316 research outputs found


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    Denopamine, which is an oral1y effective cardiotonic agent and a beta-1-receptor-selective agonist, reportedly prolongs the survival of the BIO 14.6 strain of cardiomyopathic Syrian hamsters(BIO). The latter is an animal model of human idiopathic cardiomyopathy. The purpose of the present experiment was to investigate the effects of denopamine on myocardial damage in BIO hamsters. They were divided into two groups: one that received denopamine treatment (1 mg/kg/day) from 2months of age, and a control (untreated) group. Morphological studies of the myocardium, assays for beta-adrenergic receptors, and measurements of myocardial adenylate cyclase (AC) activity and cAMP concentration were performed at 1,3, and 7months of age in al1 animals. It was observed that denopamine: 1) inhibited the progression of disease from the stage of hypertrophy to that of congestive failure that was demonstrated in the control BIO hamster, 2) inhibited the down-regulation of beta-1-adrenergic receptors in the myocardium of the control BIO hamsters at 7months of age, and 3) prevented an increase in myocardial AC activity and cAMP concentration that was seen in control BIO hamsters at 3months of age (stage of ealy hypertrophy). In conclusion, denopamine may prevent myocardial damage in BIO hamsters by inhibiting the down-regulation of beta-1-adrenergic receptors,thus preventing an increase in myocardial AC activity and cAMP concentration

    A Reconsideration of Dewey’s Learning Theory as Social Constructivism: From the Viewpoint of Language

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    The purpose of this paper is to clarify meanings of“ social construction of knowledge” in Dewey’s learning theory as a social constructivism from the viewpoint of language. A peculiar point of view concerning language in this paper is from Keizaburo Maruyama’s interpretation of Ferdinand de Saussure’s theory. Through the consideration, two points were clarified: 1) Dewey regarded language not langue as a grammatical system but based on langage as human’s symbolization competence. It caused Dewey’s ambiguous attitudes toward language; 2) The social construction of knowledge using “language as a tool” is a construction of experience through thinking and an expansion of experience through a circle of primary and secondary experiences with language. Three practical points were suggested: 1) The means for learning should be expanded; 2) A teacher’s attitude should be changed from the subjectbased to inter-subjects; 3) Making use of language as a tool (palore) is important. It is obvious that physical activities are essential for learning and an awareness of activities using language as a tool is critically important. Teachers as well as texts as a teaching material should support learner’s awareness of the world


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    What We Can Learn from the Practice of Steiner Education: Focusing on the Body and the Language in Education

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    In education, “body” and “language” tend to be captured in a divided and limited context. For example, the body is mainly dealt with in physical education, and the language limitedly within the learning of Japanese and foreign languages, with emphasizing the physical body, language system, and its rules only. They have, however, broader meanings and possibilities. The body is deeply related to emotions, thoughts, knowledge, and learning, and the language with its relevance to images and metaphors can be extended to the bodily dimension. To support this understanding of broader concepts of body and language, somaesthetics and the linguistic theory of Saussure can be considered as a theoretical background. In this sense, this study focuses on the practice of Steiner education. Even though there are raising concerns regarding its controversial “philosophy,” it is undeniable that the practices have excellent implications for contemporary education, especially regarding body and language. For example, Eurythmy in Steiner education reflects the meaning of the body extended to child development, rhythm, music, and language. In this manner, this paper focuses on the practices of Steiner education from the viewpoint of body and language. This study aims to explore the possibilities of “body” and “language” in education as seen in Steiner education practice, and based on this, proposes practical examples for the Japanese curriculum

    A Study of Social Constructivism as a Theoretical Basis of Cooperative Learning: A Focus on the Problem of Language

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    The practice of cooperative learning has already been popular in Japan. It is recently being criticized, however, that it is becoming a mere name without essential practices. A major cause of this problem would be an unclearness of the mechanism of cooperative learning. What is occurring when children cooperate with others? Why do children need relations with others in order to construct a knowledge? Th answer these questions, this paper tries to clarify the contents of social constructivism which is a theoretical basis of cooperative learning, with focusing on a problem of language. This paper consists of three parts: 1) the problem of 'What is language?" (section 4). The nature of language was summarized from the theory of Ferdinand de Saussure, which was interpreted by a Japanese linguistic philosopher MARUYAMA Keizaburo; 2) the problem of construction mechanism (section 5). The relationship between language and knowledge was considered through Maruyama's cultural theory; and 3) a consideration of the contents of learning theory of social constructivism with arguments in section 4 and 5 (section 6). The conclusion shows the points as follows: 1) we can understand that formation, creation and rectification of "the individual representation of Jangue' is learning; 2) a mixture of palore in cooperative learning transfigures the individual representation of Jangue, 3) we need a complex of multiple palore because language has a nature of arbitrariness; 4) therefore, the interaction between students in cooperative learning plays a role of a sense generation.本稿は、第76回日本教育学会(2017年8月26日 桜美林大学)での口頭発表に基づいている

    Pengaruh Fee Audit, Audit Tenure, Audit Delay dan Komite Audit Terhadap Kualitas Audit (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Transportasi, Infrastruktur dan Ultilities yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2014-2017)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh fee audit, audit tenure, audit delay, dan komite audit terhadap kualitas audit. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah semua perusahaan transportasi, infrastruktur dan ultilities yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama tahun 2014-2017. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Dengan sampel sebanyak 100 laporan tahunan yang diperoleh dari situs web resmi Bursa Efek Indonesia dari populasi sejumlah 25 perusahaan transportasi, infrastruktur dan ultilities yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji regresi logistik dengan bantuan program SPSS versi 23. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diketahui bahwa variabel fee audit, audit delay, audit tenure dan komite audit berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kualitas audit dengan menunjukkan nilai signifikan fee audit sebesar 0,029 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fee audit , audit delay, dan komite audit memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap kualitas audit. Kemudian untuk audit tenure tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kualitas audit

    Some philosophical issues relating to identity, personhood, ethics, knowledge, language, culture, and education

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    In this paper, I discuss some philosophical issues that fall within the intersection of analytic philosophy and education, arising out of my long-standing involvement in Philosophy for Children and Community of Inquiry. I begin with an important point of clarification over the concept of identity which has been appropriated by the social sciences and media to defend the idea that our identities are given by our affiliation with various "identity groups" (nations, religions, ethnicities, cultures...). I argue that this idea is confused and has led to the politicization of identity and support for a destructive "us and them" mentality. I reject both a "collectivist" and an "individualist" sense of what being a person means, in favor of a relational conception by each person sees her/himself as one among others. I then move to consider the ethical, epistemological, linguistic, cultural, educational and socio-political dimensions of this conception of personhood, and offer a brief defence of several theses, including: the Principle of Personal Worth (persons are morally superior to non-persons including so-called "identity groups"); persons are members of language communities that underpin our own subjective awareness; the skills and dispositions that constitute what I call "powerful thinking" depend upon internalizing overt forms of communication, most notably dialogue,' thus understood, the imperative to engage children in dialogue is universal rather than culturally-relative (a point of specific significance in "Confucian Heritage Countries" such as Japan); and powerful thinking and dialogue play a key role in a democratic society that is not dominated by "populist" forces