisika Dasar II tahun akademik 2013/2014. Analisis didasarkan pada jawaban mahasiswa terhadap soal pilihan ganda dan tingkat keyakinan mahasiswa terhadap ketepatan jawabannya. Penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa konsep-konsep fundamental yang meliputi representasi matematis tentang karakteristik umum gelombang berjalan, gerakan partikel medium saat dilewati gelombang, dan hubungan belum dipahami dengan baik oleh sebagian besar mahasiswa; bahkan banyak mahasiswa yang terindikasi mengalami miskonsepsi. Disarankan untuk dilakukan penelitian lanjutan untuk mengeksplorasi lebih dalam dan lebih otentik penyebab kesulitan tersebut, misalnya menggunakan teknik think aloud atau interview klinis

    Efektifitas Model Pembelajaran Dirrect Instruction Dengan Strategi Motivasi Arcs Pada Materi Graph

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    Graph materials contains declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge. In Graph subject included declarative knowledge is the graph terminology while those included procedural knowledge is how to determine the settlement of problems by using the algorithm methods associated with Graph. Dirrect instruction that relies on principles of behavioral and social learning theory, has been specifically designed to support students' learning processes associated with procedural knowledge and declarative knowledge is well structured and can be taught with the pattern of activity that gradually, step by step. ARSC motivation strategies (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction) is a strategy that can increase the motivation on learning materials and learning activities of students. Application of direct instruction model with ARCS motivational strategies is one solution to resolve the issue. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the aplication of direct istruction model using ARCS strategy on graph materials subject (1) the mastery learning is achieved, (2) students' learning activities are effective, (3) students' responses are positive, and (4) the effectiveness of model is reached. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. The subjects of this research are students who take Discrete Mathematics course in Educational Mathematics Program, Department of Educational Mathematics and Science, FKIP, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. The results is (1) mastery learning achieved, (2) learning activities are effective, (3) students' response considered positive, (4) the effectiveness of interactive learning on graph is achieved

    Heritabilitas Ukuran Tubuh Branti Hasil Persilangan Antara Itik (Anas Plathyrynchos) Dan Entog (Cairina Moschata) Umur 1-4 Minggu Di Kabupaten Brebes Jawa Tengah (Heritability of Body Size Branti Results Crosses Between Duck (Anas Plathyryncos) and Entog

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    .This study aims to determine the breeding selection process Branti result of a cross between duck and entog on traditional duck farms in Bradford district. The benefits to be gained from this research is the formation and selection process memperolehinBranti breeding patterns Traditional maintenance in Bradford district .The material used in this study are from a cross Brantientog ducks and male and female in Bradford district tail number 155 . Research conducted by purposive sampling method . Terms and determination was based on the largest population of ducks in the Bradford district and farmer group that has a duck and entog which produces Branti . Data collection was done by direct measurement . Parameters observed age ; Long Lists Wing/ humerus ( V1 ) , Upper Thigh length/femur (V2) , Long Thigh Bottom/Tibia (V3) , Long Body/Clacicl - pubis (V4) , Long Neck/Atlas - clavicle (V5) and Branti growth at a certain age is 1-4 weeks . Branti heritability of body size of males and females aged 1-4 weeks were the largest Long Firm/ Clacicl - pubis with value - average heritability Branti 1 week old males is 0.968 with the average - average body length of 9.01 cm , age 2 week with the average - average 0,972 and an average body length of 9.67 cm , age 3 weeks with the average - average 0.9815 and the average - average body length of 11.97 cm with a mean age of 4 weeks - average 0.9855 and average - average body length of 13.47 cm , while the females have Branti value - average heritability 0.9395 age 1 week and the average - average body length of 8.77 cm value - average heritability of 0.946 age of 2 weeks and average - average body length of 9.37 cm value - average heritability of 0.993 and the average age of 3 weeks - average body length of 11.67 cm value - average heritability of 0.994 and a mean age of 4 weeks - average body length of 13 , 17 cm . Based on the results of this study concluded that the highest heritability value lies in the length of the body / clacicl - pubis between duck and wild duck with Branti or ticktock