5 research outputs found

    Obesity as a significant risk factor for endometrial cancer

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    Background: Endometrial cancer is the most developed countries the most common invasive neoplasms of the female reproductive system. The most frequently mentioned risk factors, which are associated with the occurrence of endometrial cancer are obesity, infertility, high blood pressure, diabetes, liver disease, hormone-active tumors of the ovary, and the use of external estrogen.Methods: This paper deals with data of the patients treated for endometrial carcinoma in Public Hospitals in Travnik, gynecological department in the period from 01 January 2007 to 01 January 2013 the sample consisted of 90 women with endometrial carcinoma, with ages ranging from 42 to 90 years (mean of 64 years).Results: 65 cases (73%) were of endometrioid and 25 (27%) nonendometrioid carcinoma. Obesity is an important risk factor for endometrial carcinoma, in our sample of 90 patients most of the patients was obese, and this risk factor was statistically processed and presented. Endometrioid carcinoma had 16 (45%) patients with a BMI 30 kg / m2 had endometrioid carcinoma, and 16 patients (30%) had Non-endometrioid carcinoma.Conclusions: Obesity is the strongest risk factor for the development of endometrial cancer due to the mechanism of increased exposure to non-opposed estrogen. Consequently, the link between obesity and endometrial cancer is stronger in cases of tumor type 1, typical estrogen-dependent tumors

    Value of p53 and estrogen receptors immunohistochemical staining in endometrial carcinoma

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    Background: Since there are many articles dealing with estimating prognostic and diagnostic value of ER and p53, using different, usually complex ICH interpretation methods, we wanted to evaluate significance of p53 and ER ICH positivity in endometrial carcinoma, using easily applicable criteria that would help pathologists and clinicians to be sure in ICH findings noted in the report.Methods: This paper deals with data of the patients treated for endometrial carcinoma in Public Hospitals in Travnik, gynecological department in the period from 1st January 2013 to 1st January 2019. The study included 97 women with endometrial carcinoma, with ages ranging from 42 to 90 years (mean of 64 years). Sample consisted of 72 cases (74.2%) of endometrioid and 25 cases (25.8%) of non-endometrioid carcinoma.Results: p53 expression was observed in 13.8% carcinomas of the endometrioid type and in 68% carcinomas of non-endometrioid type, while estrogen receptors were more frequently observed in tumors of the endometrioid type (61%) in contrast to non-endometrioid type (28%). Among 72 cases, those with grade I expressed estrogen receptors (26 out of 34 cases - 72%) more frequently than those with grades II and III. Frequency of p53 positivity was significantly higher at higher grades (grade I - 5.8%, grade II - 11.5%, grade III - 71.4%). Stage I carcinomas showed p53 staining less frequently (22.2%) that carcinomas diagnosed at later stages (31.5%).Conclusions: Using 80% nuclei stained as threshold for p53 positivity, we concluded that p53 is marker of high-grade endometrial carcinomas: high grade endometrioid and non-endometrioid carcinomas. Using 1% of cells as threshold for ER positivity, we confirmed that ER are common in endometrioid type carcinoma, in contrast to non-endometrioid type. Although observed, higher frequency of ER in tumors with lower grade and stage was not statistically confirmed in our study population

    Role of hysteroscopic techniques in the treatment of female genital pathology

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    Background: Hysteroscopy is the process of viewing and operating in the endometrial cavity from a transcervical approach. A camera is commonly attached to the proximal end of the hysteroscope to broadcast the image onto a large video screen. The development of hysteroscopy is rooted in the work of Pantaleoni, who first reported uterine endoscopy in 1869. However, at that time, instrumentation was elementary, and expansion of the uterine cavity was insufficient. In 1925, Rubin first used CO2 to distend the uterus. The use of liquid distention media became routine by the 1980s, and many new hysteroscopic procedures, including endometrial ablation, were developed.Methods: This was a retrospective study which presents the results of hysteroscopic treatment of various gynecological diseases in Cantonal hospital Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period from 2011 to 2019. Total 175 cases were enrolled. All underwent hysteroscopic surgery in general anesthesia. The results were statistically analyzed.Results: Total number of patients is 175. The incidence is highest in the age 31-50 years (62%). Endometrial polyp is the most common pathological condition in 80%, myoma submucosum in 5,7%, and septum uteri 2,8%. The most common treatment was polypectomy 80%, then resection of submucosal myoma 5,7%, and extraction of IUD 4%.Conclusions: Hysteroscopy involves a minimal damage to body tissues. It is safer than open surgery. Hysteroscopic treatment has contributed to faster treatment, faster recovery and reducing the cost of treatment, and thus raise the level of efficiency

    Bullying: Where should the line be drawn? : - A study about how to prevent bullying in school-age educare

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    Antal sidor: 37 Syftet med studien Ă€r att skapa kunskap om hur fritidslĂ€rare beskriver det förebyggande arbetet mot mobbning i sina respektive verksamheter. FrĂ„gestĂ€llningarna Ă€r – Var gĂ„r grĂ€nsen mellan krĂ€nkande handlingarna och skoj, enligt fritidslĂ€rarna? Hur beskriver fritidslĂ€rarna det förebyggande arbetet mot mobbning pĂ„ fritidshemmen? Det sociokulturella perspektivet genomsyrar den kvalitativa studie dĂ€r fokusgrupper hölls för datakonstruktion. Resultatet visar att fritidslĂ€rarna hade liknande syn pĂ„ vad mobbning innebĂ€r. De var medvetna om att varje fritidslĂ€rare har olika grĂ€nser och att de reagerar olika beroende pĂ„ situation. FritidslĂ€rarna beskrev Ă€ven svĂ„righeten att uppmĂ€rksamma nĂ€r barnen skojar eller mobbas eftersom det inte syns pĂ„ ytan hos vissa barn. Detta gör det svĂ„rare för fritidslĂ€rarna att dra en grĂ€ns. Vid det förebyggande arbetet mot mobbning var relationsskapande mellan barn, vuxna och vĂ„rdnadshavare en viktig del av det arbetet. Vissa fritidslĂ€rare menade att trygghet och gemenskap i gruppen Ă€r en viktig faktor i det arbetet. Andra fritidslĂ€rare pĂ„pekade att det krĂ€vs regler, struktur, rutiner och ramar för att veta vad som gĂ€ller pĂ„ fritidshemmet. Dessa bör skapas med hjĂ€lp av barnen för att de ska kĂ€nna sig involverade.

    Obesity as a significant risk factor for endometrial cancer

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    Background: Endometrial cancer is the most developed countries the most common invasive neoplasms of the female reproductive system. The most frequently mentioned risk factors, which are associated with the occurrence of endometrial cancer are obesity, infertility, high blood pressure, diabetes, liver disease, hormone-active tumors of the ovary, and the use of external estrogen.Methods: This paper deals with data of the patients treated for endometrial carcinoma in Public Hospitals in Travnik, gynecological department in the period from 01 January 2007 to 01 January 2013 the sample consisted of 90 women with endometrial carcinoma, with ages ranging from 42 to 90 years (mean of 64 years).Results: 65 cases (73%) were of endometrioid and 25 (27%) nonendometrioid carcinoma. Obesity is an important risk factor for endometrial carcinoma, in our sample of 90 patients most of the patients was obese, and this risk factor was statistically processed and presented. Endometrioid carcinoma had 16 (45%) patients with a BMI <30 kg / m2, and the Non-endometrioid carcinoma had 20 (55%) patients. 38 (70%) patients with a BMI> 30 kg / m2 had endometrioid carcinoma, and 16 patients (30%) had Non-endometrioid carcinoma.Conclusions: Obesity is the strongest risk factor for the development of endometrial cancer due to the mechanism of increased exposure to non-opposed estrogen. Consequently, the link between obesity and endometrial cancer is stronger in cases of tumor type 1, typical estrogen-dependent tumors