2,147 research outputs found

    Towards a physical interpretation for the Stephani Universes

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    A physicaly reasonable interpretation is provided for the perfect fluid, sphericaly symmetric, conformally flat ``Stephani Universes''. The free parameters of this class of exact solutions are determined so that the ideal gas relation p=nkTp=n k T is identicaly fulfiled, while the full equation of state of a classical monatomic ideal gas and a matter-radiation mixture holds up to a good approximation in a near dust, matter dominated regime. Only the models having spacelike slices with positive curvature admit a regular evolution domain that avoids an unphysical singularity. In the matter dominated regime these models are dynamicaly and observationaly indistinguishable from ``standard'' FLRW cosmology with a dust source.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX with revtex style, submitted to General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Evolution of radial profiles in regular Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi dust models

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    We undertake a comprehensive and rigorous analytic study of the evolution of radial profiles of covariant scalars in regular Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi dust models. We consider specifically the phenomenon of "profile inversions" in which an initial clump profile of density, spatial curvature or the expansion scalar, might evolve into a void profile (and vice versa). Previous work in the literature on models with density void profiles and/or allowing for density profile inversions is given full generalization, with some erroneous results corrected. We prove rigorously that if an evolution without shell crossings is assumed, then only the 'clump to void' inversion can occur in density profiles, and only in hyperbolic models or regions with negative spatial curvature. The profiles of spatial curvature follow similar patterns as those of the density, with 'clump to void' inversions only possible for hyperbolic models or regions. However, profiles of the expansion scalar are less restrictive, with profile inversions necessarily taking place in elliptic models. We also examine radial profiles in special LTB configurations: closed elliptic models, models with a simultaneous big bang singularity, as well as a locally collapsing elliptic region surrounded by an expanding hyperbolic background. The general analytic statements that we obtain allow for setting up the right initial conditions to construct fully regular LTB models with any specific qualitative requirements for the profiles of all scalars and their time evolution. The results presented can be very useful in guiding future numerical work on these models and in revising previous analytic work on all their applications.Comment: Final version to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravity. Readers eager to know the results and implications without having to go through the technical detail are recommended to go directly to the summary and discussion in the final section (section 11). Typos have been corrected and an important reference has been adde

    Exact inhomogeneous cosmologies whose source is a radiation-matter mixture with consistent thermodynamics

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    We derive a new class of exact solutions of Einstein's equations providing a physically plausible hydrodynamical description of cosmological matter in the radiative era (106K>T>103K10^6 K > T > 10^3 K), between nucleosynthesis and decoupling. The solutions are characterized by the Lema\^{\i}tre-Tolman -Bondi metric with a viscous fluid source, subjected to the following conditions: (a) the equilibrium state variables satisfy the equation of state of a mixture of an ultra-relativistic and a non-relativistic ideal gases, where the internal energy of the latter has been neglected, (b) the particle numbers of the mixture components are independently conserved, (c) the viscous stress is consistent with the transport equation and entropy balance law of Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics, with the coefficient of shear viscosity provided by Kinetic Theory for the `radiative gas' model. The fulfilment of (a), (b) and (c) restricts initial conditions in terms of an initial value function, Δi(s)\Delta_i^{(s)}, related to the average of spatial gradients of the fluctuations of photon entropy per baryon in the initial hypersurface. Constraints on the observed anisotropy of the microwave cosmic radiation and the condition that decoupling occurs at T=TD4×103T=T_{_D}\approx 4\times 10^3 K yield an estimated value: Δi(s)108|\Delta_i^{(s)}|\approx 10^{-8} which can be associated with a bound on promordial entropy fluctuations. The Jeans mass at decoupling is of the same order of magnitude as that of baryon dominated perturbation models (1016M\approx 10^{16} M_\odot)Comment: LaTeX with revtex (PRD macros). Contains 9 figures (ps). To be published in Physics Review

    Ideal gas sources for the Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi metrics

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    New exact solutions emerge by replacing the dust source of the Lem\^aitre-Tolman-Bondi metrics with a viscous fluid satisfying the monatomic gas equation of state. The solutions have a consistent thermodynamical interpretation. The most general transport equation of Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics is satisfied, with phenomenological coefficients bearing a close resemblance to those characterizing a non relativistic Maxwell-Bolzmann gas.Comment: 7 pages, Plain TeX with IOP macros, important corrections to previous version, 3 figures (to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravity, June 1998

    Psychosocial Variables as Prospective Predictors of Violent Events Among Adolescents

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    Violent events are main causes of mortality among children and include intentional (e.g., homicide) and unintentional (e.g., accidents) circumstances. This study investigated the prediction of the self-reported occurrence of 14 violent events among eighth-grade youth from psychosocial variables measured in these same youth in seventh grade. Psychosocial variables ineluded tobacco and alcohol use, demographic variables, interpersonal variables such as family conflict, and intrapersonal variables such as risk taking. An iterative procedure, involving selection of a set of predictors and a test of the correlation of the set of predictors to the set of events, provided support for an extension of problem behavior theory to violent events

    Identification of Which High Risk Youth Smoke Cigarettes Regularly

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    This study investigated which variables distinguish high school-aged adolescents who identify themselves as members of a high-risk group and, among them, those who report regular (weekly) vs. light levels of cigarette smoking. Youth who identified with a high-risk group were most likely to report problem-prone characteristics, such as a preference to take risks and smoke cigarettes. Yet, only half of them reported regular levels of smoking. Two variables delineated light smoking among these youth: not having a close friend who smoked and placing an importance on health as a value. Development of new tobacco-use prevention strategies to impart health values is suggested

    Weighed scalar averaging in LTB dust models, part I: statistical fluctuations and gravitational entropy

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    We introduce a weighed scalar average formalism ("q-average") for the study of the theoretical properties and the dynamics of spherically symmetric Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) dust models models. The "q-scalars" that emerge by applying the q-averages to the density, Hubble expansion and spatial curvature (which are common to FLRW models) are directly expressible in terms of curvature and kinematic invariants and identically satisfy FLRW evolution laws without the back-reaction terms that characterize Buchert's average. The local and non-local fluctuations and perturbations with respect to the q-average convey the effects of inhomogeneity through the ratio of curvature and kinematic invariants and the magnitude of radial gradients. All curvature and kinematic proper tensors that characterize the models are expressible as irreducible algebraic expansions on the metric and 4-velocity, whose coefficients are the q-scalars and their linear and quadratic local fluctuations. All invariant contractions of these tensors are quadratic fluctuations, whose q-averages are directly and exactly related to statistical correlation moments of the density and Hubble expansion scalar. We explore the application of this formalism to a definition of a gravitational entropy functional proposed by Hosoya et al (2004 Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 141302). We show that a positive entropy production follows from a negative correlation between fluctuations of the density and Hubble scalar, providing a brief outline on its fulfillment in various LTB models and regions. While the q-average formalism is specially suited for LTB and Szekeres models, it may provide a valuable theoretical insight on the properties of scalar averaging in inhomogeneous spacetimes in general.Comment: 27 pages in IOP format, 1 figure. Matches version accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Back-reaction and effective acceleration in generic LTB dust models

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    We provide a thorough examination of the conditions for the existence of back-reaction and an "effective" acceleration (in the context of Buchert's averaging formalism) in regular generic spherically symmetric Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) dust models. By considering arbitrary spherical comoving domains, we verify rigorously the fulfillment of these conditions expressed in terms of suitable scalar variables that are evaluated at the boundary of every domain. Effective deceleration necessarily occurs in all domains in: (a) the asymptotic radial range of models converging to a FLRW background, (b) the asymptotic time range of non-vacuum hyperbolic models, (c) LTB self-similar solutions and (d) near a simultaneous big bang. Accelerating domains are proven to exist in the following scenarios: (i) central vacuum regions, (ii) central (non-vacuum) density voids, (iii) the intermediate radial range of models converging to a FLRW background, (iv) the asymptotic radial range of models converging to a Minkowski vacuum and (v) domains near and/or intersecting a non-simultaneous big bang. All these scenarios occur in hyperbolic models with negative averaged and local spatial curvature, though scenarios (iv) and (v) are also possible in low density regions of a class of elliptic models in which local spatial curvature is negative but its average is positive. Rough numerical estimates between -0.003 and -0.5 were found for the effective deceleration parameter. While the existence of accelerating domains cannot be ruled out in models converging to an Einstein de Sitter background and in domains undergoing gravitational collapse, the conditions for this are very restrictive. The results obtained may provide important theoretical clues on the effects of back-reaction and averaging in more general non-spherical models.Comment: Final version accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravity. 47 pages in IOP LaTeX macros, 12 pdf figure

    One-Year Prospective Prediction of Violence Perpetration Among High Risk Youth from Personal and Social-Environmental Variables

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    Objective: Measures of drug use, law-abidance beliefs, sensation seeking, fear of victimization, high-risk group identification, self- protection needs and behaviors, and demographics were investigated as longitudinal predictors of violence perpetration among 870 high-risk adolescents. Method: Self-reports from the same youth were obtained 1-year apart. Results: In addition to baseline violence perpetration, marijuana use, relatively youn1 age, male sex, high-risk group self-identification, low perceived efficacy of the police department, and nonavoidance of dangerous places predicted later perpetrated violence. Conclusion: Personal and social factors beyond baseline violent behavior predict risk for future violent behavior

    High transonic speed transport aircraft study

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    An initial design study of high-transonic-speed transport aircraft has been completed. Five different design concepts were developed. These included fixed swept wing, variable-sweep wing, delta wing, double-fuselage yawed-wing, and single-fuselage yawed-wing aircraft. The boomless supersonic design objectives of range=5560 Km (3000 nmi), payload-18 143 kg (40 000lb), Mach=1.2, and FAR Part 36 aircraft noise levels were achieved by the single-fuselage yawed-wing configuration with a gross weight of 211 828 Kg (467 000 lb). A noise level of 15 EPNdB below FAR Part 36 requirements was obtained with a gross weight increase to 226 796 Kg (500 000 lb). Although wing aeroelastic divergence was a primary design consideration for the yawed-wing concepts, the graphite-epoxy wings of this study were designed by critical gust and maneuver loads rather than by divergence requirements. The transonic nacelle drag is shown to be very sensitive to the nacelle installation. A six-degree-of-freedom dynamic stability analysis indicated that the control coordination and stability augmentation system would require more development than for a symmetrical airplane but is entirely feasible. A three-phase development plan is recommended to establish the full potential of the yawed-wing concept