8 research outputs found

    Critical Thinking in Literature Review Writing Section of Students Theses

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    This research was intended to describe the students critical thinking arguments and the writing organization in writing leliterature review section of their theses. To achieve this goal, the researcher used descriptive study as method of this research. The researcher involved eight theses from last two years (2012-2013) of English Education Study Program of Tanjungpura University by applying purposive sampling technique. In this case, the researcher focused on analyzing the literature review section of their theses. It is because the section could represent the students critical thinking skill, particularly, in making arguments to convey their ideas, insight, and thought. Besides, the researcher could detect their writing organization on it. Based on the research findings, the researcher found that the student writers could make arguments. However, they often failed to maintain elements of argument completely that consist of claim, reason, evidence, and conclusion. Some paragraphs were constructed without a reason, an evidence, or conclusion. Some others were even constructed without reason and evidence or without reason, evidence, and conclusion. In addition, the researcher found that the student writers had good concern on cohesiveness of their writing. The reseacher concluded that the student writers, in fact, were able to show their critical thinking arguments in literature review section of their theses. Therefore, the researcher recomended future student writers to show their critical thinking arguments in academic writing, particularly, thesis writing

    Teaching Writing Descriptive Texts Through Mind Mapping Collaborative Writing Techniques

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    This research aimed at improving students' ability in writing descriptive text through mind mapping collaborative writing technique. The data were taken from students of X B in SMA Nusantara Indah Sintang in the Academic Year 2016-2017. The finding showed that this technique could make the students enjoyed the writing activity and generated the students' motivation to get involved in the writing process. The students were happy worked collaboratively with other student; moreover, the students could share their difficulties among the activity. Mind mapping collaborative writing could help the students to improve their writing descriptive texts and motivate the students to be active in the writing activity. Mind mapping collaborative writing is suggested to use in teaching writing

    The Use of Socratic Seminar in Teaching Speaking on Hortatory Exposition Text

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    This research was conducted to the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Pontianak in academic year 2013/2014. The purposes are to know whether or not the use of Socratic Seminar technique effective in teaching speaking on hortatory exposition text and to know how significant the effectiveness of the use of Socratic Seminar is in improving students\u27 speaking on hortatory exposition text. A Quasi-experimental with non-equivalent control group design was used by the writer as the research method. Cluster sampling is the technique sampling and the samples of this research were class IPA 3 as the experimental group and class IPA 4 as the control group. The computation of t-test is higher than t-table, thereforethe alternative hypothesis is accepted. The effect size of the treatment was 0.99 and it was qualified as very strong. The results of this research arethe Socratic Seminar technique is effective andstrong effect toward students\u27 speaking achievement

    The Use of Schema Activation Strategy for Teaching Writing Recount Text

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    : The purpose of this research was to find out whether or not the schema activation strategy increase students\u27 writing skill of recount text on the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 8 Pontianak. The form of this research was a Pre-Experimental design by using single group pre-test and post-test design. The population of the research is the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 8 Pontianak consisted of 312 students. From the population, the sample class X MIA 4 is taken randomly with 39 students. The result of t-test obtains 6.03 that is bigger than t-table 1.6860. If the obtained t result is bigger (or equal to) the critical t-value, then the null hypothesis is rejected. It means that increasing the students\u27 skill in writing recount text through the use of schema activation indicates a significance different result between the pre-test and post-test. The use of schema activation strategy for teaching writing recount text succeeded in increasing students\u27 writing text. The students\u27 writing score was improved and students can write recount text well and enjoyed in learning English writing

    Developing Task-based English Teaching Materials For Business And Management Vocational High School

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    This study was conducted on three objectives. They include exploring the students' needs for English teaching materials for accounting, designing and writing needs-based materials, and evaluating the applicability of developed model of materials. This research was a developmental research. The subjects of this research were English teacher, Accounting teacher, and 28 students of Year-11 of Accounting department of SMK Filadelfia Pemangkat. Various records of needs assessment indicated that there was a high demand for materials of English for accounting. Moreover, a gap was found between the content of KTSP English syllabus with the students' needs. The findings on materials writing and implementation revealed that the materials' applicability is proven “excellent” according to the users' perspectives. The materials were considered helpful and relevant with the students' needs as it provided specific English materials and meaningful activities which connected the English classroom learning with the real world use of English for Accounting

    An Analysis On The Students\u27 Research Background Writing

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    This research discussed the requirements in the background of the students in writing the ideas (content). The researcher took the latest five year of the students\u27 thesis background writing as the sample; there were 25 samples be analyzed of the students\u27 thesis background writing of English Education Study Program of FKIP Untan year 2009/2010-2013/2014. The researcher applied the documentary research as the technique of data collecting and the method of this research was descriptive study. There four major points were analyzed on the students\u27 thesis background are the reason of choosing topic, the hope and fact, the other related theories, and the relevant information. As the results, the researcher found that there four samples were not conveyed completely about one of the four points in thesis background