71 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kompetensi Menyusun Rpp melalui Bimbingan Berkelanjutan Guru SD

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    Generally, RPP is not in accordance with the standards and has not complied with the rules of preparation of the RPP. This happens due to the lack of ability of teachers to prepare lesson plans. Therefore, it needs continuous guidance conducted by the Principal in preparing the RPP and also to improve the ability of teachers. The method used is Action Research School with two (2) cycles. Data collection using observation, interviews, and questionnaires. At the initial conditions obtained average value of teachers' ability to grade 1, 2, 3 in preparing the RPP: 24.5, and Master Classes 4, 5, 6 in preparing the RPP: 22.7. In the first cycle obtained average value teachers' ability to Class 1, 2, 3 in preparing the RPP: 35.75 and Master Classes 4, 5, 6 in menyususn RPP: 35.66. In Cycle II obtained average value the ability of teachers 1, 2, 3 in preparing the RPP: 46, and the teacher 4, 5, 6 in preparing the RPP: 45.66

    Analisis Kemampuan Economic Value Added Dan Market Value Added Untuk Mengukur Kinerja Keuangan PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa, Tbk

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    The purpose of this study to analyze the financial performance of PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa, Tbk by Economic Value Added method and Market Value Added method. The research method used by the writer is descriptive quantitative. The results showed that the value of EVA and MVA PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa, Tbk has fluctuated and reached positive value during 2011-2014. EVA and MVA positively indicates that the company is able to generate economic value added and create wealth for shareholder

    Pengaruh Perputaran Persediaan, Perputaran Piutang Dan Pertumbuhan Penjualan Terhadap Laba Pada Perusahaan Farmasi Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2012-2014

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    This research aims to know the influence of rotation of the inventory, accounts receivable turnover and profit on sales growth against pharmaceutical companies. This testing is carried out using Eviews application Version 8.1. Analysis of the multiple linear regression was used. The results showed that the partial inventory turnover have a significant effect on earnings, receivables turnover no significant effect on earnings and sales growth has no significant effect on earnings.Simultaneously the results showed that the rotation of the inventory, accounts receivable turnover and sales growth effect significantly to profits. The magnitude of the coefficient of determination (adj. R2) is 0.850105. This means that a bound variable i.e. 85.01% profit can be explained by three free variables i.e. accounts receivable turnover, inventory turnover and sales growth. While the rest of 14.99% explained by other variables which are not entered into the model

    Studi Numerik Karakteristik Boundary Layer Turbulen pada Pelat Datar dengan Alur Melintang Tipe-D

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    Boundary layer akan terbentuk apabila aliran viscous melewati suatu kontur permukaan. Hal ini menyebabkan terjadinya gaya drag di kontur permukaan, oleh karena itu boundary layer yang terbentuk perlu dikontrol. Salah satu cara untuk mengkontrol boundary layer yang terbentuk adalah dengan memberi alur permukaan yang dilalui aliran. Pada penelitian ini, aliran yang dikaji adalah aliran boundary layer turbulen yang melintasi suatu pelat datar dengan alur melintang tipe-D. Alur tipe-D adalah tipe alur berbentuk persegi dengan kedalaman dan jarak antar alur yang sama, diletakan normal terhadap arah aliran. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara simulasi numerik. Terdapat 4 model yang disimulasikan yaitu pelat datar (smooth-wall), pelat beralur tipe-D ukuran 4mm, 10mm, dan 30mm . Bilangan Reynolds berdasarkan panjang pelat yaitu Rel = 2.16 x 106 dan kecepatan freestream pada inlet sebesar 10 m/s. Pemodelan numerik dilakukan menggunakan software Gambit 2.4.6 dan Fluent 6.3.26 dengan model 2ddp unsteady, viscous model standart k-epsilon. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, penambahan alur tipe-D berbagai ukuran meningkatkan koefisien drag total dibanding pelat datar (smooth-wall). Pressure-gradient yang terbentuk didalam alur berkontribusi pada peningkatan ini walaupun nilai koefisien skin-friction mengalami penurunan. Tidak hanya koefisien drag total, tapi nilai intensitas turbulensi juga mengalami peningkatan dibanding pelat datar (smooth-wall). Didalam alur juga terbentuk vortex yang berkontribusi dalam penurunan koefisien skin-friction. Dari ketiga ukuran alur yang berbeda, ditemukan ukuran alur tipe-D ukuran 4mm memiliki nilai koefisien drag total yang lebih rendah daripada lainya

    Peningkatan Minat Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Dengan Metode Pembelajaran Quiz Team ”Think Fast Do Best” Pada Materi Reaksi Oksidasi-reduksi Di Kelas X Man Model Singkawang

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    Learning has been done using the quiz team "think fast do best" for material Reaction of Oxidation Reduction in class X MAN Model Singkawang academic year 2011/2012. The main purpose of the creation method of quiz team "think fast do best" is to increase interest and student learning outcomes that previously could not be done with the lecture method. Learning quiz team method begins by dividing students into small groups. All members of the group together to learn the subject matter guided by the teacher, and then continued by discussing the worksheets to reinforce students' understanding. After finishing the discussion, held an academic competition in the form of a quiz. In practice, the quiz can be provided with a variety of simulation/games to reduce boredom in the classroom learning. Quiz team "think fast do best" methods was created as an alternative exciting quiz game that has many advantages, such as, can simultaneously determine students' progress, diagnose students' learning difficulties, enhance cooperation of students in learning, provide feedback, increased interest and motivation of students to learn better, and can instill character values in students. In addition, the results of observation and student questionnaire shown that the quiz team "think fast do best" method made to increase student interest and proven to help students to understand the subject matter, particularly the matter oxidation numbers, as demonstrated by the results of post-test and test formative (daily tests) where the majority of students get good value (above KKM set)

    Perbaikan Proses Fermentasi Biji Kakao Non Fermentasi dengan Penambahan Biakan Murni Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Lactobacillus Lactis dan Acetobacter Aceti

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    Sebagian besar biji kakao yang dihasilkan petani Indonesia merupakan kakao kering non-fermentasi yang kualitasnya masih dapat ditingkatkan dengan metode fermentasi, tetapi dibutuhkan optimasi agar fermentasi dapat berjalan dengan baik. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari pemberian biakan murni murni Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Lactobacillus lactis dan Acetobacter aceti pada fermentasi biji kakao kering jemur. Biji kakao kering jemur diperoleh dengan mengeringkan biji kakao basah (segar) dalam kabinet dryer, dan ditentukan kadar gula reduksinya. Percobaan fermentasi biji kakao kering jemur dilakukan dalam kotak fermentasi (p = 120 cm, l = 80 cm, t = 40 cm) yang diberi lubang aerasi berdiameter 1 cm dan jarak antar lubang 10 cm. Biji kakao difermentasi selama 6 hari dan tanpa dibalik selama fermentasi. Perlakuan dalam penelitian ini adalah A1 (tanpa penambahan biakan murni murni (kontrol)), A2 (pemberian biakan murni murni diawal fermenatasi), A3 (pemberian biakan murni murni secara bertahap selama fermentasi (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), setelah jam ke 24 diberikan Lactobacillus lactis dan setelah jam ke 48 diberikan Acetobacter aceti. Setiap perlakuan diulangi tiga kali dan diamati tiap dua hari sekali. Kadar gula reduksi, kadar etanol, kadar asam tertitrasi, populasi khamir, dan bakteri asam asetat dalam pulp/cairan fermentasi diamati selama proses fermentasi. Untuk mengetahui kualitas biji kakao kering jemur dilakukan pengukuran pH, indeks fermentasi dan uji belah pada biji kakao kering jemur setelah fermentasi

    Antibacterial Assessment Of Aloe Vera (Aloe Vera Chinensis Linn) Cortex Extract And Its Application AS Inhibitor For King Prawns (Macrobrachium Rosenbergii Linn) Spoilage During Storage At 5oc

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    Aloe vera (Aloe vera chinensis Linn) cortex contains antibacterial compounds such as aloe emodin andaloin, that have potency as natural preservative for foods. The objectives of the research were to determinethe minimum concentration of aloe vera cortex extract to inhibit bacterial growth, and the effects of soakingin the extract and storage at 5oC on the quality parameters of king prawns. The concentrations of extractwere varied i.e. 125, 250, 500 and 1000 μg/ml, respectively, and minimum concentration of extract forinhibition of Pseudomonas fluorescens was determined by Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC)method. Antibacterial compounds in the extract were analyzed by HPLC and TLC methods. TPC, TVB‐N,TMA, pH and organoleptic characteristics of soaked king prawns were evaluated. The results showed 500μg/ml aloe vera cortex extract was an optimum concentration, and soaking for 90 minutes was able toinhibit and to reduce one log cycle of bacteria population. Aloe vera cortex extracts contained 18.21 ppmaloe emodin and 15.5 mg/g aloin (1.55%). After 6 days storage at 5oC, therefore the king prawns was performedby TPC 3.9 x 105, TVB‐N 28,6, TMA 4.60 and pH 7.7. The best quality of king prawns was resultedby 60 minutes soaking with organoleptic score 7