103 research outputs found

    Planetary Nebulae with Ultra-Violet Imaging Telescope (UVIT): Far Ultra-violet halo around the Bow Tie nebula (NGC 40)

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    Context. NGC 40 is a planetary nebula with diffuse X-ray emission, suggesting an interaction of the high speed wind from WC8 central star (CS) with the nebula. It shows strong Civ 1550 {\AA} emission that cannot be explained by thermal processes alone. We present here the first map of this nebula in C IV emission, using broad band filters on the UVIT. Aims. To map the hot C IV emitting gas and its correspondence with soft X-ray (0.3-8 keV) emitting regions, in order to study the shock interaction with the nebula and the ISM. This also illustrates the potential of UVIT for nebular studies. Methods. Morphological study of images of the nebula obtained at an angular resolution of about 1.3" in four UVIT filter bands that include C IV 1550 {\AA} and C II] 2326 {\AA} lines and UV continuum. Comparisons with X-ray, optical, and IR images from literature. Results. The C II] 2326 {\AA} images show the core of the nebula with two lobes on either side of CS similar to [N II]. The C IV emission in the core shows similar morphology and extant as that of diffuse X-ray emission concentrated in nebular condensations. A surprising UVIT discovery is the presence of a large faint FUV halo in FUV Filter with {\lambda}eff of 1608 {\AA}. The UV halo is not present in any other UV filter. FUV halo is most likely due to UV fluorescence emission from the Lyman bands of H2 molecules. Unlike the optical and IR halo, FUV halo trails predominantly towards south-east side of the nebular core, opposite to the CS's proper motion direction. Conclusions. Morphological similarity of C IV 1550 {\AA} and X-ray emission in the core suggests that it results mostly from interaction of strong CS wind with the nebula. The FUV halo in NGC 40 highlights the existence of H2 molecules extensively in the regions even beyond the optical and IR halos.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication as a letter in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Planetary Nebulae with UVIT II: Revelations from FUV vision of Butterfly Nebula NGC 6302

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    The high excitation planetary nebula, NGC 6302, has been imaged in two far-ultraviolet (FUV) filters, F169M (Sapphire; {\lambda}eff_{\rm eff}: 1608 {\AA}) and F172M (Silica; {\lambda}eff_{\rm eff}: 1717 {\AA}) and two NUV filters, N219M (B15; {\lambda}eff_{\rm eff}: 2196 {\AA}) and N279N (N2; {\lambda}eff_{\rm eff}: 2792 {\AA}) with the Ultra Violet Imaging Telescope (UVIT). The FUV F169M image shows faint emission lobes that extend to about 5 arcmin on either side of the central source. Faint orthogonal collimated jet-like structures are present on either side of the FUV lobes through the central source. These structures are not present in the two NUV filters nor in the FUV F172M filter. Optical and IR images of NGC 6302 show bright emission bipolar lobes in the east-west direction with a massive torus of molecular gas and dust seen as a dark lane in the north-south direction. The FUV lobes are much more extended and oriented at a position angle of 113{\deg}. They and the jet-like structures might be remnants of an earlier evolutionary phase, prior to the dramatic explosive event that triggered the Hubble type bipolar flows approximately 2200 years ago. The source of the FUV lobe and jet emission is not known, but is likely due to fluorescent emission from H2_2 molecules. The cause of the difference in orientation of optical and FUV lobes is not clear and, we speculate, could be related to two binary interactions.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Neutrino Spectroscopy of the Early Phase of Nearby Supernovae

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    Neutrinos emitted during stellar core collapse up to their trapping phase carry information about the stage from which the Supernova explosion process initiates. The dominant νe\nu_e emission mechanism is by electron capture on free protons and f-p shell nuclei and the spectrum of these neutrinos is a function of the ambient physical conditions within the core as well as the nuclear equation of state. The number of collapse phase νe\nu_e which can be detected by Super-Kamioka and Sudbury Neutrino Observatory from a Supernova within 1 kpc, and their generic energy spectra are given.Comment: 9 pages of text and tables plus 2 pages of figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett. on 11th Jul., 1997. Please e-mail Comments etc. to [email protected]

    Cetacean bycatch in Indian Ocean tuna gillnet fisheries

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    Pelagic gillnet (driftnet) fisheries account for some 34% of Indian Ocean tuna catches. We combined published results from 10 bycatch sampling programmes (1981−2016) in Australia, Sri Lanka, India and Pakistan to estimate bycatch rates for cetaceans across all Indian Ocean tuna gillnet fisheries. Estimated cetacean bycatch peaked at almost 100 000 ind. yr−1 during 2004−2006, but has declined by over 15% since then, despite an increase in tuna gillnet fishing effort. These fisheries caught an estimated cumulative total of 4.1 million small cetaceans between 1950 and 2018. These bycatch estimates take little or no account of cetaceans caught by gillnet but not landed, of delayed mortality or sub-lethal impacts on cetaceans (especially whales) that escape from gillnets, of mortality associated with ghost nets, of harpoon catches made from gillnetters, or of mortality from other tuna fisheries. Total cetacean mortality from Indian Ocean tuna fisheries may therefore be substantially higher than estimated here. Declining cetacean bycatch rates suggest that such levels of mortality are not sustainable. Indeed, mean small cetacean abundance may currently be 13% of pre-fishery levels. None of these estimates are precise, but they do demonstrate the likely order of magnitude of the issue. Countries with the largest current gillnet catches of tuna, and thus the ones likely to have the largest cetacean bycatch are (in order): Iran, Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Oman, Yemen, UAE and Tanzania. These 9 countries together may account for roughly 96% of all cetacean bycatch from tuna gillnet fisheries across the Indian Ocean

    Transport and Clinical Practice

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    This article summarises the transport and health agenda for health care practitioners who seek to understand how transport-related issues affect the well-being of their patients, and how disease and symptoms affects their patients’ ability to travel. It is a resource for general medical education; it may also be useful in specialist training and in the training of other health professionals, particularly nurses and therapists. There is a lack of awareness among many health care professionals of the health benefits of active travel, adverse consequences of car use, and the financial cost to health services in providing car parking spaces

    Cetacean bycatch in Indian Ocean tuna gillnet fisheries

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    Pelagic gillnet (driftnet) fisheries account for some 34% of Indian Ocean tuna catches. We combined published results from 10 bycatch sampling programmes (1981−2016) in Australia, Sri Lanka, India and Pakistan to estimate bycatch rates for cetaceans across all Indian Ocean tuna gillnet fisheries. Estimated cetacean bycatch peaked at almost 100 000 ind. yr−1 during 2004−2006, but has declined by over 15% since then, despite an increase in tuna gillnet fishing effort. These fisheries caught an estimated cumulative total of 4.1 million small cetaceans between 1950 and 2018. These bycatch estimates take little or no account of cetaceans caught by gillnet but not landed, of delayed mortality or sub-lethal impacts on cetaceans (especially whales) that escape from gillnets, of mortality associated with ghost nets, of harpoon catches made from gillnetters, or of mortality from other tuna fisheries. Total cetacean mortality from Indian Ocean tuna fisheries may therefore be substantially higher than estimated here. Declining cetacean bycatch rates suggest that such levels of mortality are not sustainable. Indeed, mean small cetacean abundance may currently be 13% of pre-fishery levels. None of these estimates are precise, but they do demonstrate the likely order of magnitude of the issue. Countries with the largest current gillnet catches of tuna, and thus the ones likely to have the largest cetacean bycatch are (in order): Iran, Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Oman, Yemen, UAE and Tanzania. These 9 countries together may account for roughly 96% of all cetacean bycatch from tuna gillnet fisheries across the Indian Ocean

    In-orbit Performance of UVIT on ASTROSAT

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    We present the in-orbit performance and the first results from the ultra-violet Imaging telescope (UVIT) on ASTROSAT. UVIT consists of two identical 38cm coaligned telescopes, one for the FUV channel (130-180nm) and the other for the NUV (200-300nm) and VIS (320-550nm) channels, with a field of view of 28 arcminarcmin. The FUV and the NUV detectors are operated in the high gain photon counting mode whereas the VIS detector is operated in the low gain integration mode. The FUV and NUV channels have filters and gratings, whereas the VIS channel has filters. The ASTROSAT was launched on 28th September 2015. The performance verification of UVIT was carried out after the opening of the UVIT doors on 30th November 2015, till the end of March 2016 within the allotted time of 50 days for calibration. All the on-board systems were found to be working satisfactorily. During the PV phase, the UVIT observed several calibration sources to characterise the instrument and a few objects to demonstrate the capability of the UVIT. The resolution of the UVIT was found to be about 1.4 - 1.7 arcsecarcsec in the FUV and NUV. The sensitivity in various filters were calibrated using standard stars (white dwarfs), to estimate the zero-point magnitudes as well as the flux conversion factor. The gratings were also calibrated to estimate their resolution as well as effective area. The sensitivity of the filters were found to be reduced up to 15\% with respect to the ground calibrations. The sensitivity variation is monitored on a monthly basis. UVIT is all set to roll out science results with its imaging capability with good resolution and large field of view, capability to sample the UV spectral region using different filters and capability to perform variability studies in the UV.Comment: 10 pages, To appear in SPIE conference proceedings, SPIE conference paper, 201

    Chandra's tryst with SN 1995N

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    We present the spectroscopic and imaging analysis of a type IIn supernova SN 1995N observed with the Chandra X-ray observatory on 2004 March 27. We compare the spectrum obtained from our Chandra observation with that of the previous observation with ASCA in 1998. We find the presence of Neon lines in the Chandra spectrum that were not reported in the ASCA observation. We see no evidence of Iron in both epochs. The observed absorption column depth indicates an extra component over and above the galactic absorption component and is possibly due to a cool dense shell between the reverse-shock and the contact discontinuity in the ejecta. The ASCA and the ROSAT observations suggested a non-linear behavior of the X-ray light curve. However, with the higher spatial resolution and sensitivity of Chandra, we separate out many nearby sources in the supernova field-of-view that had additionally contributed to the supernova flux due to the large Point Spread Function of the ASCA. Taking out the contribution of those nearby sources, we find that the light curves are consistent with a linear decline profile. We consider the light curve in the high energy band separately. We discuss our results in the context of models of nucleosynthesis and the interaction of the shock waves with the circumstellar medium in core collapse supernovae.Comment: 35 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    Gamow-Teller strength distributions for nuclei in pre-supernova stellar cores

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    Electron-capture and β\beta-decay of nuclei in the core of massive stars play an important role in the stages leading to a type II supernova explosion. Nuclei in the f-p shell are particularly important for these reactions in the post Silicon-burning stage of a presupernova star. In this paper, we characterise the energy distribution of the Gamow-Teller Giant Resonance (GTGR) for mid-fp-shell nuclei in terms of a few shape parameters, using data obtained from high energy, forward scattering (p,n) and (n,p) reactions. The energy of the GTGR centroid EGTE_{GT} is further generalised as function of nuclear properties like mass number, isospin and other shell model properties of the nucleus. Since a large fraction of the GT strength lies in the GTGR region, and the GTGR is accessible for weak transitions taking place at energies relevant to the cores of presupernova and collapsing stars, our results are relevant to the study of important ee^--capture and β\beta-decay rates of arbitrary, neutron-rich, f-p shell nuclei in stellar cores. Using the observed GTGR and Isobaric Analog States (IAS) energy systematics we compare the coupling coefficients in the Bohr-Mottelson two particle interaction Hamiltonian for different regions of the Isotope Table.Comment: Revtex, 28 pages +7 figures (PostScript Figures, uuencoded, filename: Sutfigs.uu). If you have difficulty printing the figures, please contact [email protected]. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C, Nov 01, 199