334 research outputs found

    Social Action of Conversion in Islamic Art: Study on the Larasmadya Art Form in the Sleman Geocultural Region

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    The research concerned here had the purpose of learning the rationality in the social action of conversion by the farmer communities supporting the Larasmadya art form in the Sleman geocultural region. The research was qualitative in approach. The research subjects were members of the farmer communities supporting the Larasmadya art who previously supporting the Slawatan Maulud art form. The research data were compiled by means of observations, interviews, and documentation. These data were analyzed through the phases of data collection, data reduction, data examination, and drawing the conclusion. Data validation was done by means of triangulation. The research results in relation with rationality in the social action of conversion by the communities supporting the Larasmadya art form in the Sleman geocultural region indicate the following. (1) The Larasmadya art form uses the text called Serat Wulang Reh. The text contains Javanese songs influenced by Islam. In addition, the text of the songs in the Larasmadya art form depicts the life of the farmer communities supporting the Larasmadya art form in the Sleman geocultural region. (2) The presence of the Larasmadya art form implies a process of making Islam native in the Sleman geocultural region

    Seni Tradisional dalam Arus Globalisasi Ekonomi

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    Tujuan semula seni tradisional diciptakan adalah untukmenghambakan did pada siklus kehidupan, serta-' memberikandaya keseimbangan kosmos yang spiritualistik. Realitasnya,seni tradisional digunakan untuk upacara ritual, persembahankepada Tuhan, dan keselamatan atau kesejahteraan masyarakat.Seni yang nonmaterialistik itu harus menghadapigelombang besar pada era sekarang ini, yaitu arus globalisasiekonomi. Akibatnya, seni tradisional dapat menjadi barangekonomis, barang industri, barang konsumsi, atau barangpraktis. Jika seni itu sudah materialistik, tentu intensitasnilai-nilai yang terkandung di dalamnya akan semakin pudar.Oleh karena itu, pengaruh globalisasi ekonomi yangmencemaskan masa depan prospek kehidupan seni tradisional.perlu diantisipasi secara teguh agar nilai-nilai luhur yangterdapat di dalamnya tidak luntur dimakan arus tersebut

    Tradisi Masyarakat sebagai Kekuatan Sinkretisme di Trucuk, Klaten

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    This study aims to prove that the societal tradition in in Trucuk alive and growing dynamically, because of the strength of syncretism. This research was conducted in rural areas Trucuk District, Klaten, Central Java. The time to conduct field studies began in March to October 2006. As a research subject, namely: farmer, caretaker shrine, the pilgrims, paranormal, dalang, arts reog elders, chairman slawatan, modin, lurah, Muhammadiyah activists, political elites, religious teachers, kyai, mubaligh, congregational recitation, and the priest mosque. Methods of data collection is participant observer, depth interviews, and study of documentation. This study uses an ethnographic approach. The results showed that the societal tradition who are still be regularly performed of rural communities is slametan. Slametan an intangible form of social activism traditional ceremony which was attended by a group of people from different social groups to come together, accompanied by a serving dish and prayed the Islamic way. In gathering together, all of them understand each other and can understand each other. The discrepancies in all respects to be thin and fixed on the formation of community integration or syncretism. The strength of syncretism make the societal tradition in Trucuk alive and growing dynamically. So, the theory mentions that syncretism is the attempt to unify the different sects (Mulder, 1992) proved in this stud

    Penilaian Karya Ilmiah Peer Review C-2

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    Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Mata Diklat Pengujian Bahan Bangunan Melalui Pembelajaran Model Pakemsiswa Kelas XI Teknik Konstruksi Batu Dan Beton SMKN 7 Semarang

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    Implementation of a learning activity in the education eye Testing of building materials and land (PBBT), Engineering Constructions of stone and concrete results and the response was achieved relatively less satisfactory Training participants. Based on the results of the evaluation of the learning activity report, showing the results of the Training participants dicapa an average of under 75 percent. Based on the results of observation and interviews with some of the students, obtained the conclusion that one of the causes of the low achievement of Training value, Training participants when PBBT are following learning, looks much less showed his full attention, because is sleepy and chatting.Work done in improving the outcome of learning students students between learning media tool likes, CD, LCD, modules and application of model PAKEM (active learning, creative, effective and fun) are expected to contribute significantly to improved learning achievement Training participants. As for the application of model learning outcomes with the value of the total percentage of PAKEM reached 80,1189% for aspects of PAKEM cycle 1 and 86,2500% in Cycle 2. Whereas for each of the aspects of PAKEM (Cycles 1 & amp; 2) indicated the following Active (77,38%, 81,49%), creative (79,28%, 84,87%), Effective (81,19%, 87,85%) and fun (82,67%, 89,76%)

    Penerapan Pendidikan Budi Pekerti Sebagai Pembentukan Karakter Siswa Di Sekolah: Sebuah Fenomena Dan Realitas

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    : This paper aims to view moral education to shape the character of the school students which is still in controversy. The development of the students' character is needed in moral education. The school education the students have experienced so far is still cognitive in nature. In order to achieve a maximum result of education, the students should have intellectual knowledge and moral education to build the nation's character. The implementation of moral education at school becomes very important to build the nation's character. However, the problem is that the moral education in Indonesia has only touched the introduction and the comprehension of its values. Besides, various phenomena such corruption, impolite culture, brawls and violations, and horizontal conflicts in the community are realities that must be dealt with so that schools in Indonesia implement moral education to build the students' characte

    Pendidikan Seni sebagai Basis Pendidikan Karakter Multikulturalis

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    Art Education as a Basis of Multicultural Character Education. Thisarticle discusses art education as a basis for multicultural character education inIndonesia. As a multicultural nation with a variety of cultural backgrounds,Indonesia has been faced with conflicts, violences, clashes, and riots resulting fromsuch differences. Education is deemed to be responsible for such problems and onecause of its failure to solve them is that it does not focus on character building.Character building is necessary in order for the students to appreciatemulticulturalism and it can be integrated into art education

    Reposisi Pendidikan Seni sebagai Sentra Pembentukan Insan Humanis

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    Reposisi Pendidikan Seni sebagai Sentra Pembentukan Insan Humanis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk pembelajaran seni dan mengetahui indikasi proses pembentukan insan humanis. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Jurusan Pendidikan Seni Tari, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam, dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan teknik deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa: (1) bentuk pembelajaran seni pada mata kuliah praktik tari terintegrasi dengan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan terdiri dari: (a) nilai estetika, (b) nilai sosial, dan (c) nilai moral. Melalui proses pembelajaran seni ini para mahasiswa dibawa langsung pada pencapaian tiga ranah, yaitu kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor; (2) indikasi proses pembentukan insan humanis terletak pada interaksi para mahasiswa di dalam/luar kelas dalam bentuk perilaku humanis, misalnya saling membantu dan bekerja sama dengan teman dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran. Penemuan pertama disebut proses hominisasi (pembentukan kemanusiaan) dan penemuan kedua disebut proses humanisasi (pengamalan kemanusiaan)
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