34 research outputs found

    Linking regional unconformities in the Barents Sea to compression-induced forebulge uplift at the Triassic-Jurassic transition

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    The Triassic-Jurassic transition marks an important change in the basin configuration of the Greater Barents Sea. A contiguous basin with km-thick sedimentary successions changed into a partitioned basin with uplift in the west and foreland basins in the east with significant implication for the basin infill history. Our study employs a range of different high-resolution datasets from a distal part of the basin which unravels the complex pattern of differential uplift and erosion in the basin during this period. We record for the first time distinct angular unconformities between Upper Triassic strata and overlying Lower Jurassic strata within the basin, showing that large parts of it formed topographic highs. Our study links these angular unconformities to compression induced by the Novaya Zemlya Fold and Thrust Belt. A heterolithic basement below a thick sedimentary succession where the fold belt developed created a complex uplift pattern in the basin, at the same time similar to but different from typical forebulge areas. Compression caused inversion of older basement rooted faults defining platforms and graben systems throughout western parts of the Barents Sea basin, in addition to salt remobilization that resulted in differential uplift and erosion. These local zones of uplift controlled the sediment distribution pattern to the basin at a time when the most important reservoir units in the basin were deposited. This new understanding of the basin development explains hitherto enigmatic sequence boundaries that has inspired complex paleogeographic models in the past.publishedVersio

    Linking an Early Triassic delta to antecedent topography: Source-to-sink study of the southwestern Barents Sea margin

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    Present-day catchments adjacent to sedimentary basins may preserve geomorphic elements that have been active through long intervals of time. Relicts of ancient catchments in present-day landscapes may be investigated using mass-balance models and can give important information about upland landscape evolution and reservoir distribution in adjacent basins. However, such methods are in their infancy and are often difficult to apply in deep-time settings due to later landscape modification. The southern Barents Sea margin of N Norway and NW Russia is ideal for investigating source-to-sink models, because it has been subject to minor tectonic activity since the Carboniferous, and large parts have eluded significant Quaternary glacial erosion. A zone close to the present-day coast has likely acted as the boundary between basin and catchments since the Carboniferous. Around the Permian-Triassic transition, a large delta system started to prograde from the same area as the present-day largest river in the area, the Tana River, which has long been interpreted to show features indicating that it was developed prior to present-day topography. We performed a source-to-sink study of this ancient system in order to investigate potential linkages between present-day geomorphology and ancient deposits. We investigated the sediment load of the ancient delta using well, core, two-dimensional and three-dimensional seismic data, and digital elevation models to investigate the geomorphology of the onshore catchment and surrounding areas. Our results imply that the present-day Tana catchment was formed close to the Permian-Triassic transition, and that the Triassic delta system has much better reservoir properties compared to the rest of Triassic basin infill. This implies that landscapes may indeed preserve catchment geometries for extended periods of time, and it demonstrates that source-to-sink techniques can be instrumental in predicting the extent and quality of subsurface reservoirs.publishedVersio

    Biologically active substances of new marjoram varieties and prospects for their use

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    Biologically active substances, essential oils, and plant extracts were studied obtained from new high-yield varieties of Origanum vulgare L. (Raduga, Belaya Ptitsa, Krymchanka) and Origanum tyttanthum Contsch. (Alcina) of the GSBSI “NBG – NSC RAS” breeding. It was found that the O. vulgare variety Belaya Ptitsa was distinguished by the content of essential oil, the main component of which was carvacrol. The maximum total content of phenolic substances and flavonoids was distinguished by an alcoholic extract from the O. tyttanthum variety. Neochlorogenic and rosemary acids, apigenin-6,8-di-C-glucoside, carvacrol, and thymol were identified in extracts of all the studied marjoram varieties. It is shown that the vegetable raw material O. vulgare cv “Belaya Ptica” is promising for the production of essential oil with a high content of carvacrol, and O. tyttanthum cv “ can serve as a raw source of rosemary acid

    Linking sediment supply variations and tectonic evolution in deep time, source-to-sink systems—The Triassic Greater Barents Sea Basin

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    Triassic strata in the Greater Barents Sea Basin are important records of geodynamic activity in the surrounding catchments and sediment transport in the Arctic basins. This study is the first attempt to investigate the evolution of these source areas through time. Our analysis of sediment budgets from subsurface data in the Greater Barents Sea Basin and application of the BQART approach to estimate catchment properties shows that (1) during the Lower Triassic, sediment supply was at its peak in the basin and comparable to that of the biggest modern-day river systems, which are supplied by tectonically active orogens; (2) the Middle Triassic sediment load was significantly lower but still comparable to that of the top 10 largest modern rivers; (3) during the Upper Triassic, sediment load increased again in the Carnian; and (4) there is a large mismatch (70%) between the modeled and estimated sediment load of the Carnian. These results are consistent with the Triassic Greater Barents Sea Basin succession being deposited under the influence of the largest volcanic event ever at the Permian-Triassic boundary (Siberian Traps) and concurrent with the climatic changes of the Carnian Pluvial Event and the final stages of the Northern Ural orogeny. They also provide a better understanding of geodynamic impacts on sedimentary systems and improve our knowledge of continental-scale sediment transport. Finally, the study demonstrates bypass of sediment from the Ural Mountains and West Siberia into the adjacent Arctic Sverdrup, Chukotka, and Alaska Basins in Late Carnian and Late Norian time.publishedVersio

    Legal aspect of social entrepreneurship

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    The article discusses the main issues of definition of social entrepreneurship, both from economic and legal point of view. Since Russian legislature is only at the beginning of the way to create legal framework for activities, legislation on social entrepreneurship seems fragmentary and inconsistent. All of that adversely affects development of social entrepreneurship. Official city statistics (Nizhnevartovsk) show that less than a third of all entrepreneurs are interested in this type of activity; entrepreneurs who already have business in the field of social entrepreneurship mostly do not plan to expand current activities in this area. Analysis can contribute to creation of developed socio-economic relations in Russia. It can be achieved by building effective relations between social entrepreneurs and beneficiaries on the one hand, and also between social entrepreneurs and the state on the other

    Новые лингвистические технологии в современном политическом дискурсе

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    In modern political discourse a lot of American politicians with the help of their speechwriters and political image makers use various linguistic technologies to reach their political goals through the process of persuasion or bargaining. Producing various texts of speeches, they include into them not only deep knowledge of the natural and social worlds (values, beliefs, assumptions) but also their knowledge of language whose power of influence is evident and very strong. Such technologies as the simplicity of speech (direct appeal to ordinary people), effective image-making strategies by visual and verbal language means, the creation of effective visual products of persuasion (political advertisements and cartoons) allow them to introduce socially important and culturally oriented concepts for the purpose of keeping their power and reinforcing their influence on public opinion..В современном политическом дискурсе американские политики при помощи ассистентов, пишущих для них речи, и политических имиджмейкеров используют различные лингвистические технологии для достижения своих политических целей при помощи убеждения и достижения взаимных договоренностей. Подготавливая различные тексты речей, они используют не только глубокие знания природы и социума (ценности, верования, обязательства), но и знания языка, сила влияния которого очевидна и очень значительна. Такие технологии, как простота речи (прямое обращение к простому народу), эффективные имиджмейкерские стратегии, подразумевающие использование визуальных и вербальных лингвистических средств, создание эффективных визуальных средств убеждения (политическая реклама и карикатуры) дают им возможность внедрять социально важные и культурно-ориентированные концепции с целью поддержания власти и усиления политического влияния

    Environmental Challenges of Postindustrial Economy

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    The responsibility of the modern industrial society for the growth of the global environmental crisis does not raise any doubts. It is also generally accepted that the solution of global environmental problems is associated with a change in the way of life of the population of developed countries, whose maintenance at a high level requires a steady growth of the economy, which until recently was ensured by the extensive use of natural resources. The functioning of such a model of economic production has led not only to the depletion of natural potential, but also to the production of a huge amount of waste. The need to increase economic growth reflects a universal setting for the industrial (and later the post-industrial) society on the growth of the material well-being of the population. The lifestyle formed on the basis of consumer culture enlightens the relationship between society and environment, stimulating economic development, because a market economy cannot develop without an increase in consumption. The society responds to the new needs by accelerating scientific and technological progress to the postindustrial level, which, in accordance with the dominant attitudes in the public consciousness, is perceived both as a foundation of material well-being and as a foundation for the conquest of nature