6 research outputs found

    Model Pembelajaran Berbasis E-learning Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Kompetensi Dan Profesionalisme Bendahara Pengeluaran Di Lingkungan Pemerintah Daerah

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    Law No. 1 of 2004 on State Treasury (UUPN) Article 10 of the Revenue and Treasurer Treasurer is Officer Functional Expenses. Functional consequences as officials responsible not only functions in accordance with their duties, but also personally. Thus Treasurer competency required to be able to behave and act professionally and proportionately in managing the Finance Country/Region. Unit in each district/city must have treasurer managed by one person spending. Management is defined as a Document Management Budget (DPA). That is, one DPA managed one person treasurer spending. Thus, the availability of legalized treasurer treasurer spending ahead of the official function requires a treasurer who meets the required standard of competence.This research is the development of a cross sectional study carried out by studying the subject and object of research in a given time period. What this research in local government/ municipal government Solo, Karanganyar, and DIY. Compliance efforts through training availability treasurer. Training model that has been implemented in the form of classical training and has not been effective because of time constraints. The definition of time is the time that must be provided by the participants and faculty. Training participants in order to follow the training assignment should leave your work at the agency main point of origin. The next obstacle when training participants return to the home institution undergo internal mutations that result are unable to implement the results of the training. This resulted in a vacancy occurs in any of the functional power of government agencies and on the other there is accumulation of functional staff. Based on these problems, it can be identified as follows: lack of preparation for the treasurer's competency competency-based spending, lower interest expense as a treasurer of career development as a civil servant, and has not used information technology as a learning tool for future expenditures treasurer. Through this research are expected to be realized a learning model for technology-based treasurer expenditure information through e-learning

    Acalculous Cholecystitis Prevalence on Abdominal Ultrasonography Examination of HIV/HCV Co-infection Patients in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital

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    Background: Acalculous cholecystitis is commonly found in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) compared to general population. Surprisingly, the signs and symptoms are unremarkable. On the other hand, HIV/hepatitis C virus (HCV) co-infection is a common finding. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether HCV infection has any influence to HIV patients concerning acalculous cholecystitis prevalence. Method: A cross-sectional study was performed in HIV/HCV patients who visited AIDS study group clinic at Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital during September 2008 to February 2009. The patients who met the criteria were examined physically and underwent abdominal ultrasonography. Routine blood count, alanine aminotranferase, aspartate aminotransferase, cluster of differentiation 4 (CD4) and serum albumin were recorded. Results: Of 63 patients underwent ultrasonography examination, we found acalculous cholecystitis in 33 patients (52.3%), cholelithiasis and cholecystitis in 2 patients, and 28 patients were considered normal. Patients with CD4 less than 200 cells, tend to have acalculous cholecystitis more than those who had CD4 more than 200 cells. Conclusion: The prevalence of acalculous cholecystitis among HIV/HCV co-infection is higher compared to those with HIV infection alone

    Pengaturan Suhu Destilator pada Proses Destilasi Bio-etanol Berbasis Kendali Proporsional Menggunakan Plc Omron Cpm2a

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    Temperature control is the most important thing in destilation process. This research has a purpose to create appliance assist that able to do temperature's monitoring and controlling function during destilation process. In this research, temperature's control was applied in bioetanol's destilation which uses Omron's PLC type CPM2a. Proportional control design used Ziegler-Nichols method. Proportional control is made based on delphi programming algorithm.Controlling program in delphi connected with destilation plant through PLC. PLC get temperature data from LM35 censor then delivered to controller program in delphi. Controller's data output will be sent through PLC to control heater power. Change of heater power will influence temperature of destilation plant. Stability of destilator temperature will be used to analysing system performance. The result of this research is the stable destilator temperature controller system between 78 until 80ºC. At the moment, oscilation still happened with steady state error below 3%. 1 litre of raw material can be destilated during one hour and can get about 100 ml etanol with rate 70%

    Chatbot Services at Educational Institutions with Customer Relationship Management

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    Online services at Educational Institutions are currently an essential means of interacting with customers both for promotion, academic services or various information on agency activities. The problem that occurs is limited service time that cannot be continuously online, outside working hours and customers who do not have time, to come to the institution to get various information. This study seeks to develop a solution to create a service interaction system that can provide answers automatically online, known as chatbot. The method developed in this chatbot uses text-based data mining that combines database work processes using Customer Relationship Management (CRM). The results of this study found that the relationship between customer interactions, institutions and chatbot applications were reviewed with CRM in the information service satisfaction level of 82% of the use of chatbot. Chatbot can help meet customer and institutional information needs

    The Effect of Corporate Governance on Bank Financial Performance: Evidence from the Arabian Peninsula

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