19 research outputs found

    Clinical Trials A Novel Dual Agonist of EP3 and FP Receptors for OAG and OHT: Safety, Pharmacokinetics, and Pharmacodynamics of ONO-9054 in Healthy Volunteers

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    PURPOSE. The use of a dual prostaglandin E3 (EP3) and prostaglandin F (FP) receptor agonist is a novel approach for the reduction of intraocular pressure (IOP) in open angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension and, as such, ONO-9054 may have benefits over existing therapies. The objectives of this phase I study were to assess the safety, tolerability, systemic pharmacokinetics (PK), and pharmacodynamics (PD) profiles of , the prodrug of ONO-AG-367, in healthy, normotensive adults. METHODS. In this randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled, single-dose escalating study, 48 male and female healthy volunteers each received a single drop of ONO-9054 0.3, 1.0, 3.0, 10.0, 20.0, or 30.0 lg/mL, or matching placebo in each eye. Blood samples of PK were taken up to 24 hours post dose; ocular and systemic safety, tolerability, and PD assessments were conducted up to approximately 72 hours post dose, and on day 7 at the follow-up visit. RESULTS. We found ONO-9054 was safe and well tolerated and ONO-AG-367 exhibited dosedependent systemic PK with rapid elimination. The effect of PD was assessed by reduction in IOP, with the maximum change from baseline in IOP in these normotensive individuals of À28.23% achieved at the 30.0 lg/mL dose at 9 hours post administration. CONCLUSIONS. A single dose of the novel EP3 and FP receptor agonist ONO-9054 was safe and well tolerated in healthy volunteers at doses between 0.3 and 30.0 lg/mL and resulted in a significant reduction in intraocular IOP with maximum reduction at 9 hours post dose. This supports further evaluation of ONO-9054 for the treatment of ocular hypertension and open angle glaucoma. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01508988.

    Tunneling Induced Dephasing And Pauli Blocking In InP Quantum Dots

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    We observed the tunneling induced dephasing and Pauli blocking in InP quantum dots (QDs). A highly-sensitive heterodyne-detected photon echo method enabled us to observe the signal from one layer of self-assembled InP QDs in charged or neutral condition controlled by the electric field. The photon echo signal decreased much with the increase of electron doping. The photon echo of neutral InP QDs under the electric field showed tunneling-induced dephasing, which decays non-exponentially reflecting the non-Markovian nature of the tunneling process

    Patritumab deruxtecan in HER2-negative breast cancer: part B results of the window-of-opportunity SOLTI-1805 TOT-HER3 trial and biological determinants of early response

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    Patritumab deruxtecan (HER3-DXd) exhibits promising efficacy in breast cancer, with its activity not directly correlated to baseline ERBB3/HER3 levels. This research investigates the genetic factors affecting HER3-DXd's response in women with early-stage hormone receptor-positive and HER2-negative (HR+/HER2-) breast cancer. In the SOLTI-1805 TOT-HER3 trial, a single HER3-DXd dose was administered to 98 patients across two parts: 78 patients received 6.4 mg/kg (Part A), and 44 received a lower 5.6 mg/kg dose (Part B). The CelTIL score, measuring tumor cellularity and infiltrating lymphocytes from baseline to day 21, was used to assess drug activity. Part A demonstrated increased CelTIL score after one dose of HER3-DXd. Here we report CelTIL score and safety for Part B. In addition, the exploratory analyses of part A involve a comprehensive study of gene expression, somatic mutations, copy-number segments, and DNA-based subtypes, while Part B focuses on validating gene expression. RNA analyses show significant correlations between CelTIL responses, high proliferation genes (e.g., CCNE1, MKI67), and low expression of luminal genes (e.g., NAT1, SLC39A6). DNA findings indicate that CelTIL response is significantly associated with TP53 mutations, proliferation, non-luminal signatures, and a distinct DNA-based subtype (DNADX cluster-3). Critically, low HER2DX ERBB2 mRNA, correlates with increased HER3-DXd activity, which is validated through in vivo patient-derived xenograft models. This study proposes chemosensitivity determinants, DNA-based subtype classification, and low ERBB2 expression as potential markers for HER3-DXd activity in HER2-negative breast cancer. Patritumab deruxtecan (HER3-DXd) is a promising therapy for breast cancer, targeting HER3. Here, the authors analyse the genomic factors that affect the response to HER3-DXd in patients with early-stage HER2-negative breast cancer as part of the SOLTI-1805 TOT-HER3 clinical trial and report outcomes for Part B of the trial using lower HER3-DXd dose in patients with HER2-negative breast cancer

    Pure Laparoscopic Left Hemihepatectomy for Hepatic Peribiliary Cysts with Biliary Intraepithelial Neoplasia

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    Introduction. Hepatic peribiliary cysts (HPCs) usually originate due to the cystic dilatation of the intrahepatic extramural peribiliary glands. We describe our rare experience of pure laparoscopic left hemihepatectomy (PLLH) in a patient with HPCs accompanied by a component of biliary intraepithelial neoplasia (BilIN). Case Presentation. A 65-year-old man was referred for further investigation of mild hepatic dysfunction. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography showed dilatation of the left-sided intrahepatic bile duct, and biliary cytology showed class III cells. The patient was highly suspected of having left side-dominated cholangiocarcinoma and underwent PLLH. Microscopic findings revealed multiple cystic dilatations of the extramural peribiliary glands; hence, this lesion was diagnosed as HPCs. The resected intrahepatic bile duct showed that the normal ductal lumen comprised low columnar epithelia; however, front formation on the BilIN was observed in some parts of the intrahepatic bile duct, indicating that the BilIN coexisted with HPCs. Conclusion. We chose surgical therapy for this patient owing to the presence of some features of biliary malignancy. We employed noble PLLH as a minimally invasive procedure for this patient